An "R" with red chillies - you could be forgiven for thinking how very odd! Let me enlighten you somewhat. Rufus is my husband's pet name for me and as he is originally from Sri Lanka, I use a lot of red chillies in cooking the spicy curries which incidentally I also enjoy.

My interests and hobbies range from computing (obviously!) to cooking, reading, enjoying e-mail correspondence with my internet friends around the world, gardening, spinning and knitting for my two grand-children - Adam who is now six and a half and Emily who is three and a half year's old!

My Kind of City - Melbourne

I live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia which is a great place to reside! There are some lovely photographs of Melbourne to be found at the above site (not mine, I hasten to add!). I should like to think that you, too, would be able to find something on my pages, which will make your visit worthwhile. Below, are some favourite links that you might like to check out.

Family Photographs

Mischka and Midge's Page - my two beautiful dogs.

Click on the names of my friends to reach their home pages.

Jean's Page and one of her special interests is snakes. An interest I don't share but we are still good friends!!

Margaret's Place - A veritable treasure-trove of information, in particular camping tips.

18th July, 2006

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