You are vistor number to visit my guestbook since November 22, 1997. Thank you very much!!
Donna - 11/07/00 04:28:07 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs Bunny | Comments: I just wanted to tell you, as I read your comments on the page dedicated to your mother, that I could feel your pain. January 8 of 1999 our mother passed away with only 4 days of illness and 1 year ago today our father passed on to Heaven. It is a comfort to know they are in Heaven, but oh, how we miss them. My heart goes out to you, don't wait too long before you retrieve her things. I know, for myself, I would be disappointed if my family didn't give my things to someone that would use them. Donna |
carley inns - 10/31/00 19:35:40 My | Comments: I give all my support to breast cancer campains. i study drama and had to play a character with breast cancer with i found quite upsetting and moving to do, but gave me a deeper understanding of this disease. God bless everybody who has died from this t rible disease and people fighting it be strong and have hope. |
Kevin Diehl - 10/01/00 22:38:39 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: road runner | Comments: I like the pumpkin story, I could read it all by myself. |
Brittni - 09/18/00 18:04:53 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs bunny | Comments: I am praying for all of you out there.. And God bless America |
Brittni - 09/18/00 18:03:14 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: bugsie | Comments: To all of yall out there I love you and god bless america |
joni - 06/12/00 02:14:10 My URL:/missjonio.start.html My | Comments: Great pages. love the music. |
Lisa Ann - 03/24/00 00:47:21 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz & Speedy | Comments:![]() |
micah - 03/06/00 18:32:17 My URL: | Comments: Great site, ENjoyed the visit!!! |
Leigh Brunelle - 02/27/00 06:20:05 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Speedy Gonzales | Comments: I come from a long line of women with breast cancer - including my mother who is a survivor. My daughter and I feel strongly about supporting breast cancer awareness. |
micah - 02/18/00 22:25:54 My URL: | Comments: great site |
brenda bard - 01/20/00 01:45:23 My Email:bardshadow | Comments: i want to thank you for a wonderful thing you are doing. my 17 and 14 year old daughters made the tribute to their grandmother on your web page. they loved her dearly, and are dealing very hard with her death. she was a wonderful mother-in-law. and we all loved her dearly.she suffered three long years with breast cancer and was a fighter. again thank you very much for this memory. |
joyce westbrook - 01/17/00 23:47:17 | Comments: |
Amy - 01/13/00 04:47:30 My | Comments: Just wanted to send my love and prayers |
Heather Ghomghani - 01/11/00 03:49:53 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz | Comments: Go get um girl! |
Carl Jennings - 12/25/99 02:28:29 My | Comments: Researching a Jesse Jennings, born in Henrico VA around 1750 |
Esther - 10/18/99 12:59:37 My Email:esop | Comments: |
ELIZABETH A. SPEED - 10/14/99 00:33:18 Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: TAZ | Comments: This is a really cool site. I am glad you got to be with your mom. She sounds like she was a really neat person and very special. Good luck! |
Diane Donald (nee) Hall - 08/24/99 03:46:47 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Donald Duck | Comments: Really enjoyed your site and will return again. I especially love the Wabash Cannon Ball. Funny, your playing that tune. My dad use to play the harmonica when he was alive and I remember when I was a kid, he play that one. Thanks for the sweet memories. |
Wendy - 08/06/99 03:00:20 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweedy Bird | Comments: Nice Site. Was just surfing and when I do that I like to see other Web Sites. We live in Lincoln, Placer County, California. |
Ann Neel - 06/27/99 20:14:35 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: genforum | Comments: Very very moving dedication... Made me cry. Your mother was a very strong and bautiful person. My wonderful sister Pat (53) has/had breast cancer (lumpectomy but with lump node involvement)also a separate lung cancer (not metast. from breast. 2 surgeries nd much chemo for these. And now she is now home recovering from a stem cell transplant that was done at UCLA Med Center the first part of June. I love her so much. Her poor body has had to go through such heavy chemo and now soon radiation. I HAVE to elieve she will survive all this! I wish your mom would have told someone early. My sister;s cancer was found on an ordinary mammogram. It's just so scary and so painful. Anyway.. your story just brought up all my feelings again. The very best to you Ann |
- 05/15/99 00:15:24 My | Comments: I sat and cried when I read your mom's page as it was so close to my own story. I wish you peace and hope that you enjoy your happy stories. |
