Bethrenae Tribble - 12/22/00 07:21:24 My Comments: Groovy Great Dane Favorite part: Groovy Great Dane | Comments: I have a 15-month old purebred deaf Great Dane named Magnus. I've had him since he was 10 months old, so I never got to see him as a small puppy. It was great to look at Wanka's baby pictures! |
sossy lulu - 11/14/00 23:18:53 My URL:http://lulu.com4/2 Comments: how is the baby doing with her sign language is she progressing well with that? she? is such a beautiful baby i can't hear either but have managed to finish college and have done anything i wanted to do she will do fine too thanks for gi ing her the excellent quality of life that she seems to have at this time god bless and keep you and yours | Comments: |
angel - 11/14/00 22:58:38 My URL:http://angel 44 Comments: thanks for sharing | Comments: |
sad - 10/28/00 11:17:53 My URL:http://sad My Email:sad Comments: sad Favorite part: sad Least favorite part: sad | Comments: sad |
Kristi Bauer - 10/27/00 15:28:17 My Comments: I also have a harlequin Great Dane. He too is almost completely white and he is also handicapped, he is blind. But we think our Bud is the best dog in the world. Congratulations on your very special dog. | Comments: |
Kristi Bauer - 10/27/00 15:28:14 My Comments: I also have a harlequin Great Dane. He too is almost completely white and he is also handicapped, he is blind. But we think our Bud is the best dog in the world. Congratulations on your very special dog. | Comments: |
jerrica c - 08/30/00 14:33:27 My | Comments: |
Samantha Parsons - 08/12/00 02:08:16 My Comments: yes | Comments: How did you no she was born deaf? yes I would like to no more about the breeads that you have. The breeads that you have are thay for sale or free? From, samantha Parsons |
stacy goodman - 08/09/00 22:46:54 My | Comments: |
JENNY J - 08/08/00 20:36:12 Comments: GOAT PHOTOS Favorite part: GOAT PHOTOS Least favorite part: I dont see anything wrong | Comments: I like the photos and hope to see more later p.s. I own alpines,boers,pygmys,long hairs and other breeds also |
Frank Deegan - 08/01/00 04:29:38 My | Comments: |
Bill Newell - 06/29/00 08:38:50 My URL: My Favorite part: Pictures of your dog Least favorite part: None | Comments: I visited your site from Cool Mutts Webring. Hope you don't mind me letting you know. Great pictures. Please come by and see our Westie, Buffy and sign our guestbook. Visit Enjoyed my visit. Take care Bill Newell |
- 06/05/00 01:59:19 | Comments: |
Shirlie Bennie - 05/22/00 14:20:46 My | Comments: |
Mrs. Dagmar Ludaescher - 05/04/00 09:19:24 My Comments: Iam so glad to have found you! Favorite part: Everything | Comments: Hallo Terri, My name is Dagmar and I am a friend of Mariette Hellinger, who is the breeder of your Nadeshda. Our friend Irmhild Wojak has told us that she has found your page by searching in the internet and that she has been successful contacting you. I was overwhelmed to see how many nice photos you have put on your page and what a wonderful home you have give Nadea. We unfortunately lost contact with the original owners of Nadea and her breeder did not even know that she had been replaced as her original owners did not tell her that they had problems with her. They had lived in Germany for a while and had the returned to Chicago with her and with another beautiful Kuvasz male called Alom, who has Quecksilber blood as well and who as far as we know is still living with these people but has been castrated. That is our latest information. By the way have I been resent when Nadesha was born and she was my favorite pick of the litter.We have celebrated her birthday yesterday as Mariette has kept another sister and a brother of Nadea out of this litter for herself and is breeding with them. The brother of Nadea is alled Nesztor, his nickname is Snueti and the sister is called Nemesis, her nickname is Pueppi. There is another sister of Nadea called Nefertari who lives in Montana with a teacher called Karin Kabler, who also owns a Bernese Mountain Dog.I have 3 Kuvasz myself from Mariette and my youngest bitch called