Welcome to our humble abode! We are the dynamic duo of Angel and Bear, otherwise known as Ruth and Tony. We have finally found a "home" on the Web, and we'd like to invite you in to share some of our many interests. Hopefully, some of them will be YOUR interests too!!! Oh... by the way... Please sign our guest book so you will be eligible for that trip to Vegas...(crossing fingers behind back)

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a member of our family. Sunshine (Sunny for short) is a Lutino Cockatiel who has adopted us. Sunny is about 14 months old and he is already showing a great (fiesty) personality.

Bear's Toyota 4X4 Page <--- NEW
Radio Control Car Racing <--- UPDATED 1/1/98
Model Railroad Page
Bear's Page
Angel's Page
Kids Page
Kewl Friends
Graphics Links
Topeka Get Together

One thing you have to know about us is that we both love music. Angel likes to play keyboards and Bear plays drums in a Rock band... Okay, at this point it's the second garage band, but at least I'm trying. Maybe you're not a musician, but I'm sure there are alot of you who like music so, let me show you the hottest new way to buy music and save tons of cash. Just hit the button below... That's all there is to it!!!
Oh, and just tell em, "The Bear" sent ya...

LOOK!! We won our first award!! Thanks Sue! It means everything to us!

WE GOT YOU!!!!! We have secretly installed a virus on your computer that will change all "P's" on your keyboard to "M's", erase any adult links you may have stored on your hard drive, make obscene faxes to the White House from your computer and cause your cat or dog to have major hissy fits...(sinister laughter)... The only way to stop the virus is to sign our guest book... When you sign it, an antidote will be automatically downloaded...Thanks for stopping by... The Bear... LOL
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