The Wallingford Mailing List, sponsored by Rootsweb, is a way of communicating with other Wallingford researchers who may have information you are seeking. There are two modes, List and Digest. You need only subscribe to one or the other, depending on your own preference. In the List Mode you will receive individual emails. In the Digest Mode, a number of emails are sent to you as one email.The instructions for subscribing to each are the same. Send an email to the address of the mode you to which you wish to subscribe (or unsubscribe). You do not need to type anything in the subject field. In the body of the email, (where you would normally type a message), type the word "subscribe" (or unsubscribe) AND NOTHING ELSE. Subscriptions are controlled enrolled automatically by computers. The mail servers are programmed to search for the word "subscribe" in the body of emails. If the word is not in the right place, you will not be subscribed. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at delvok@aol.com.
List Mode:   WALLINGFORD-L-request@rootsweb.com
Digest Mode:   WALLINGFORD-D-request@rootsweb.com
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