Tender Loving Care Doula Services
Nanaimo, BC. Canada
Providing birth, postpartum & breast feeding support.
Email:      tlcdoula@direct.ca

The word doula literally means "slave" although many doulas prefer to translate it as handmaiden.  However, the essence of becoming a doula is to serve the mother with everything we have: our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our spirits.  In the spirit of this service, we become voluntary "slaves" during labour and birth putting the needs of the labouring women before our own needs. (quote from Kelli Way, International Doula, Co-Editor)

       In the years past women have been supported by other women during the childbearing year.  As birth moved into a hospital setting this type of traditional support was lost.

    Now as women are becoming more involved with their birth's doulas are assisting by providing "Non Medical" comfort care.

    A doula is not there to replace the other  "Support People" but instead enhance their role by supporting them thus allowing them to participate at their own comfort level.

    A doula is there to provide continuous support, knowledge & guidance which assists the expectant parents(s) to have a positive birth experience.

Birth Doula
        ~ meets with the expectant parents(s) 2-3 times during the last trimester.
        ~ discusses expectations and fears about birth.
        ~ stays with the mom for the entire labour & delivery providing Non Medical support.


        ~ massage & physical comfort measures.
        ~ constant support & reassurance.
        ~ providing information to aid in decision making.
        ~ helping to facilitate communication between mom  & partners, and health care providers.
        ~ stays after the delivery to answer any questions and assist with breast feeding.
        ~ then meets with the new family a few days after the birth to discuss the birth with them.
        ~ is always available to address any concerns & answer questions.

Postpartum Doula
    A postpartum doula is there to help make the transition easier on the whole family by helping the household run smoothly and by allowing the mother to have time to recover and time to spend with her new baby.


        ~ emotional support
        ~ physical support
        ~ education
        ~ domestic help

    Some of the duties included:

        ~ mother care & companionship
        ~ breast feeding support
        ~ sibling care
        ~ infant care guidance
        ~ meal preparation
        ~ running errands
        ~ light housekeeping

Doulas of North America                            B.C. Doula Services Association


 Karin - Postpartum Doula & Lactation Consultant   

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