Pajenka vom Quecksilber, who will be two years old on June 3 of this year, is a daughter of Nadeas's brother Nesztor. I am training Pajenka as well as her mother to become search and rescue dogs. Mariette has asked me to pass her regards on to you and she would be very pleased if we would keep the contact with you, now that we have finally found you and if ever there is anything concerning Nadea, please let us know. We are always ready to help you and to provide you with further information about Nadea! Mariette and I were wondering, whether you have Nadea's original pedigree or not.We are all very happy and reliefed that Nadea has found such an excellent home and that she has a real task on your f rm by sharing it with Ginger, the Dachshounds and the goats. She for sure could not have found a better home than living on such a beautiful farm . Her life has certainly turned out to be ideal in comparison to the time she had or would ever have in Chica o! Tomorrow I will see Mariette as there is an exhibition in Dortmund/Germany and I will talk to her about having contacted you. Our friend Irmhild Wojak will also be there tomorrow and will pass the print outs of your pages on to Mariette so that she can see what has become of our beautiful girl. As I do not have my private e-mail-address at home I am using the one via my office at work. Tomorrow I will not be here in my office, but I would be delighted to hear from you very soon. Wishing you and your family as well as Nadea and all her lovely furry friends all the best, I remain with the warmest greetings from Germany. Sincerely yours, Dagmar xxx |
Irmhild Wojak - 04/27/00 18:47:50 My Least favorite part: Nadeshda's page | Comments: Hi Terri I sent you a separate mail using the mail address on your website, but I'm not 100% sure - is this your private mail address ( However, if you did not get this mail, can you please contact me? Nadeshda's breeder would be very, very hap y to hear some news on Nadea, but until today she simply didn't know where Nadea is staying now! Greetings from Germany Irmhild |
Karen - 04/26/00 04:14:09 My Favorite part: animals all and your family | Comments: My cousin and her husband live in New Mexico and also raise show goats. I can't remember what kind. I came to your site through the craft swap group. It is nice to meet you. |
annie - 04/09/00 12:03:47 My Favorite part: goats | Comments: |
debbie leogrande - 02/09/00 22:07:00 My Favorite part: the puppy Least favorite part: n/a | Comments: I also have a deaf great dane....looks almost like yours the blue eyes the white coats, very little black. love him dearly got him from a rescue had him for 3 weeks now..... |
- 01/25/00 08:34:08 | Comments: |
dakoti olsen - 01/17/00 23:50:40 My | Comments: |
Vuokko Tienhaara - 01/12/00 23:40:20 My URL: My Email:Vuokko@Tienhaara.NET | Comments: Great, finally found someone from Tennessee with a GD. I spent a year in Memphis as an exchange student back in the middle of 80's. Have visited there few times since and got also married there with my Finnish husband in 1998. We just got our first GD - a blue male (from USA) - last June. We are completely nuts about him. If you wish to see our boy's site, check the URL address. Lots of pictures. Greetings from Finland. |
tata - 01/10/00 01:14:40 My URL: My Favorite part: the pictures | Comments: real cool farm, loved the animal pictures, especially the coon, looks like my dads, we called him tracks. |
sandy - 01/09/00 17:20:58 My URL: My Favorite part: goats' | Comments: I thing your page is a great page. I will like it you would vist it mine. I thing it is cool ! |
Donna - 01/04/00 21:38:37 My URL: My Comments: I love dogs and this dog must be special. Favorite part: the pictures | Comments: How is the dog responding to sign language? This is my first aquaintance hearing about a deaf dog but this possible..... |
Suzie - 12/23/99 06:05:50 My | Comments: I'm looking for a site that showed content and pixs of a rescue in Missouri or Texas, server dropped just as I started. Picture of Andre or Andra included as one of the rescuers. Can you help? Happy Holidays and love your wiennies for me. Herschal is waiting on Rainbow bridge. |
