H.A.A.S. is a not-for-profit Missouri Corporation, founded in 1950

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"The purpose of the society shall be to promote fellowship and to further knowledge among fanciers of aquarium fishes...and to promote the development
of the aquarium hobby."
First Thursday of each month, at 7:30 pm. Synergy Center,400 E. 6th St. Park College campus Parkville, Missouri
1997 Officers:
President-Charles Brown
Vice-President-Glenda Forrester
Secretary-Kim Maxwell
Treasurer-Charles Heitman
Member at Large-Dave Maxwell
Program-Steve Schad
Membership-Michael Meyer
Public Relations-Michael Meyer
Publications-Jeff & Becky Curts
Finance-Randy Holmes
Breeders Award-Marvin Jones,Sr.
Bowl Show-Rick Forrester
Co-show Chairman-Kevin Auburn

Annual Competive Show:
September 5th, 6th, & 7th, 1997. Holiday Inn Holidome, Metcalf & Shawnee Mission Parkway. Ks.
Room Rates $69.00 if resevered by August5th.
50/50 Auction Sunday September 7th,1997 1:00pm at the show site
viewing begins at noon.

Club Address:
P.O. Box 412867
Kansas City, Missouri
or you may e-mail us below.
© 1997 kcfish@juno.com
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