Caprine Addicts Anonymous

Not looking for a cure...Just one more goat

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This started as an introductory speech I did for a speech class in the fall of 1996.
In January, 1997, I moved to Brownsville, MN and bought a 26 acre farm..
I will be continueing my story as I continue my adventures to get that--
"one more goat"

Caprine Addiction

By: Terri Bass

Hello, My name is Terri, and I am a caprine addict.

Yes, I have an addiction. Most people do not understand, but there are many people out there with the same addiction.

Caprine is another name for goat and so I have a caprine addiction.

My addiction started in 1972, although at the time I did not know it. While I lived in Alaska, my aunt owned two goats. I only saw her goats a few times and even though I remember their names, Snowflake and Gypsy, that is about all. What I remembered the most was the goat milk my mother use to bring home and I remembered that I really liked the taste of it.

I moved to Northfield, Minnesota in 1982 and lived in apartments until 1988 when my husband and I bought a 10 acre farm that was perfect for us and our growing 8 year old son, Dustin. Three months after we moved in I saw an ad in the local paper for a milk goat. I talked my husband into letting me call and get "ONE" goat. I wanted the milk to drink. I remembered I liked goat milk.

I went to the farm and picked up my goat. Her name was Laura and it turned out that she wasn't even milking, since she had been dried up. So now I had a female goat and no milk. I needed to breed her to get milk. To breed her, I needed one more goat.

I drove to Princeton, Minnesota to the livestock auction barn to see if I could find a buck goat. Just "one" more goat. I was lucky to find a really nice boyfriend for Laura. I named him R&L Farm's Sweet William and called him Willy.

On the way home I stopped in at a friend's place to show off my handsome boy and was talked into taking home a wether pygmy goat to keep Willy company. I thought, "This was just a little goat, he wouldn't take up much space." I named him Chevy. You see, Chevy was short for Chevron, which is what goat meat is called. It made a perfect name for a wether goat.

Now I had a male and a female, plus a companion. My herd had started and my addiction was just about to take complete control of me.

I went to a Grade A dairy goat farm in Kenyon and bought my first purebred French Alpine doe kid named Auggie Acres Long Tall Sallie. Now I could hardly wait for breeding season in September. I remembered I liked goat milk and I now had two does to breed.

In August, caprine addiction set in completely. I made arrangements to take Sallie to the Dakota County open goat show. I took her to a friends place that was more than willing to show me how to clip a goat. (Thank you Gloria Carter!) I did not place very high, but I had lots of fun. I also met other people with the same addiction. I was hooked and I had found others that were hooked.

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