Sammi's Precious Picture Page

Hi and welcome to my page of pictures. I hope to have some more here soon, so come back later and check it out!

This is my sister at the Christmas Dance at Concord College '96.

This is my friend Keith. I'm in love with his truck.

This is my friend Carrie. She may look a little scary, and she can be at times,
but for the most part she's really sweet.

Ethan is a really wonderful friend. He knows more about me than I know about myself.
If it wasn't for Ethan being the sweet and caring guy he is, I wouldn't be here today.
Thank you Ethan!!!

This is a picture of me and my great friend Lyno. Although we don't get to see each other, we do stay in touch over the computer. This is a bigger picture of the little tiny one that used to be on my main page...

Lyno is a really good friend of mine. Although we have only been in each other's
company for about a week, we have known each other for a seems as if
I have known him forever. The little girl in the picture is the daughter of one of
his friends.....isn't she darling?

Michelle is my friend from Concord. She lives in Tennessee now with her husband, Chris. Things aren't the
same without her here, but at least we still keep in touch. I miss you Michelle!