Our Children's Heritage

Links to related sites Index to surnames in our family tree The root of our family tree

Welcome to the de Jong/Schofield Family Tree page!

My husband and I have started a genealogy hobby with the intention of providing our three children with a solid connection to their ancestors. We intend to post their family tree here.

Through this page, we hope to be able to link with other people who are connected to our family or simply share our interest in genealogical research in order to help us with this fascinating task.

Our children have a wonderful heritage that takes them across Canada and back across the Atlantic to two beautiful and wonderfully different areas of Europe; The United Kingdom and The Netherlands.

In the course of our research Wiebe and I also intend to learn about and teach to our children the cultures of these places and the influences they have on our lives even today.

We may even find some long lost family members in the process. What an exciting prospect! Join us on our journey back in time. You never know, maybe our paths have crossed somewhere along the way!


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Last updated July 28, 2008
Send your comments to marymay@shaw.ca