Wallingford Pictures
The pictures on the following pages represent a small portion of a collection of photographs that were found with the papers of Charles C Wallingsford of Hynes, CA. They are now in the possession of Jacque Wallingford who has graciously made them available. Unfortunately many of them are not labelled so we are asking for your help. We are posting these pictures on my website in hopes that they can be identified. Some are very old (1800s) while some are from the 1930s and 1940s. Please take a look at them and if you find any that you recognize, please contact either one of us with the number found below the picture and let us know who is in the picture. Some of you were kind enough to respond already, however, I have suffered a number of computer crashes and have lost all of my email from the last two years. Please contact me again and I will be happy to update the information.
We are also posting some of the pictures that are identified. Stop by and take a look.

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Authored by Darryn Lickliter delvok@aol.com
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