Ron Hall - 03/07/99 05:24:54 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: E. Ky. Heritage Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz | Comments: LOST, looking for a John M. Hall believed to have served in the 64th Va. Inf., migrated to Johnson Co. Ky. Had children, only one known(Martin Hall). He is burried in Johnson Co. Ky. |
- 02/24/99 18:44:38 | Comments: |
Elf Red - 02/21/99 18:29:36 Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs | Comments: May this be ur very best birthday ever...I usually make a gift for the elves but time got away from me this time...May u live to be 101... Best regards, Elf Red |
douglas throm - 02/19/99 18:53:49 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: bugs bunny | Comments: peace be with you always |
Brother Michael Ingall - 02/19/99 18:11:48 My URL:/Heartland/4784 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Me | Comments: Greetings in the name of the first of many brethern,Jesus Christ. Hello to all. I have added some new things and another page.To view these go to the pages',"Fellowship Study","Godly Links",and "Testamonial"at this url: GOD IS LOVE AND LOVE CASTS OUT ALL FEAR. Brother Michael |
darkside - 01/16/99 19:59:38 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: yours or grandmas Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: roadrunner | Comments: hey to all of you who read this i was one of the family members that owned hoss and he died 4 days before my biirthday and two weeks before i could see him i loved him very much and it was hard to let him go when i had to move out of state.well i hope you enjoyed hosses page because he was th best d!@# dog i ever had! |
- 01/07/99 00:51:57 | Comments: |
old mom - 12/23/98 12:13:07 | Comments: Very nice story, My Mother also died ofCancer and I have several friends fighting now. I had cancer of the breast but because of mamagram I was lucky I would like to see more money for research and less for other countries lets save our own. |
Maxine Daly - 12/04/98 17:18:28 My URL: My | Comments: Am searching for McQuinn, Enyart, Hooton and Stephens in Virginia. Are these names familiar to you? |
Tazi - 11/28/98 19:04:34 My URL: | Comments: I took out most of the comments from the gentleman below as they took up too much space. I am a Christian, and very much enjoyed his words, and if you would like to read them for yourself, please click the link on the left. I thank him for sharing his j y in God. |
Brother Michael Ingall - 11/22/98 22:01:57 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Jesus Christ Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety Bird | Comments:Til we meet again loves'GOD be with you, Brother Michael Ingall ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><><>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< |
avneet - 11/07/98 12:39:52 My Email:don't know Your Favorite Geneology Link: ------ Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety pie | Comments: i thought that page was brilliant and i know how you feel because my cousin has got cancer in his leg and is going through chemotherepy at the moment and one of his nerves has been cut so he can't feel his foot but hopefully he is alright noow excellent page and i will come here very often |
Karen R. Hunt - 10/20/98 12:01:34 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Christies Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety | Comments: I loved the story about your mother! I too lost mine along with my Father at age 21. Just trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind and might and he will always be there for you. I have a picture on my wall at home of Jesus in the garden of Gethseman and on it it says. "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." I'm sure your mother is very proud of you! I know I am blessed to have had the opportunity to become acquainted with you! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Alida - 09/15/98 17:23:12 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety Bird | Comments: We will pray for you, brave little princess |
Alida - 09/15/98 07:40:09 My | Comments: You are brave! Continue fighting this disease!! |
Denise C. - 09/13/98 02:29:18 | Comments: Hi, Tazi! Visiting Charita & Sarah in Philly. Glad you finally got into your field--keep James out of trouble and off the phone! We appoint you president of the CF reunion committee....Hope to see you soon!! |
Charita - 09/13/98 02:24:04 Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs Bunny | Comments: Hi, Tazi! Greetings from Philadelphia! Your site is very interesting. Keep up the good work! Glad |
Linda - 08/21/98 14:21:06 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: not sure Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: can't decide | Comments: Just wanted you to know my prayers remain with you and yours. God bless you. Linda |
Linda - 08/21/98 02:15:25 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Marvin the Martian | Comments: Dear Missy, A friend of mine was diagnosed with uterin cancer, fortunately it was caught in time and they are treating her with lazer surgery. I am so glad that the two of you are beating this awful disease! Love, (((HUGS))) & God's Blessings, Linda |