Margarette Rea - 12/01/99 19:34:01 My Comments: Finally visited your site Favorite part: All of it Least favorite part: Never saw your Pic in the lineup | Comments: Hi Terri now I can say i have seen your farm,goats,animals etc. Very enjoyable, shame your pic is not on the wanted board. Regards Maggie |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
Shelly Farnam - 11/10/99 17:17:17 My | Comments: Where is your picture young lady? |
gwen (sasha) - 11/03/99 21:03:58 My URL: My | Comments: Howdy from michigan! Stopped by to check out your farm...Glad i did! see you at Irc Chat #Alpine_Chat |
Tammy Haught - 10/20/99 21:44:08 Comments: I wish you could put a picture of Wanka watching sign | Comments: |
Tennery Smith - 10/16/99 00:09:53 My | Comments: Cute Pictures!!! |
mohamed aslam - 10/15/99 14:28:01 My Favorite part: goats picture | Comments: appceciated website. I am goat lover. I have my own goat farm. wish you a good luck |
emily - 10/04/99 00:27:11 My Email:sorry Comments: cute site | Comments: |
Meri Moore - 07/25/99 14:28:25 My Comments: a lot in common | Comments: My son has been in theUS Army for over a year. Basic at Ft, Wood,MO and Paratrooper at Ft. Benning,GA exactly one year ago. Now based at Ft. Brag.NC They have beautiful places to stay right on the base. Look like the old plantation home w/ balconies and all. Two BR w/ bath and microwave and refrid. plus laundry facilities and main cooking kitchen family style. Really enjoyed it. And found out about he alternate to Motels from the Motel there on Base. They handle those rentals too. My kids & I raised and showed rabbits for years. fairs and shows. Lots of work,fun and expr. Now this info comes in handy for living in the future. My son just got back from Albania and Praise God he'll have leave in just 2 wks. Then he gets to help w/ the bunnies !!!!! Good to see another "new lifer" My husband and I will celebrate our 6th Anniv. this 8-2. |
Angel - 07/23/99 05:35:11 My URL: My Comments: Great Favorite part: the Pictures | Comments: Hi...just finished looking at all the picks you have of your animals...they are simply beautiful they were just so cute...I had to keep going back to look at them..*smiles*....if you get a chance, please come to my pages and look at my great dane Fabian....Thanks..and I'm glad I came..*smiles* ![]() |
P.D. Watkins/D. Born - 06/28/99 02:47:17 My Favorite part: Loved the pictures! Least favorite part: none | Comments: Hi! We are fellow addicts who got here from the caprine addicts anonymous page. Loved your site- share your addiction. We started out with 3 "brush" goats and are now raising nubians. I'm not allowed to say how many we have now, because Deb may have a con ulsion if I do-once we hit fifty, it was better not to tell her. It's that "one more goat" syndrome that you were talking about. We always seem to find a way to fit in "one more" (or-two- or three...). The thing is- sit back and just enjoy them once in a while! |
David A. Veasey - 06/14/99 06:05:06 | Comments: |
karla hunt - 06/08/99 14:38:46 My | Comments: I like your site. would love to have a working farm like yours. Ours is beef cattle, but a very smalll operation |
triple - 04/29/99 05:50:14 My | Comments: Am interested in a milk goat or two to help our Boer kids in need of milk. I am interested in th differant breeds and why you made the choice you did. triple |
Wade Olseth - 04/15/99 23:36:19 My Comments: I am looking to start a dairy up and want to know how to go about doing it the right way so no trouble gets started. Favorite part: pictures of the goats Least favorite part: didn't have one | Comments: You people have a very nice herd going keep up the good work. |
Wade Olseth - 04/15/99 23:35:33 My Comments: I am looking to start a dairy up and want to know how to go about doing it the right way so no trouble gets started. Favorite part: pictures of the goats Least favorite part: didn't have one | Comments: You people have a very nice herd going keep up the good work. |
