Welcome to the Happily Married Get Together page! Here's some of what happened in Topeka at Ruthann & Pat's ( Land-of-Oz ) the weekend of June 27th - 29th, for all you people who couldn't make it there for the fun and adventure.

Here's the "Who's Who" list that was in Topeka.....

        Gayle........... Mum_baer
        Rachel & Robby......... Tow Dude
        Ali & kids .......... Ali-kat
        Joe ............... Jazzman
        Elsie .......... Gift of Light
        Ron & Kelly........ Skinnydippers
        Dave & Elaine ......... LoversX2
        Missy ........... MissyD
        John .......... F4C
        Charles & Mary ......... RachelsSis

    They had lots of fun things planned including golf, chatting, a barbecue, chatting, line dancing, chatting, a steak dinner, chatting, swimming, chatting.... fun, fun, fun and more FUN!!!

    Here's a little bit on what happened in Topeka.

    6/29/97 9:42 AM Shooter62 Good morning! Who's this??? :D

    6/29/97 9:44 AM Land-of-oz lol ...... this is beth ..... mornin {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Ruth}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    6/29/97 9:45 AM Shooter62 (((((((((((( Beth )))))))))))))))))) So... are you the only one up??

    6/29/97 9:47 AM Land-of-oz lol .... are you kidding?!?!?!?! everyone is up and here eating breakfast!! 6/29/97 9:48 AM Shooter62 Say hi to everyone for me. And thank you for signing our guest book! What'd you guys do yesterday? Anything "news worthy"??? LOL

    6/29/97 9:51 AM Land-of-oz joe and gayle got missy here FINALLY!!!! call Elsie!! ...... she has pics!! ..... Pat danced up a storm ...... couldnt stay still !! ......... we had a twist contest ... Ali and Frank were finalists!!! .... we were rooting for them cuz we wanted the Worlds of Fun tickets ....... John got a terrible sunburn on the golf course ....... Mick broke his back LOL ......

    6/29/97 10:31 AM Shooter62 So........ who all is there for breakfast?

    6/29/97 4:38 PM Land-of-oz robby and rachel, dave and elaine, charles and mary, ruth and pat , elsie, joe, beth, Ali, Gayle, Frank and Jan, Kelli and Ron, Missy, John, and all the RUGRATS!!!!!!!!!

    6/29/97 6:23 PM Land-of-oz NEWS FLASH!!! In the drawing for the door prize, Joe (Jazzman) was chosen to draw the winner, even though Gayle said that that would be rigged --- he would definitely win. Does ANYBODY listen to Gayle?? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Guess who won . . . . . . . . DUH . . . . . . . . . JOE!!!!!!!

    6/29/97 7:28 PM Land-of-oz Final news flash - time is 1:15PM and the final car has pulled away from the land of oz house except Elsie who will leave tomorrow. As Mom Oz heads off to watch the girls play ball, Dad Oz takes the final swig of his glass - tilts it high and drains the remnants as he heads off to bed to recover from dancing the night away. LOL

    6/28/97 7:12 AM Land-of-oz LOL...I have already done two loads of beach towels....started working on the pool....washed dishes....and started throwing away empty beer cans and cigarette butts !!!!!

    6/28/97 7:13 AM Land-of-oz Yes...everyone had a blast I think !!!! Our poor pool may never recover....lol the pressure is WAY UP......I have to get it down before we can even think about vacuuming it .

    6/28/97 7:15 AM Shooter62 LOL.... they even managed to raise the pool's pressure. Poor pool.... didn't know what it was in for when it let the HM group get into it!

    6/28/97 7:20 AM Land-of-oz MissyD isnt here yet...she was supposed to be in at 9:30 this morning but called to say she missed her flight because the hotel didnt give her a wake up call

    6/28/97 7:36 AM Shooter62 LOL... Hey, did Ali and Rachel get there ok? And did any of the "maybe's" show?

    6/28/97 7:38 AM Land-of-oz Yes they got here alright...although Ali said it was the trip from hell with the 3 kids!!! Lets see...maybes.....which ones were they ?? LOL....the old brain isnt functioning well here!!

    6/28/97 7:38 AM Shooter62 Did you see the page I made for your get together? It doesn't have much, but I will add some more this morning too! That's why I'm trying to drag info from you. Any "unquotable" quotes???

    6/28/97 7:40 AM Land-of-oz LOL...I havent checked it yet.....I will do that in a bit. Well lets see.....Beth had several comments to make about the state of my puter...she and Gayle spent most of the evening deleting files and clucking over it !!!!! LOL

    6/28/97 7:41 AM Land-of-oz You would love Elsie...she is so cool.....I really really like her!!

    6/28/97 7:42 AM Land-of-oz Frank ( Evil Jello Man ) and Jan ( his girlfriend) are really neat too...she is Australian but is picking up some of that Maine accent...what a combination !!!!!!!!!

    6/28/97 7:46 AM Land-of-oz Of course...Robby and Rachel are so great...he kept us all entertained with his stories last night..I told him he would be great around a campfire !!! John (F4C) is fun too......really nice...we like him a lot

    6/28/97 7:49 AM Land-of-oz NO...Like I just told JIm....they are all KEEPERS.....all really great people.....but Elsie is disappointed...she was hoping Andy would show up so she could beat him up!!!

    6/28/97 8:02 AM Land-of-oz I guess GAyle and BEth are taking their girls to the Zoo today....they should enjoy that...we have a nice zoo and it will give the girls something fun to do. I Dont know what everyone else has planned...Kel said something about TATOOS !!!!!! Frank wants to go streaking !!! LOL

    6/28/97 8:09 AM Land-of-oz Ooops....Pat is dismanteling the pool filter...guess it needs a major cleaning..I had better go and help him....and then go pick up those donuts for breakfast. We will talk to you later.....one of this crowd is ALWAYS on the computer !!!!!! LOL Have a good day....will holler at you later with more party details......

    All the guests have arrived safely, except Missy, who missed her flight because the hotel neglected to give her a wake up call. Now she's on "stand by" waiting anxiously to get to Topeka.

    As of 3:40 PM CST, the happy partygoers were..... Gayle, Elsie, Mike and Joe.

    At 6:00 PM on Friday, June 27th a barbecue will be going on complete with Chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, and all the trimmings. Rumor has it that the hot dogs are really chicken franks, but we don't want to let the guests know what they're eating. (course, who knows anyway when it's a hot dog) LOL

    I can't stand the excitement anymore. Take me back to the home page......... pleeeeeeeease!!!!!