The Ruddy Family Homepage

This page is dedicated to the descendants of
James and Ellen Ruddy

Since 1945, the year that Jim and Nellie Ruddy died, their eight adult children agreed to get together every year. With their parents no longer living, this family was concerned that they would drift apart if they did not make a point of all getting together. Little did they know that they would start a true family tradition. In 1997, the third generation -- Jim and Nellie's great grandchildren -- began hosting the Annual Ruddy Reunion. From Jim and Nellie's farm, Early Dawn, in northern New York state, their decendants have spread from Hawaii to Germany and number over one hundred.
If you are one of the Ruddy clan, please E-mail me with any comments, suggestions, corrections or news. I will do my best to keep this site updated with the latest happenings in the family. I would like to add as many family E-mail addresses as possible to help us all keep in touch.
Christa (LaClair) Musial (ID #7.3.1)
Number of visitors since February 3, 1998
Please sign our Guestbook.

The Ruddy Family History
Here's a very brief summary of the family history (and I'm not sure how accurate
-- corrections gladly accepted!). If anyone would like to write up a more detailed
account, I'd be happy to post that instead.
Michael Ruddy (b.1798, Ireland) immigrated to northen New York state from Ireland in the 1830's. He married Martha Lang (b.1804, Ireland). They bought a farm on the Grasse River. Their son John married Julia O'Brien. John & Julia were married at Early Dawn which was then owned by someone in Julia's family. John & Julia continued to work the original farm on the Grasse River. They had a number of children. One of the older sons took over the farm on the Grasse River. Their son Frank and his family moved to Early Dawn. Frank then left Early Dawn, and his brother James and his wife Ellen Brannen moved to Early Dawn with their family in 1918.
Some additional information:
- Ellen's parents: Peter Brannen (b.1803, Ireland) and Bridget Savage (b. 1831, Ireland); Bridget was Peter's second wife.
- Julia O'Brien's parents: John O'Brien (b.1805, Ireland) and Margaret? (b.1815, Ireland).

