| This photo
was taken in February of 1997, just one month after we moved
in. Dusty is pointing due west. To the left is our barn and to the right is the pole
shed that we are going to convert into our buck pens and horse stalls. |
 | Our barn from the south east pasture. This photo was taken in March of 1997 two months after we
moved in. |
 | Our barn from the north east. Taken from the front porch of our house. Photo taken in May of 1997. |
 | This is our house from the south west. |
 | This is our barn from the house. This is the section that the goats live in. And this is our new livestock guardian dog, Nadeshda, keeping watch over the place. This photo was taken June 15, 1997, the day we got Nadea. |
 | This is the pond down the hill from the house to the north. It is not on our property, but the owner has given us permission to fence around it for the goats. We plan on having picnics here during the summer. |
 | This is the bonfire we had during our house warming party, held on May 17, 1997. We burnt a dead tree down the hill from our pole shed.
 | This is a picture of a rainbow over our shed. Taken during midday. |
 | This is
another rainbow taken at sundown. |
 | Another
angle of the above rainbow. |
 | A picture of our goats in the yard. |
 | Dawn over the Mississippi. |
 | Our empty poleshed. The buck pens will be put in here. |
 | Fireworks on the 4th of July over La Crosse...1997 |