June Simpson - 08/10/98 13:47:17 My | Comments: I had a R Radical mastetomy 3 Oct. 1994 and doing pretty good. Enjoyed the article about your MOM |
Cointreau - 07/14/98 00:31:23 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Marvin the Martian | Comments: Dear Tazi, I enjoyed my visit to your delightful site, and am touched by the obviously mutual love you've shared with your family. Best of luck with your research project, and LOTH (((hugs)))! |
Karen(kapitt) - 07/13/98 05:10:42 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs Bunny | Comments: I am following the Heartland Select WebRing. The page on your mother is beautiful. You see, we lost our first grandchild with a heart defect. He only live 3 1/2 weeks after having that shunt put in his heart. My heart goes out to you and your family. |
Resa Rivers - 07/12/98 00:34:06 My URL: My | Comments: The story on your Mom is wonderful. You write really well. I cried and laughed. She was a tiger. I have a Mother-in-law battling cancer on and off for 10 years. She just finished Chymo last September and due to a low blood count and giving her to muc blood in a short period of time she ended up in the hospital for 10 days and we thought we were going to loose her for about 48 hours. Just before Mother's day we found out she has another lump on her throat and is not a candidate for chymo again due to a week heart after her last battle. She is going to have the new Lym-1 treatment and they will start at the end of the month. So I have an idea of all you went through with your Mom. Great pages, I'll be back. Thanks! |
Sarah B. - 06/28/98 00:58:09 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Porky Pig | Comments: Just dropped by to say, Hi! Your page was terrific the first time I visited and it just keeps getting better!! |
wilma - 06/21/98 01:54:00 My Email:wakrek | Comments: Lovely words/thoughts, thank you for sharing. |
Debbie - 06/07/98 07:40:46 My | Comments: Love the page |
Ginny - 05/23/98 00:22:25 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Ginny's Genealogy Page Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Porky Pig | Comments: You have some might wonderful pages here. I had to say my favorite Genealogy Link was my page because I have spent so much time constructing it and I spend so much time there. I also have a page dedicated to my Mom who now resides in a Nursing home and one dedicated to my Dad who died in 1994. I loved your story on your Mom's Page and your music. You've done a great job. Ginny - Researching Barton, Beck, Buchele/Buechele, Co nelly, Halm, Hawks/Hawkes, Ireland, Layer, Wahl, Ziegler mostly in America and Germany. |
Johanne craig - 05/16/98 18:29:22 My URL: My | Comments: Very nice web site. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work. ![]() |
Elf Cathie - 04/27/98 22:53:33 | Comments: Just stopped in to say hello to a fellow Elf!! nice site, keep up the good work! ![]() |
Cathie - 04/27/98 22:47:09 Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Silvester | Comments: Just stopped in to say hello to a fellow Elf!! nice site, keep up the good work! ![]() |
Dori - 03/29/98 16:09:59 Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety | Comments: I love your page. Where do you get all the graphics. Mine is real simple and plain. I guess I'll learn. Nice visiting with you. |
F. Dyer - 03/28/98 00:44:42 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Scotland Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Elmer Fudd | Comments: Looking for Dyer's from Scotland. |
Pam - 03/23/98 01:13:37 My URL: My Email:AAtwims94 Your Favorite Geneology Link: KYGENWEB (http://www.usgenweb/ky Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweedy Bird (favorite all time "character" is Sesame Street Grover) | Comments: I very much enjoyed your page. I especially enjoyed your tribute to your mother. I lost my husband last May after 2 transplants surgeries, and as yet, have not been able to put into words what I am feeling. The closest I have come is to make a Valentin 's page for him. I am still learning how to put a web page together and spend the majority of my time losing myself on the graphic pages. I just love them. I would be very pleased if you would visit my website and give me your opinion -- even though I don't have a guest book |
Black-Lion - 03/06/98 03:19:52 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: ???? Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz | Comments: Kill the banjo music. Other than that the page is cool |
Nikki - 03/02/98 23:54:48 My URL:/Heartland/Plains/2541 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Cyndi's Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs Bunny | Comments: Great site. Love all that purple on your page. And the music is super. Could you share the secret of where you got those great banjo midi's? I got to your page by clicking on you GeoBanner. Stop by my place for some Fun Stuff. |
