In Loving Memory

Wayne Robert Looker

September 29, 1995 - April 17, 1997

What can I write about a child that has brought so much joy to my life? Wayne, when I held you I felt like nothing bad could ever happen to you. You were safe. I would sing that song to you, Safe in Mommies Arms. You taught us all about living. You lived each and every day as a new adventure. Your eyes would sparkle and shine at the smallest things. When I would come home from work and you would be laying on Daddy on the recliner, you would light up and smile and reach your arms out to me. Oh how I miss that. Coming home from work has never been the same.

I am so thankful for my time with you but, like any other mom who has lost a child, I wish it were longer. I imagine you would have been a great man of God. You would have been smart and handsome and caring. You have always been everything I could ever ask for in a child.

I know you are at peace in your new home with heaven. I envision that you are with loved ones who when on before us. I am thankful that your departure was quick and painless, in your sleep. I am sorry though that Mommy was away when you died. But, I think that you wanted it that way.

You will never be forgotten by anyone who knew you. We all miss you, Missy, Shaun, Mammy, Pa, Niecie, Grandma Made-it, Pa in Virginia, Godmother Lisa, Auntie Kim and Uncle Brian, Grandpa and Mem Looker, and all of your other Aunts, Uncles and Cousins as well as friends. But, no one will ever miss you more than Mommy and Daddy. Someday, my little Wayner, we will meet again in heaven and we will never have to part again. Until that time, save your kisses and hugs for a Mommy who misses them so.

You are always my son and I am always loving you.

For Mommy's Little Angel

Wayne I prayed for you my Angel
God sent you to me;
A perfect little soul
In a body not perfectly.

I hold you close to my heart
I nursed you when you were small;
You've never been a burden
You're my greatest gift of all!

I' ve held you through the sick times
comforted you through these years;
And, seen all of your beauty
Through my stinging tears.

My heart has been heavy and aching
Your strength and will are strong;
If only for a while
To me my son you belong.

I'll always be your mommy
You'll always be with me;
Maybe briefly on with earth
But, we have eternity.

You may go before me
To our real home;
With God you will find comfort -
You'll never be alone.

Don't look back my darling
Just enjoy your perfect life;
One were there is no pain,
no tears Just walk by faith not sight.

The best that I could give you
Is not just my heart and love;
But creating you - a perfect soul
and the eternal promises of God Above.

Someday when we do meet again
What a wonderful sight to see;
Reunited with the one I love
That God hath given to me.

With Love from Mommy 4/16/97

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