Brandy Wright - 04/12/99 03:23:05 My Comments: I love great danes and hope to have one soon if you can help me get one please e-mail me Favorite part: there big but beatiful faces and there loving personality Least favorite part: not a owner yet but I would say the messes on the carpet haha | Comments: I would love to be a owner of a blue great dane but any would do. I live in portsmouth oh just a couple of hours away from columbus. If you know of any breeders around my area please give them my e-mail address because sooner I'm a owner the happier I wil be. plus I'm a big animal lover of all kinds of animals have even owned every kind of animal but now. I did have a persian red tabby cat and he was stolen in January so I'm pretty lonley with out any animals. Promise to give a loving and caring home. Bra dy Wright |
Jodie, Courtney, and Natalie - 04/07/99 00:35:55 My Comments: we think your puppy is BEAUTIFUL!!! Favorite part: we like the pictures Least favorite part: nothing | Comments: hi, i'm Jodie! here w/ me is my two little cousins Courtney and Natalie Wilson. we were looking for Willy Wonka's hompage, because they saw the address on a package, and we came upon your page. lol but we love your puppy, and think she is BEAUTIFUL!!! we ope everything goes well!! signed, Jodie Giles, Natalie Wilson, and Courtney Wilson |
Scott Johnson - 03/18/99 00:48:25 My URL: My Comments: Otto Klein Prints Favorite part: Dauchshund | Comments: I am looking for any information on an artist named Otto Klein. He was a French Canadian that made drawings of Dauchshunds in humourous (and sometimes sexual) situations. One popular print has several different breeds of dogs standing up urinating against a wall while a female dog walks by. Any help or information about this artist would be appreciated. Will consider purchasing any prints, if available. |
Lauren Stark - 02/23/99 01:40:31 My URL: My Comments: We also raise dairy goats for a hobby and 4-H project. Favorite part: They are so friendly. Least favorite part: Burning the kids horns. | Comments: We are looking for ideas to use the milk besides drinking it. Have any good cheese or ice cream recipes? Also we are looking for ways to prevent ketosis. We have 5 does and 1 buck of different breeds, mostly alpines. We had 3 sets of twins last week. |
cholley - 02/01/99 00:52:04 My | Comments: I am writing a children's book about an Angora Goat. I am looking for different pictures of these goats. Can you refer me to any links> |
JOY PECKHAM - 01/25/99 04:46:40 My | Comments: |
JOY PECKHAM - 01/25/99 04:45:45 | Comments: |
roland sandor - 01/19/99 15:51:11 | Comments: |
Renee DiPietro - 01/16/99 20:29:29 My | Comments: I would love to have you send me info on what alpines you have available and their prices. Thank you |
- 01/09/99 03:42:15 | Comments: |
Tricia - 01/03/99 07:06:44 Favorite part: I love the Dachsies!!!!!!!! | Comments: |
Tricia - 01/03/99 07:05:43 Favorite part: I love the Dachsies!!!!!!!! | Comments: |
Tricia - 01/03/99 07:04:52 | Comments: |
Tricia Bates - 01/03/99 07:02:26 | Comments: |
Arnold - 12/07/98 01:29:58 My URL: My Favorite part: The Cool Mutts, of course! | Comments: Hi! I just joined the Cool Mutts Club, and found your page! You're the luckiest dogs in the world to be living with such cool animals! Come by and visit me sometime! ~Arnold |
Catherine Roh - 12/02/98 03:36:51 My URL:/Heartland/Park/7970/ My Comments: AWWWW! Favorite part: Your white dane | Comments: I breed harlequins, and have not yet had a deaf dane, thank goodness, but it is nice to know there are people out there such as you that would take the chance on one! |
Curtis Altom - 10/20/98 12:05:28 My Comments: I like it | Comments: |
Jill - 10/12/98 00:03:50 My URL: My Comments: Great Site! Favorite part: variety | Comments: I went to your site from the Cool Mutts links and was wonderfully surprised to see you had goats. I raise pygmy goats (see my web page. It was a double bonus to see your dogs and your goats! Great page! |
