Monica's Homepage

About Me

My name is Monica and I'm 12. I'm in 6th grade and I'm homeschooled. I like homeschool because I get to read a lot. My favorite book is Cleopatra VII, Daughter of the Nile by The Royal Diaries. I'm reading These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder now. We use Sonlight Curriculum, so I get to read a lot for my school work.

I have two brothers, they are homeschooled too. Eric is 14, he's in 9th grade and Justin is 6, he's in 1st grade.

I like to read, ride bikes, play Disney Charades and listen to my new Shania Twain CD. I like to twirl (baton) too. I started taking baton lessons in November of 1999. We got to march in a Christmas parade. It was fun, but very tiring. I hope to compete someday in local and national competitions.

I love horses! I want to have one or two or three someday. Here are some sites about horses.

Horse Links

Chincoteague Pony Homepage

My mom is reading Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry to us at night. When we are done with this book we will read Stormy, Foal of Misty.

My Parakeet

I love
parakeets too. I have a parakeet named Kiwi. He is green and yellow with black stripes, with a light blue and dark blue tail. He is so funny, he likes to play a lot. He likes to beat up his plastic bird and throw his ball around. He looks funny when he has one foot on his cage and one foot on his swing while he watches us and chirps for attention.

My Aussie

Australian Shepherds (Aussies) are my favorite dogs. I have one named Rocky.
He is a red merle, you don't see very many like him. He's a very good dog. He's 3 years old. Our next door neighbors have an Aussie named Rocky too, but he's a blue merle. This is a picture of Rocky's uncle, Andrew. Andrew is a champion producer at
Rosewoods Australian Shepherds. You can see Rocky's other relatives there too. Rocky looks just like Andrew, with a little less white.


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