Ashley - 02/27/98 19:43:31 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Still looking for it | Comments: Great page! I'll be back later. Cheers! |
Amethyst - 02/21/98 11:29:42 My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243 My | Comments: Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday
Brat - 02/18/98 02:46:31 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: ?? Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Daffy | Comments: could spend dayas in here...just looking for people I might know the Loony Tunes & MIDI links were a welcome surprise |
Kevin - 02/16/98 13:39:31 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety | Comments: I have just started to tinker in geneology over the past few months. Some of your links are new to me. Thanks |
Shay Gosnell - 02/16/98 04:10:54 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: don't have one Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Road Runner | Comments: When I read your mom's story I really felt your pain!My mom has lost both breast due to cancer and I lost my 39 year old brother, grandmother ,an uncle ,an aunt and several cousins to cancer.I have had cancer of the cervix and a malonoma so I know how bad it can be.Thanks for sharing this with us! Love and hugs dear LOTH sis! Shay |
Liz - 02/16/98 01:19:25 My URL:/Nashville/5090 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: yours of course Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: tweety | Comments: Great page, I wanted to welcome you to our group of elves, read your name on the message board.... ![]() |
Cheryl - 02/15/98 02:25:08 My URL: My | Comments: You have a wonderful page here, thanks so much for the chance to stop by and visit you! |
Hal Maxey - 01/16/98 03:51:20 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: anything with genealogy or history | Comments: I've really enjoyed your shows a lot of care and I'll be back soon to look around...keep up the good work!! |
Tazi - 01/03/98 17:35:16 Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz! | Comments: Just testing to be sure all is OK... |
Janet Nicholas - 01/03/98 17:11:31 My URL: My | Comments: Very beautiful page. Thank you! You brightened my day. |
Georgia Herhold - 01/01/98 18:12:07 My | Comments: |
Cheyenne - 11/20/97 02:36:10 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Sylvester | Comments: What a precious gift you've given Missy by devoting your page to her. She is in my prayers. |
Leanne - 11/19/97 13:12:05 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz | Comments: Such a beautiful and touching Web page. It's so hard to lose those we love and you have a great strength, A beautiful dedication to your Mother...Leanne "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their Dreams" |
Kathy - 11/03/97 21:59:11 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Foghorn Leghorn | Comments: I loved your page and had a wonderful time here. I will return. May God Bless. ![]() |
Clumsy - 11/01/97 02:53:28 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tweety Bird | Comments: Your halloween page was great. I really enjoyed your story!!!! Hugs & God Bless You!! |
Pam Mullinax - 10/31/97 23:53:31 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: I love them all | Comments: Thanks for your pages dedicated to your Mother and to breast cancer. I am a 5-year breat cancer survivor, and I'm one of the lucky ones. I didn't know your Mother, but she was so lucky to have had you! I'm certain she smiles down on you to this day. |
Mary Reed - 10/21/97 00:12:00 My Your Favorite Geneology Link: VAGENWEB Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Wiley Coyote | Comments: I think you did an excellent job and I really enjoyed your story. I hope my grandkids come before you take it off the site. |
Tammy - 10/13/97 16:41:45 My URL: My | Comments: Hello and welcome to LOTH! Sorry I haven't visited before now but LOTH is growing so quickly! You have a great page! I can tell you put a lot of effort in it...keep up the great work and when you get a chance please take a moment and visit my page and ign my guestbook~! |
Carol - 10/13/97 04:43:22 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: This one Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: The Martian | Comments: This is a beautiful page. I have enjoyed my visit, and your story about your mom, not to mention your "other" mother was beautiful. I too have sat at the bedside of my dying mother and held her hand. And you are right, think they wait for you to leave efore they die. She died 2 years ago in the middle of the night, and I always felt sad and guilty for not being there with her. Keep up the great work here. Come visit me. |
