I wanted to put out a web page. I wasn't entirely clear why I wanted to,
but I knew that I did. HTML is fun to fiddle with, graphics are fun to play with, but
at first I didn't have a clue what I actually wanted to put on the page.
So I started looking at other people's home pages,
I looked at books on coding HTML that also gave advice on what to put on one's page,
(and what not to put), and I looked at some sites like
Web Pages That Suck and
Mirsky's Worst of the Web,
and gleaned various pieces of advice, such as:
1. Don't put "Welcome to My Page" on your page.
One of the books I looked at on how to code HTML
said "Don't put 'Welcome to my page' on your page", because
people already know they're welcome, so I tried
to think how to start this without putting that on first, and really,
it seems sort of stark without some kind of greeting.
So my second idea was just to say "Here's the page", as an homage to my seven-year-old son, who has
started saying "Bon appetit" at mealtimes, and I discovered that he thought it
meant "Here's the food." I'm not sure what the HTML books would say about that either, though. |
2. Don't ramble.
Well, I've already broken that rule. |
3. Don't put your family's photographs on your page - nobody else is interested in them.
Well, I've found, actually, that I frequently look at other people's pictures, and if people
don't want to look at mine, they don't have to.
4. Don't put nude pictures on your page.
Sigh, all right, I won't. (Actually, I wasn't planning to, anyway,
as this was not intended to be that kind of page,
and my page site provider appears to frown on them, anyway (and
especially in the family neighborhood)). |
5. Try not to make your text
almost the same color as your background, even if you've found a color that
you really, really like, like this one. (It's teal! - my favorite.) |
6. (Here's a rule I didn't get from anywhere else - I just made it up.) Don't not put your name anywhere on your page (unless, of course, you don't want anyone to know what it is, but I don't (not want that, that is.)) (Is that clear?) Anyway, it's Susan (my name, that is). |