Pickerington Child Abuse Prevention

Tim Keil, Project Coordinator

42 East Borland Street
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
Phone: 833-2892
E-mail: toddler@erinet.com


What Can You Do?

Child abuse happens.

So, you're against child abuse? Good. But that doesn't mean a whole lot. You see, there is nothing at all that is noble about being "against" child abuse. It is the easiest thing in the world to "feel badly" seeing vulnerable and innocent children hurt. In fact, it is an instinctive and natural response. So, the question is, what do we do about all of our "good intentions"? Do we pass stronger laws, build bigger prisons, and hire more police? Do we require convicted child abusers to be tattooed, to wear scarlet letters or to erect flashing neon signs in front of their homes? Will this protect the children of our community? If we locked up every child abuser for life, the child victims would still remain, and twenty-five to forty percent of these would grow up to become child abusers themselves. Obviously, we can lock up the abusers, but not the demons that plague our generations.

So, where do we begin?

Try beginning with yourself and with the children you love. The responsibility begins with you and not with the child protective services, the police department or the psychotherapists. Have you hugged the children in your life today? Have you set aside special undivided time and attention just for them? have you listened to them and have you gone to the trouble of finding out what is going on in their lives? It's not enough to care. You must demonstrate that caring in every way every day.

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This page is maintained by Tim Bode (tbode@freenet.columbus.oh.us) and provided by Divine Light Lutheran Church. Last modified on 10/4/97.