Nancy Wright Bays - 10/10/97 02:38:04 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Letcher Co Ky Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Road Runner | Comments: Your whole page is great, but the page on your mother is best. My mother and I share a very special relationship. She's the greatest person I know. Our son has chronic pancreatitis. During an attack of pancreatitis they discovered he also had cancer. He h d surgery and radiation and the cancer is gone. Thank God! But the pancreatitis remains, no cure. We are a close family and it's wonderful to hear of others that also love so much. |
Paul - 10/05/97 20:53:05 My Email:you know what it is Your Favorite Geneology Link: The missing link :-) Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs Bunny | Comments: There. I have signed your guest book. Are you happy now? :-) Great page! ! ! |
Polly - 09/26/97 05:21:30 My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/7383 My | Comments: Hi! I really enjoyed visiting your page. I love your background. Keep up the good work. -Polly ![]()
Terry - 09/22/97 11:29:44 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Foghorn Leghorn | Comments: Lovely page! I was touched about your page dedicated to your mother. |
Patricia McMackin - 09/20/97 14:45:08 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Roadrunner | Comments: Very nice site. Very nice story about your mother. I am sure she knew you were with her at the end. I am glad to see that you are continuing with your mother's interest in genealogy. I am sure she is very proud of you. Pat |
Theresa aka sherry - 09/15/97 08:03:33 My URL: My | Comments: Very nice homepage you have here. Welcome to the Ladies of the Heart! Stop by our CyBerHome the door is always open. ~~LOTH hugs~~ |
Anita {Southern Lady} - 09/14/97 22:49:34 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs | Comments: Hi, Welcome to the Ladies of the Heart! You have a wonderful website too. God Bless, Anita {Southern Lady} |
Christine - 09/14/97 19:38:31 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Not sure yet Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Taz | Comments: Great links! Great fun! Great song! Good job. Thanks for the invitation! |
Debbie - 09/14/97 19:23:37 My URL: My | Comments: Welcome to LOTH Tazi!! You have a truly lovely web site. I was especially touched by your dedication page to your Mother. |
Katie - 09/14/97 19:14:05 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: Your's now:) Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Esmerelda | Comments: Very Pretty Page!! Come to mine and pick yourself up some gifts for LOTH Sisters..:) Katie |
Cyber Grandma - 09/14/97 18:02:23 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner | Comments: Hi..Just wanted to stop in and welcome you to LOTH. You have a truly wonderful web site. And you are so right it is hard to type with tears in your eyes. I was very moved by your mothers story, she sounds like such she was a wonderful and caring lady. Hugs Your sister at LOTH..Cyber Grandma |
Barbara - 09/14/97 16:01:36 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: n/a Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Wile E Coyote (?) | Comments: What a great job on your pages! What a grand tribute to your mom - she sounds like one terrific lady. I'm sure she is beaming as she looks over your shoulder at what you are accomplishing in honor of her memory! Blessings, Barbara |
Tonya - 09/14/97 15:02:06 My URL: My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Bugs & Taz | Comments: Hey Tazi! Just thought I'd drop by and welcome ya to LOTH! I love your pages, it's great to see such a warm, caring, family-based site :) Take care, see ya on the board! |
Diane - 09/14/97 14:55:40 My URL: My | Comments: What a truly wonderful page! I love the memorial to your can see all of the love and memories there. God bless you! |
Theresa - 09/04/97 03:50:55 My URL: My Your Favorite Geneology Link: don't know any Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: Tazmanian Devil | Comments: I haven't seen all your site yet but I wanted to write you while I'm still crying! :-) My mother too was diagnosed with breast cancer; just this year. Luckily she caught hers early and she is cancer-free now according to the doctors. I feel very blessed t have her well but it scared the daylights out of me when she told me she was having surgery - the next day no less! I was at a meeting for my job and was 7 hours away. My family is very lucky and we know it but it really wakes you up. Bless you for shari g your story and the memories of your mother with the rest of us. |
Barbara Keys - 08/17/97 00:49:49 My URL: My | Comments: I really enjoyed your page. You have some great graphics and music. I am going to check out some of your links. Everything looks awesome! |
Son - 08/13/97 23:30:34 My URL: My | Comments: This is one cool page...keep up the good work. |
grandma - 08/03/97 21:19:23 | Comments: i just came in, and am starting to look around. love u. |
Jim Bunch - 07/27/97 03:42:03 My Your Favorite Looney Tunes Character: bugs bunny | Comments: Tami, your first home page is great and interesting and it doesn't clog the internet with graphics like some others (jimmys fav lonney tune is: marvin the martian) |
- 07/26/97 21:39:47 | Comments: |