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Welcome to the Fenton-Loftus family homepage!  The main purpose of this site is to share information relating to my genealogy & family history.  My parents, John Joseph Fenton, Jr. & Maureen Ellen Loftus have been married for over 40 years and have spent their entire lives living in Philadelphia.  Together with their children and grandchildren they form the Fenton-Loftus family.

  The roots of Maureen's family reach across the Atlantic.  Both of her maternal grandparents and one set of paternal great-grandparents, came to this country from Ireland in search of freedom and opportunity.  Having grow to adulthood under her grandparents roof, she has known a life rich in the traditions of the old country.

  John too comes from a family with strong traditions.  He grew up in the same Warnock Street house that had once belonged to his maternal great-grandparents, the Roddys, themselves nineteenth century immigrants from Ireland.  As a young boy he was exceptionally close to his maternal grandfather, "Grand-pop Wilson."  That was a relationship that he is now reliving with his own grandchildren.  The Wilson line has a colorful history with both of Grand-pop Wilson's grandfathers having been veterans of the Civil War.  The Fenton line finds its roots running even deeper into America's past.  Major John Fenton, John's 4th great-grandfather, served with the Bucks county militia during the Revolutionary War.  The Major's wife, Sarah Cawley, John's 4th great grandmother, was herself a direct descendant of Stephen Deane, who came to the Plymouth Colony in 1621, aboard The Fortune

We hope you've found our site interesting, if not useful.  Please keep in mind that we're still in the process of putting this thing together.  It is, very much, a work in progress.  Feel free to contact us with your comments & suggestions.  Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated!

This site was last updated on July 12, 2006.


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