Lisa Buroker - 09/29/98 02:52:59 My URL: My Favorite part: the cute pictures | Comments: Nice Page. I'm in ohio with alpines, saanens, nubians, and recorded grades for sale. Know anyone interested?? We also have AandN buck service available. ...... do you know a John Martin?? |
Carleen - 09/18/98 13:57:54 My | Comments: Enjoy visiting you home. Lot's of critters. Will ask about preditors on the B2B-list. |
Susan - 09/12/98 13:56:34 My Favorite part: mini dachshunds | Comments: Thank for the intro to mini dachshunds. We need to learn more about their temperment. It has been a year since we buried our cocker spaniel after 13 years of devotion and we are missing our four legged child. I have two girls 6 & 8 and want a breed that does well with children. |
Kitty ^..^ - 09/09/98 15:56:51 My URL: My Favorite part: NubIans of course *G* Least favorite part: was alllll good =) | Comments: liked yer page *S* im glad u dont dehorn yer nubians, my friend seems to like dehorning hers, but all but one of mine are horned, they seem happier that way and well, they were born that way, needless to say i didnt get any of my babies dehorned this year *S*, nubians, they would like your ghost, he is very handsome =) MeOw! ^..^ |
grace boyer - 09/07/98 18:47:57 My Comments: great job! Favorite part: refer to A.S.L. site | Comments: |
bobbi - 08/14/98 07:02:41 | Comments: you did a great job and enjoyed viewing and reading about wanka. I have two danes one I resued about 2yrs ago and puppy 18 weeks old. thanks for sharing bobbi |
Tracy Poppie - 08/09/98 03:15:31 My Comments: Great Place!!!!!!! | Comments: Ha! I found you again!! Billy and Heather love the pictures of all the animals. Especially because they know who you are and you are on our computor. Way cool!! |
Valerie Rojas - 07/31/98 17:31:18 My URL:/heartland/park/2325 My Comments: fantastic Favorite part: photos of ginger Least favorite part: background | Comments: i loved your page come and visit us sometime From Tiny Paws |
Jeff Helt - 07/23/98 19:03:46 My | Comments: Hello i thing farming in all kinds i cool and i love farming and all animals just wanted to say keep up the good work at farming and you web page i will come back when i have time to see your inprovements on your web. keep up the good work. |
Sandra Block - 07/07/98 14:01:50 My URL: My Comments: Great Danes vom Dwergter Sand | Comments: Nice Homepage!Feel free to view our little Homepage and please sign our guestbook. Bye Sandra |
Midge Kelly - 06/26/98 04:48:57 My Comments: great web page Favorite part: pix Least favorite part: none | Comments: Don't know much what to say here, except enjoyed the pix and am impressed with your work with Wanka and her deafness! Thought I was e-mailing you when I got your web site instead. Nice mistake! I just placed a partial blind/deaf 4mo Dane and to know he is to love her. I'm making Dane rescue efforts here but it is slow going to say the least. Nice to meet Wanka, Midge Kelly |
amy richardson - 06/25/98 23:47:19 My Comments: Oops - accidently hit enter! I wanted to say that Wanka looks like such a cutie! It's ironic that you have a deaf white dane and Kuvaz (sp?). My friend may be getting a deaf/white dane, and my sister and her husband want to get a Kuvac ! Do you show? | Comments: |
Amy Richardson - 06/25/98 23:43:10 My Comments: Thanks for the welcome to Danebytes - I may be coming to the LaCrosse show August 1 and 2nd | Comments: |
Corky&Bev Rencher - 06/23/98 14:09:52 My URL: My Comments: very nicely done site | Comments: Hi, Bev & I have always wanted a white Dane. Yours is so beautiful! Feel free to visit our page and see our Boyz. |
Michelle M Murcray - 06/22/98 14:58:48 My URL: My Comments: I loved your homepage and Wanka is soooo cute! Favorite part: Bwanka Least favorite part: None | Comments: |
Eugenia - 06/10/98 13:22:41 My URL: | Comments: What a beautiful Dane... I'm glad that you're keeping her!! Best of luck! |
HoofPrintsEquinePhotography - 06/09/98 22:21:08 My URL: My | Comments: Hello, I am here to sign for the first time. Have Danes Too!! |
