Benjamin Wallingford was born ca 1750/60 in either Virginia or Maryland. He probably died in Clark County, Ohio as his will was probated there in 1833. His wife was named Anne, possibly Gilkey. Although proof has not yet been found that Anne's maiden name was Gilkey, she did have a child by that name. Benjamin and Anne were most likely married in Berkeley or Frederick County, VA. The Order Books of Frederick County, VA do shed light on one possibility.

In Order Book 7 on page 30, Barbara, widow of David Gilkey, was appointed his administrator on 3 March 1756. On page 171 of Book 8, Barbara had married James Hagan. It is dated 5 December 1758. From the transcription it is not clear whether this is the date of the order or of the marriage. On page 188 of Book 9, William Rankin was appointed guardian of Jennett, David, William, John and Ann Gilky, orphans of David Gilky, deceased. Also in Book 9, on page 197, James Hagan and Barbary are mentioned again. These records were abstracted by the Virginia DAR (Genealogical Records Committee, Series 2, Volume 35 pages 177 and 178. The transcription covers the years 1763 to 1830. The list of the children is probably in order of birth, since it's not in order of gender. Since Benjamin was born between 1750 and 1760 and Benjamin Jr was born in 1781, it is probable that Anne (Gilkey??) Wallingford was also born between 1750 and 1760. Given the number of children named in the guardianship, David must not have been very old when he died. Also, since Ann was mentioned last, she was probably born in the early 1750s (before 1756). I believe the ages match. All that is needed is to find some sort of deed or estate record linking Anne Wallingford to David and Barbara Gilky.

They had at least eight children:

Benjamin was born 11 November 1781 and died 26 December 1853 in Decatur, Iowa.
Ann was born 21 February 1784 and died 12 September 1848, probably in Delaware County, Ohio.
Mary Ellery was born 3 June 1784 [Note the conflict with her sister's birth date.] She died ca 1819.
James was born 20 June 1787 in Kentucky and died after 1870
Phebe was born 3 September 1788 in Virginia or Kentucky and died 5 November 1862 in Shelby County, Ohio.
Lydia was born ca 1793 in Kentucky and died 28 October 1859 in Greene County, Illinois
Gilkey was born ca 1798 in Kentucky and died 11 December 1871, probably in Coles County, Illinois.
***Richard was born 7 January 1799 in Kentucky and died 11 February 1842 in Clark County, Ohio.

***It has been mentioned that Richard, who was born in 1799, was not a son of Benjamin of Ohio, but rather, a grandson. In his will, Benjamin appointed his grandson, Richard to be his executor. In the Ohio Census records for 1820 and 1830, there is only one Richard Wallingford listed. Benjamin's son James had a son named Richard who was born in 1816. However, he would have only been 16 or 17 when his grandfather died, therefore it is unlikely that Benjamin was referring to him. The only son of Benjamin Jr was old enough to have been Richard's father. There is also the possibility that there was an older child of Benjamin and Anne's. Benjamin Sr was under 21 in May of 1772, (see Elizabeth Clark's will) meaning he was born sometime after May of 1751. The 1830 Census of Clark Co, Ohio shows that Benjamin was between the ages of 70 and 80, meaning he was born before 1760. Benjamin and Anne could very easily have had a child born before Benjamin in 1781. Until further evidence can be found to clear this discrepancy up, I have decided to leave Richard listed on this page for reasons of convenience.

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