Charlie's Home Page From


Ted Williams....(Teddy Ballgame)

The Greatest Rivalry in Sports Is, No Doubt Between The Red Sox And The Yankees

But before we go to the rest of the page I'd like to send out my good luck to the Norwood, Massachusetts Orioles Little League Ball Club.
Here's to a good season fellas.
You have a great coach, I'm sure you will do well.

See the legends.... Cy Young.......... Babe Ruth........ Ted Williams......... Tony Conigliaro......... Lefty Grove........... Carl Yastrzemski...and we can't forget the most famous wall in the country........The Green Monster.

If you want "Take me out to the ballgame" to stop playing... scroll down to the Crescendo Player...right click/options/allow looping (It will stop after playing once)

Before We Go On: Click Here For An Up To Date Report Of The Red Sox Game.... Updated After Each Pitch....Really !!!!

Now, Enough sports talk.... Let's get on with the Page.

Please Take time to sign my Guest Book... It's nice to know who is out there looking and I just love to hear your comments.


I Love Boston

The Home Of Baked Beans And Cod... Where The Lodges Talked To The Cabots And The Cabots Talked Only To God.

My Home Town

Boston Has An Endless Array Of Diversified Entertainment And Community Resources Like the Boston Public Library, The Museum of Fine Arts, The Museum of Science, American Repertory Theatre, Boston Ballet, Boston Symphony Orchestra, The Boston Pops, The Computer Museum, Gardner Museum and The New England Aquarium , The Wang Center, Mass Horticultural Society , Museum of AfroAmerican History, New England Wild Flower Society, Come With Me Now And Visit Them.

For Those Of You Who Like To Do a Little Sightseeing..... Boston Has Just The Thing For You And Here Are A Few Of My Favorite Landmarks.... U.S.S. Constitution(Old Ironsides), Faneuil Hall, The Old North Church And The Old State House To Name A Few. Also, Few People And Only True Bostonians Know About The Emerald Necklace.

Also, I am a member of  The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts .... as much a part of Boston's history as anything that is Boston.


We Bostonians are so proud of this !!!

Come And See Boston's Greatest Treasure

United States Navy Sail 200 Photographs

Our Local News Stations Photographs

 Chowdah !!!!! 

It would be a sin to talk Boston without thinking of a good bowl of Clam Chowdah !!
Not New Yawk Chowdah, we don't put any ta-made-iz in it.

You Want Chowdah ???

Well !!! Forget all your other recipies and
Click Heah

What ??? You think I talk funny ???

Then Click Heah For The Correct Way To Talk

And Click Heah to learn how to be a Bostonian

Now !!!!! Back To The Twoah....

You're Gonna Love This

Besides Downtown Boston And Typical Tourist Attractions Like The Ones Listed Above... We In Boston Consider The Outlying Areas Part Of Our Great Diversity. Put On Your Seat Belts And Take A Ride To One Of These Sites.

Massachusetts - Sites as varied as the Puritans and the Pranks at MIT

Boston - Things to see and do

Boston City Hall - Boston's Official CyberHall

Boston Area Restaurant Guide

Maps - Pinpointing many Home Pages in the Bay State

Virtual Cape Cod - My Favorite... Go here

Cape Internet - Explore the Cape's scenic views and more

Nantucket - Things to do and homes to rent

Nantucket.Net - The Official Island Information Center

Vermont and New Hampshire - Maps highlight sites in Northern New England

Surf Maine's Rocky Coast - and its Other Natural Wonders

A Little History Before We Continue

Before I take you anywhere else I think it is best that you know a little more about me. Did I mention that I come from Boston? Well, yes.... born and raised and I have the accent to prove it although we don't think of it as an accent at all.... We are positive it is the correct way to talk and figure that everyone else just talks funny. I did a four year six month hitch in the U.S. Navy and had tours of duty in Key West, Florida.... Argentia,Newfoundland and Eleuthera, Bahamas.

Visit my wife's homepage. She's from Connecticut and talks funny but I'm sure you'll like her page. It has everything from quilting (her second love...*wink*) to nature, whaling and many other great things.
Penny's Place

Before you go on to the rest of the page, you may be interested in my other hobby, my digital camera, my

Sony Mavica Page.

And Also.....My Friends' Home Pages

TI's Home Page

Ciara's HomePage

Buddha's Home Page

Betty's Home Page

Of all of my hobbies, my favorite is amateur radio. My wife Penny and her Dad are also Amateur Radio operators which makes it all that much more interesting. I've been a licensed operator since 1976. For those of you who would like to see a little of this fascinating way of communicating, you can click on The American Radio Relay League. It is the largest organization of radio operators in the world, located In Newington, Connecticut.

And Now For Another Pastime Of Mine


Great For Mental Re-Conditioning After a Day At Work

Follow My Assistant Into



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