The Arroyo Valley
Model Railroad was first started in 1935. It's an "O" gauge layout
and was first constructed with an outside third rail in the attic
of our family home. The railroad was converted to two rail in 1938
and the attic roof was raised so we could stand up. Most of the cars
were kits or made from scratch. The engines where built from scratch
or converted Lionel - such as the 700 kw series. A third layout was
started in 1951.
The name "Arroyo
Valley" is fictitious, as is the layout. We lived next to the Arroyo
Seco (dry river) and the Santa Fe line. The name was first registered
with the National Model Railroad Association in 1948. The present
layout was moved to my basement in 1984 and is approximately 28'
x 13' with a rail height of 44" to 56". Most of the rail is 90#
.172 with minimum curves at 3',0", most are 4' 8". The layout is
primarily three loops, two almost level and one mountain loop with
2.5 and 1.8% grades. Each loop can be controlled separately or all
combined as one.