Welcome To The Bone Yard

Where All Good Things Start

This HomePage is Dedicated to all of those who either work in the Public Service field, or Love someone who does.

A Deputy's Prayer

Dear Lord I pray to you,
  Give me the strenght to make it through.
    Grant me the wisdom and courage I will need,
      For all of this I do plead.
        Please watch over me on this shift,
          Bless me with your special gift.
            For my friends and family I do care,
              All of this you are aware.
                Give them the knowledge if I don't come home,
                  With them in Heaven I will roam.

                                   Roy D. Polmanteer
                                   © 1997

Places To Go Within The Bone Yard

The Funnies The FireHouse
The CoffeeShop A Tribute to the Military
Bones Poems Angel's Page
Links to other Pages

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Bones & Angel's Wedding

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Caution: This HomePage is still under construction. Please wear your hardhat and look for falling letters. Thank You For Your Patronage. RDBones

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This page is © 1998 by Bones

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