Welcome to our Guestbook! Thank you for leaving comments! Come back and see us again
Harriet Rapplean - 07/27/00 19:48:45
My URL:http://www.planopin.com
My Email:harriet@planopin.com
Please visit our web site. We are a licensed vendor with GSUSA. Would enjoy working with you if you ever need pins and/or patches.
Daisy - 04/10/00 19:32:53
My URL:http://home.att.net/~I_write_screenplays/index.html
Your Service Unit sounds terrific, like your girls get to have lots of opportunities. I loved Girl Scouting and that's why I made a website I call "Why I Love My Girl Scout Leader," because it is all about our great Junior Troop and our wonderful Leader w
o was a Green Angel and a true Girl Scout. Everybody loved her. I would like to meet Girl Scouts from all over so I welcome everybody to visit me. Thank you.
Jeri Ashley - 02/16/00 19:39:31
My Email:Mojavegirlscoutstroop59@hotmail.com
Council Name: Joshua tree
Service Unit Name: Gold Rush
Troop Number & Age Level: 59 Jr
trying to get ideas for thinking day!! nice site
also trying to fine a troop that would like to be our penpals. We have 8 girls
you can also e-mail me on my e-mail address
Julie Casey - 11/09/99 20:35:57
My Email:retjkc@aol.com
Council Name: Joshua Tree
Service Unit Name: Lake LA
Troop Number & Age Level: 771/brownie leader, 129/junior coleader, daisy coleader
very interesting, and well done...but I wanted to go into chat room and was unable...I registered and couldn't figure it out from there...I would love to chat with some other leaders and get ideas...also, any idea how I can do a troop web page..??I am very
computer illiterate!!thanks
Carla Stanley - 01/22/99 22:29:54
My Email:carla@hughes.net
Council Name: Joshua Tree Council
Service Unit Name: Rosamond
Troop Number & Age Level: Juniors 164
it looks realy nice how do we get our web page started? keep up the good work.
10/03/98 22:28:43
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Stephanie Ebeltoft - 09/15/98 18:55:30
My Email:sneak@prodigy.net
Council Name: Joshua Tree Council
Service Unit Name: Rosamond
Troop Number & Age Level: Co-Leader Troop #169
Great Job Lori! Hope to have our information to you soon.
Linda Whitney(ladybug) - 08/26/98 19:11:32
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/7002
My Email:ladybugleader@hotmail.com
Council Name: Joshua Tree
Service Unit Name: Rosamond
Troop Number & Age Level: Cad/Sr Troop 90(leader)
Webmaster, Keep up the good work. We finally have our own web page. It will be great once we get it finished.
Linda Christensen - 08/23/98 22:42:12
My Email:lc4mc@aol.com
Council Name: Joshua Tree Council
Service Unit Name: Rosamond
Troop Number & Age Level: Junior Troop 300
Wow Lori! I'm soooo empressed!! You did a great job. Now we have to come up with some info to put on it. This is going to be so fun.
Thanks Lori!! :)
Flipper McQuack "Lori" - 08/22/98 04:12:28
My URL:http://flippermq.8m.com
My Email:flippermq@hotmail.com
Council Name: Joshua Tree Council
Service Unit Name: Rosamond Service Unit
Troop Number & Age Level: Co-Leader of Brownie Troop 159 & Cd/Sr Troop 90
Excellent Page if I do say so myself!! I had ta be the first one to sign it.. after all I'm creating it. Well I'll just tell myself to keep up the good work!