Sammi's Precious Page
Hi and welcome to my homepage. My name is Sammi. I am a junior journalism major at Concord College in Athens, West Virginia. My main interests are reading and writing, talking to friends, and collecting Winnie the Pooh items. This page is still under major construction, so please check back later! Please take the time to sign my guestbook too. Thank you!
Here I am once again, back at school. It's not a bad thing, don't get me wrong. I would just rather be in Ohio with Tony. For those of you wondering, yes, I was engaged this summer. Tony proposed to me on Aug. 4, 1998, just one month after our one year anniversary. So, to all you guys out there, I'm a taken woman now. Don't worry....I have tissues to dry your tears. Please feel free to look at all the sub pages here. I'm sure you'll find something you like. Have a great day and SMILE! It looks good on you!
In Loving Memory of J.C. Bowmar
Who died Nov. 1, 1996
It's been a year,
Yet the tears still fall.
Your memory lives on
In the hearts of all those who knew you.
An innocent life
Made to suffer beyond belief
With pain, agony, and heartache.
You never complained
You took it in stride.
Thankful it was you, and not a friend
Made to suffer.
But, J.C., you were a friend,
A very dear friend.
We are honored to have known you.
You made an impact on our lives we will never forget.
Your memory will live forever in our hearts,
Your legacy passed on,
Then, now and forever, we love you J.C.
-Sammi Shahan, 1997
This is a picture of me doing my all-time favorite thing.......talking on the phone.
This is a very special page to me. It's a page dedicated to my one and only, Tony.....
What is Pooh so excited about? Look and see for yourself.
Here are some of my favorite links.
This is a page of poetry I have collected.
Straight from the horse's mouth....Well, not really, but these are a few quotes I found and love.
A page of pictures of my friends and family.
If you are a cat lover, you must go here, and if not, please visit this site anyway.
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since November 14, 1997.
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