Kitizah Arlene - 06/09/98 15:22:12 My Comments: Loved your page. How are you handling your son leaving home. I have an only son and I already dread that day. I have a little more time - Bo is only six. Favorite part: pictures Least favorite part: Liked it all | Comments: Loved your page. |
carenlee daly - 06/02/98 21:46:19 My Comments: wondeful! Favorite part: dogs Least favorite part: family | Comments: your homepage is great! We have simalar life, I have four grown children, two deaf dalmatian dogs,seven ducks,and five cockatiels! I have been looking for a homepage for myself, seems cant find one I want. I will keep looking for one and I like yours! |
carenlee daly - 06/02/98 21:39:05 Comments: wonderful! Favorite part: with litte girl | Comments: your homepage is neat! we have two deaf dalmatian and we love them! |
Joan - 05/31/98 13:37:37 My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/7128 My Comments: Lucky you to have so many dogs Favorite part: pictures | Comments: I'm visiting the members of Cool Mutts Club |
Sam - 05/30/98 14:37:46 My Favorite part: pictures | Comments: |
Linda & Joe Jedju - 05/25/98 12:44:32 My | Comments: We enjoyed our visit to your dairy goat farm. Loved Dustin's goats! Great picture of dawn over the Mississippi. Best wishes! |
G'Dieter's Zeus' Great Thunder - 05/21/98 21:36:57 My URL: My Comments: Great web site! Favorite part: Wanka Least favorite part: none! | Comments: Hi Wanka! You're a terribly cute lil' girl! I'd write more, but Dad says his butt's going to sleep 'cause I'm sitting on his lap! Have fun slobberin' on your Mom's keyboard! Try drinking from the potty, too...that always gets'em! Woo-woo, Zeus |
Lisa - 05/20/98 21:45:51 My URL: My | Comments: I enjoyed your site. Please stop by our site, thanks. God Bless. ![]() |
Joan - 05/18/98 19:47:58 My URL: My Comments: Ginger looks like a loveable dog Favorite part: Pictures Least favorite part: no enough info on Ginger | Comments: I would have liked to read about Ginger's personality |
Dorothy Mooney - 05/12/98 21:37:54 My URL: My Comments: Just surfed in...Nice site Favorite part: The Dachshunds of course!!!!! | Comments: Maybe you can stop by and visit my homepage too. I raise Dachshunds and breed for color. Good luck with the Dachshund breedings. If you have any questions about coats, colors, etc. feel free to e-mail me. |
lauren rongo - 05/11/98 12:46:13 My URL: My Comments: thanks Favorite part: dogs Least favorite part: none | Comments: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!dogs are cute. |
Ray & Brenda Wise - 05/11/98 04:34:51 My URL: My Comments: WOW!!! Lots of goats! :) Favorite part: Goat pictures Least favorite part: the geocities advertisement that pops up...but ya gotta live with it | Comments: We're not entirely thru browsing yet. :) It's been great fun so far. |
Gene - 05/04/98 14:26:40 My Favorite part: Wanka | Comments: Wanka looks exactly like Pooka did about 4 years ago. My Pooka is also deaf, but very smart and very tolerant. Then again, what Dane isn't? |
samaro - 05/02/98 10:19:38 My URL: My | Comments: I enjoyed your site. Its always fun to visit with others and perhaps come away with a few ideas. Thanks |
Menagerie Hill - 04/26/98 02:46:19 My Comments: Checking out Wanka (Brutus's sister) Favorite part: Danes, I'd already checked out the goats! | Comments: Of course Wanka looks a whole lot like Brutus. Probably always will. Menagerie Hill |
WES MERRITT - 04/07/98 05:13:36 My | Comments: Love that wanka! Very cute puppy! Nice page too! |
Menagerie Hill - 04/03/98 01:34:01 My Comments: Love those pics | Comments: Looking for Wanka....have you seen her?....Maybe she will show up if I look ...over here...? :} |
lori - 03/19/98 06:06:25 My Comments: i really enjoy looking at your dauchsunds they are very cute thanks for sharing. Favorite part: just looking at the red ones. we recently lost our red one named junior and its nice looking at one that looks like him | Comments: thanks for sharing |
lori - 03/19/98 06:04:14 Comments: i really enjoy looking at your dauchsunds they are very cute thanks for sharing. Favorite part: just looking at the red ones. we recently lost our red one named junior and its nice looking at one that looks like him | Comments: thanks for sharing |
