This page last updated April 3 2000

Donna's home page!


Come on in, sit down and relax. Have a cup of coffee! Visit my different rooms. If by chance there is no link, then its probably because I am cleaning up the room, or maybe redecorating. Come back and visit again, you are always welcome in my home!


Please visit Carrie's page

In memory of Carrie Lynn Gaines, who was brutally killed!

Should Rick get a second chance?
The decision by the Second District Appellate Court in Elgin also opens the possibility -- however slim -- that Howard, now serving a life sentence in state prison, could be free on bond within weeks.
This was taken from a report from
June 17, 1999



Family Files
let me hear from you 

These rooms have all been decorated by me, myself, and I (Donna of course).

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