- Answers in Genesis
- Newsletters, resources, online store, etc...
- Apologia Education Ministries
- Quality Science Curriculum for the Home School
- Breakpoint: Arguing with Evolution
- This 10-part radio series gives the basic arguments against evolution and describes the impact that evolutionary thinking has had on our society. Ministry of Prison Fellowship, founded by Chuck Colson.
Center for Scientific Creation
- Christian Answers.Net - Creation/Evolution & Science and the Bible
- Ansers to frequently asked questions. Wonderful graphics.
- Christian Answers.Net - Kids' Questions and Answers Index
- Science answers from rainbows and jellyfish to dinosaurs. Nice page set-up, geared to kids.
- Creationism Connection
- To provide information resources for Biblical creationists. Includes; Apologetics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Geology, etc...with pictures and music to listen to while you browse!
- Creation, Dinosaurs and the Flood
- Creation Science workshops, seminars, book, videos and lots of resources.
Creation Moments
Creation Research Society
- Creation Science

- Here you will find many resources related to the study of origins and science from a creationist perspective.
- Creation Science Evangelism
- to strengthen the faith of believers in Christ and to seriously challenge non-believers to reconsider their beliefs.
- Home Schooling Daily's Creation Science and Origin Resources
- Lots of links to Creation Science resources.
- The Institute for Creation Research
- A Christ focused Creation Ministry
- Pathlights
- Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, Bible Studies, links, etc...
- Life Design Creation Academy
- Know, Experience, Defend, Tell, The Truth of Creation.
- MCU Virtual Library
- Media Angels
- Media Angels presents the Creation Science Series of study guides for homeschoolers or anyone who wants to understand the science of recent Creation and a young Earth.
The Noah's Ark Project
- Sediments and the Flood
- Interesting study on Noah's flood.
I am still adding, so bookmark this site and check back again!

If you know of any sites that I should add, please email me.
