The English Branch of the PROCTOR FAMILY

****The Proctor Coat of Arms were granted in 1436 and the pedigree was registered at Hearlds College, London, England, by John Humphery Proctor of the Manor of Shawdon**** < Note-The image on the right is the combined arms of the Proctor and the Beauchamp families>


The name "proctor" comes from Latin Procurator, which meant an official who was appointed to take care of something involving human affairs. The important part of the word is "cura", which is care, and this is the part which has been dropped. In the middle ages when the church was not only a spiritual support and a sanctuary, but also a political force to be reconed with, a large part of the judicial function of the government was carried on in Ecclesiastical Courts. This required the services of ecclesastical lawyers who came to be called Procurators. Following is a list of some of the earliest known appearances of the name Procurator or Proctor, with the year and the documents where they are found.

Thomas le Procuratour,-County Lincolnshire Hundred Rolls, 1273.

John le Procurator of Lincolnshire.

William le Procuratour,-County Lincolnshire Placita de quo Warranto Temp. Reign of Edward I (1271- 1307).

Johannis le Procuratour,-Northumberland, Assize Rolls, 1279 (Surtees Society-vol. 88-1891).

Johanna la Proketour,-Yorkshire Subsidy Rolls, 1301.

John Proketour,-Durham, Feodarum Prioratus Dunelmensis, 1326, Surtees Soc. Vol 58-1872

. Williamus Proktour,-West Riding, Yorkshire, Poll Tax, 1379

. It was not until this time that surnames became commomly used. In the case of Proctor, like carpenter, Miller, Fisher, etc., it was used first mearly as an identification through one's occupation, and later as a surname in the modern sense when the "le" or" la" was dropped.. The influence of the French language was still strongly apparent as a result of the Norman Conquest over two hundred years earlier. One of the earliest documented Proctor family was that of Geoffrey Proctor of Nether Bordley,Craven, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. He was born about 1450 and died in 1525. He was the auditor to the Earl of Northumberland.

His will mentions his wife Katherine and his present wife.

Geoffery and Katherine had a son Robert.

Robert Proctor married Joannett Hagthorpe

Their son Richard married ????? and had a son George.

George married ???? and had a son William

William married ????? and had a daughter Ann.

Ann Proctor married Thomas Beauchamp

Thomas and Ann had son William who was made a Baronet and thus became Sir William Beauchamp. When Sir William inherited much of the estate of his Uncle George Proctor, he obtained a Royal Decree to change his name to Sir William Beauchamp-Proctor.

The same branch of this family is represented about the middle of the 16th century by one Thomas Proctor,who was the father of a son named Henry, who married Margaret Gascoigne and had a son Henry Jr.

Henry Jr. married Ann Fawkes and had a son Francis. He married Elizabeth Metcalf and they had a son Metcalf.

It is from these two lines that the early emigrants of the name PROCTOR were descended.

Yet another branch is believed to be represented about the beginning of the 20th century by one George or Groge Proctor who married Sarah Owen of Yorkshire and was the father by her of a son named George who was the father of Willian and Frances. (these were contempories of John Proctor of London and the father of John Proctor of Paces Pains, VA


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