- 02/27/98 19:02:17 | Comments: |
Andrea - 02/08/98 19:48:36 My URL: My | Comments: Hello Terri, I finally made it and looked at the little puppies - how cute they are ! I am sure you are having a lot of fun with them. *s* Best greetings to you and your family, Andrea & Zoo |
Lloyd - 01/17/98 10:43:05 My URL: My Comments: Pages look real good Favorite part: I think all... | Comments: We are not yet in the Dog Ring (we're waiting)you can get an early view of Raven's page. We should live nearby as Raven gets goats milk as part of her diet along with ground turkey and Dads dog food while growing. |
Linda Richter - 01/11/98 17:58:22 My Email:SA3L2BER@AOL.COM Comments: Great web site Least favorite part: Where are you in MN? | Comments: We are thinking of raising (having) one or two goats on our two acre home site in Columbus Township, west of Forest Lake. We are wondering about what breeds do well in our climate. Also how much care is needed. We are interested in pets and perhaps, fiber. Do you have any advice on how to get started? Dick and Linda Richter |
Jim Brown - 01/03/98 01:01:32 My | Comments: Terri, Holly and I enjoyed visiting you site. Love the dachsie pics! Got your web page from the Dachsie List. Liked your stories of Jaeger and Suesse with socks and tennis balls. Take care! Jim |
Gareth - 01/01/98 21:16:26 My Comments: I liked your page Favorite part: dachshunds | Comments: |
Becky Windom - 12/28/97 19:50:24 My | Comments: I have a miniture daschund and she is great. I really liked this page and would like to know if there are anymore like this one. |
Hope - 12/27/97 18:38:53 My URL: My Comments: Best of luck with your breeding! Favorite part: The PICTURES of course! Least favorite part: Didn't find one. | Comments: We plan to mate our Maltese this season, but will not be giving or selling any of her pups, too hard to let them go. "My Little Miss" is perfectly beautiful! |
Jan Byerly - 12/26/97 01:33:01 Comments: Looking for female Favorite part: Pictures | Comments: Am looking for female for my 2 yr old brindle longhair male.He is 18 lbs.You may call me at 850-444-9708 in FL. |
Dean Vinson - 12/22/97 02:37:39 My URL: My | Comments: Nice site! We had goats when I was a kid, and I think they'll be my main livestock when I eventually get around to settling down on a little farm. I added your page as a stop on the "tour" set up on the Geocities Geoguide thing on the bottom of my webpa e--hope you don't mind. |
Sten & Ingela Löfgren - 12/22/97 01:03:05 My URL: My | Comments:
CArol A Sharpe - 12/20/97 01:41:16 My | Comments: Just thought I would drop by after talking with you on the GL. Your place looks very much like here. House and all. You have a slightly larger barn I think. Does yours leak snow when it blows? TN barns are much ...looser. |
Thomas V. Ketchum - 12/08/97 16:26:30 My Least favorite part: Links that didn't link | Comments: Have three shorthair miniature reds myself. In the past I have owned other dogs, but this is the first time I have been owned by a dog! |
Andrea - 12/08/97 03:37:08 My URL: My Comments: Greetings from Texas Favorite part: Dachsies | Comments: Hello Terri, Thought I stop by and see if there are any pictures of the puppies. Hope they are all doing well ! Will come back later *s* Greetings from Texas, Andrea and the little zoo *s* |
Tommo - 11/29/97 22:56:49 My URL: My | Comments: Very good site, I like the backrounds. very cute picture of McKenzie (the little kid) |
Trina Nowak - 11/27/97 17:40:00 My URL: My Comments: Great Page! Favorite part: Pictures!!! | Comments: It is nice to go back to the farm! I live in the city now but miss the farm!! :) Thanks Trina ![]() |
Nancy Tilson - 11/20/97 18:22:47 My URL: My Comments: Just dropped in to see your cool mutt. Favorite part: Ginger Least favorite part: none | Comments: Please come visit my page and see my cool mutts Skye and Shadow. |