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The Latest Family News
- October 4, 2008 Congratulations to Rob & Amy on their marriage. Rob LaClair (7.3.2) and Amy Mayerson had a beautiful day for their wedding. Welcome to the family, Amy. Here's a photo of the happy couple.
- August 5, 2008 New baby announcement -- Jeremy Marcil & Micki McCarthy announce the birth of their son Logan Robert Marcil ( He was born at 2:39am, weighed 7lbs. 3oz., and was 20 in. long. Here's a photo of Logan.
- July 5, 2008 The 63rd Annual Reunion succeeded in dodging the rain this year. Although the morning started out wet, the rain stopped before Mass started and held off until after 5pm. This year 58 family members and guests attended the reunion in Lambertville, NJ. We began with Mass at St. John the Evangelist. Fr. John Peter Nyaga said Mass assisted by Dick Theisen as deacon and Tim Bone as altar server. Dick gave the sermon and the intentions specifically remembering Uncle Tom, Rosemary Steward and Mary Prior, Sue Greenwood's granddaughter. We had a smaller than usually crowd with the longer trek into PA/NJ, but those who made it enjoyed the scenic location along the Delaware River. After a delicious lunch of Philly cheesesteaks and the assorted dishes everyone brought, the big kids enjoyed tubing down the Delaware. The little kids had face painting by Liz Ruddy. The biggest kids (a.k.a. adults) played bocci and horseshoes. At the meeting we unveiled the new banner designed by Julia Rose and donated by Fay Ruddy in memory of Uncle Thomas. Everyone shared family news: Katie LaDuke and Rob LaClair are both getting married later this year. Meredith & Pat Connell and Chris & Jaime Thiesen are expecting new additions later this year. I am working on the pictures. Click here to see the work in progress. Next year's reunion is scheduled to be hosted by Bob Ruddy and Jim LaDuke clans. Kelly was the only representative of that crew in attendance.
- May 29, 2008 I have added this year's Reunion info. The non-Zag Mark Ruddys are in charge of the 63rd annual Reunion. I have added details to the Ruddy Reunion page. Here is the the letter that went out.
- March 3, 2008 More sad news. Rosemary Steward passed away. She will be sorely missed at the Reunions. I always counted on her as a good source of family history. Click here to see her obituary.
- January 20, 2008 Sad news today. Uncle Thomas passed away just a few months short of his 100th birthday. He is the last of the original Ruddy siblings who began the annual reunion. Click here for his obituary.
- October 9, 2007 Colline (Ruddy) Haussler (6.2.2) emailed me photos of her wedding which took place in Tubingen, Germany, on the same day as the reunion. I posted a couple photos here.
- July 7, 2007 I guess 7/7/07 wasn't a very lucky day for our Irish clan. The 62nd Annual Ruddy Reunion was awfully WET! Yet even in the rain, we had over 100 family members attend this year's Reunion in Lake Clear, NY. Luckily the rain waited until after Mass which was held in the park's amphitheater. Mass was said by Fr. Victor LaMore of Tupper Lake, and he was assisted by our family deacons, Bob Ruddy and Dick Theisen. Bob gave the sermon. The Zags selected a really great picnic site with a pavilion, a playground and a beach. The kids were not detered by the inclement weather. A handful of them ventured into the water even though the day was cold and rainy. Dan Greene and Rob Hawthorne managed to get a campfire going, and a bunch of the kids sat in front of it under an umbrella. The rest of us gathered in the pavilion and enjoyed catching up on the past year's events. Jazen Reuss-Zagrobelny had made an Irish-themed pinata which the kids helped paint then took turns whacking it to get the candy out. I think Zeb Zag delivered the final blow. Liz Ruddy again painted faces. My favorite "face" was Riley Connell -- see the photos! Next year's reunion will be hosted by the "non-Zag" Mark Ruddys: Christa & John Musial, Rob LaClair, Jared Ruddy, Julia & Chris Rose, Jason & Jennifer Ruddy, Jeremy Marcil, Paul Brachman and Joe & Sandra Ruddy (proxy for their kids!).
- July 7, 2007 Tom Ruddy emailed me that his daughter got married in Germany the same day as the Reunion. He promised to send pics.
- March 5, 2007 I know my dates are out of order here, but I wanted to be sure people saw this new baby announcement that I heard at the Reunion. By way of his sister Michelle, Pat & Leslie Ruddy announce the arrival of Kyra Marie Ruddy ( I'll post a photo if somebody emails me one.
- May 31, 2007 Better late than never -- I have added this year's Reunion info. The Zagrobelnys are in charge of the 62nd annual Reunion. I have added some basic details to the Ruddy Reunion page.
- May 24, 2007 New baby announcement -- Steve & Paula Zagrobelny announce the arrival of Erin Rae Zagrobenly ( She weighed 9lbs. 1oz. Here's a photo of Erin with her siblings.
- July 3, 2006 The 61st Annual Ruddy Reunion was held in Schenectady, NY. A total of 80 family members and guests attended the tradtional reunion hosted by the Thiesens: Dick & Joan, Kevin & Sharon, Kathleen & Chris Gardener, Partick &, Chris &. The day began with Mass at Our Lady of Fatima. The parish priest was assisted by Deacon Dick Thiesen. Everyone gave DIck compliments for his moving homily. After mass we moved to the parish hall for the picnic and games. As usual there was lots of tasty food, and everyone got caught up from the past year. We had a few babies making thier reunion debut: Devin Robert Connell ( The Ruddy Olympics and the kickball game were a big hit. The kids also enjoyed Liz Ruddy's face painting skills. We were also treated to some Irish step dancing by Margaret, Jack and Mary Zagrobelny.
Next year's reunion will be hosted by the Zagrobelnys: Jim & Phyllis, Mark & Jill, Teri & Tom Bone, Kate & Van Van Baron, Steve & Paula, and Mike & Michelle.
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