Mavis Tortorich - 11/17/97 01:41:25 My Comments: I really enjoyed viewing all of your photos. You've done a great job. My view of the Mississippi River is quite different since it's from a New Orleans viewpoint. Favorite part: All of it. We don't get to visit too many goat farms where I live. Least favorite part: None | Comments: I too have dachshunds---Hansel and Gretel. I'm also on the Dachshund list. |
Carolyn Eddy - 11/13/97 19:10:16 My URL:http://www.geocities/Yosemite/Rapids/3796 My Comments: Hi, Terri, I'm wishing my website looked like this! | Comments: Looking for your wether pic! What a good idea to post on your page. |
Joanne - 11/10/97 07:16:32 My Comments: Have a mini Wire Favorite part: All the puppers! Least favorite part: None! | Comments: Great website! I'm in the process of making one! I met you on the Dachshund List! Love those little weenies! |
Jill Whitt - 11/08/97 05:01:33 My Comments: This is a great site Favorite part: Love it all Least favorite part: nothing | Comments: Terri, This is Jill from the wild horse list. You live in a beautiful place and I love your barn. Wish I had one just like it. |
E. R. Simpsom - 11/07/97 17:07:29 My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/4805 My | Comments: So Terri.... Is that Dusty's voice on the Welcome-.wav, or your husband's??????? Just curious! |
Victoria & Socks - 11/04/97 06:48:43 My URL: My Comments: GREAT SITE!!!! Favorite part: All of it! Least favorite part: Never a bad part! | Comments: We really enjoy your site and hope you will visit ours. You are more than welcome to give us feedback, a few pet stories, or a poem or two. Link on to our "ADOPT-A-PET" page...we intend to link many of the rescue sites to our web page in the near future Hopefully, you will consider us on your page. - The Eternal Pet |
Amanda - 11/03/97 00:31:51 My Comments: Way Cool!!!! Favorite part: Everything but especially the cool photos Least favorite part: nothing | Comments: Wow! Impressive. I wish I could crate anything close to that. Keep it up. |
Rachel V. Neet - 10/31/97 01:57:04 My URL: My Comments: Nice Page Favorite part: Alpine Goats Least favorite part: Uhhhhh. . . . . I don't have one!!!!! | Comments: Just surfed on in!!!! |
Rachel V. Neet - 10/31/97 01:55:16 My URL: My Comments: Nice Page Favorite part: Alpine Goats Least favorite part: Uhhhhh. . . . . I don't have one!!!!! | Comments: Just surfed on in!!!! |
Karen Whiteside - 10/28/97 01:50:35 My | Comments: |
Leah Maher - 10/21/97 01:08:55 My URL:!!!.htm My | Comments: Terri! Hi girl! I think your page is just wonderful!! I love all the work that you have been putting into it!!! Continue the amazing work! Hey, now lets see what you can do for my page!;-) |
Kristian - 10/15/97 15:41:05 My URL: My Comments: I love your "Goats" Favorite part: I love the whole thing "Girl"..your doing great..!.. Least favorite part: I don't have a least favorite part...are you crazy..!.. | Comments: You page is coming along so good....It looks better each and every day...I'll be bacccck..! (you can count on it..!.) |
Jaime Tesmer - 10/15/97 00:34:48 My URL:Coming Soon My Email:Jaime38421@AOL.COM Comments: I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part: I like everything it is nice to be able to see all the pedigrees. Least favorite part: The fact that I don't know how to do this stuff. I am very jealous | Comments: |
Neal Burgoyne - 10/14/97 17:27:42 My Comments: loved the whole site Favorite part: loved it all Least favorite part: none | Comments: I raise Oberhasli and Toggenburg dairy goat along with many other kinds of animals (Mini lop rabbits, Jersey cattle, beef cattle, mant kinds of poultry, bettas, hamsters, and dogs.)If anyone with similar interests has any information about my animals plea e contact me. Thank you :) |
Emily Simpson - 10/13/97 11:14:05 My URL: My Comments: Nice, but you need some NUBIANS here!!! Favorite part: '97 Kids Page, and Links Page Least favorite part: "One Perfect Alpine"???--- | Comments: Very nice job, Terri!!!! I expecially like the table format! |
Pam Peterson - 10/07/97 23:37:46 My URL: My Comments: Hi Terri :-) Favorite part: May-May's page Least favorite part: none | Comments: |