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Music is " Spanish Harlem"



a beautiful dolphin, enjoy it.

We grew up with Mickey...

We were born on a tropical island, the beautiful

island of

And we love it dearly as we

also love the mainland we call home since 1952!

The Bronx, NY is home to the Bronx Zoo; the NY Botanical Garden;

Fordham University; Yankee Stadium, home of the world champion Yankees;

Orchard Beach

& City Island,

a beautiful New England-like island.

This is a 1957 Chevy. This one is a Corvette.

This is a Hotrod.

Look at this beautiful car!!

This is the car my Michael is rebuilding.....

This section is dedicated to my brother Mike, & his son, my Michael..

They both love cars and enjoy fixing them.

..with The pink panther..

This newsletter is being written by Elba,

in loving tribute to all of you, my family......

I hope you all enjoy seeing yourselves as I write about all of us.

Hello,This webpage is about the:

..with bugs Oliveras/

clan which came about by the marriage of





Puerto Rico.

The couple produced three children, Elba, Mike and Rosie.

The families of all three are included on this page.

The Oliveras family arrived in "Da Bronx", NY

in 1952.

We were sent for by our aunt, mom's half-sister,

Emilia who was

born in Puerto Rico and migrated to NY

in 1944.

Our aunt, who never married, returned to Puerto Rico in 1960.

She is currently retired and living in Guaynabo.

Hey Chris, remember the T-bird?

The migrations to NY were for economic reasons;

to better their lives

and their children's lives.

One of pop's older sisters, Maria, had also migrated to NY and was

living in Brooklyn with some of her family, our cousins.

Although we are now scattered, Elba, her husband Andy,

& Mom are still in "Da Bronx", (Since October 12, 2002, Mom, Andy and Elba have relocated to beautiful Florida; not far from Pop and Rosa.)

Mike and his wife Nancy are in Long Island,

Rosie lives in Georgia.

& Pop and his wife Rosa are in Florida. (Update: On June 28, 2007 we lost our beloved father; Rest in peace, dear pop!

We stay in very close touch with each other and see each other

as often as we are able to.

Rosie loves angels! I will make her happy and show more angels.

Elba's child is Frank; Mike's children are Jennifer & Michael;

Rosie's child is Melanie. Frank's child is Jasmine;

Jennifer & Michael have no children, yet,

and Melanie's child is Destiny.

Frank lives in Westchester County, NY; He is a licensed massage therapist and certified personal trainer.

Jennifer is now married to Paul and they live in Georgia;

Michael lives in Florida as does Christine, his mom;

Melanie lives in Georgia with her daughter, Destiny.

Jasmine lives in NY with her father since July 2001. She had lived, since 1993, in Arizona with her mother Aphrodite

and her two little sisters, Dite & Athena; (Jasmine is now living in Arizona again with her husband and two little girls.

All three sisters

are excellent students and their mom,Aphrodite,

is a teacher in the Arizona school system.

Our maternal grandparents were Daniel and Jacinta,

both born and died in Puerto Rico many, many years ago.

We never met them.

Our paternal grandparents were Guadalupe and Isabel,

both born and died in Puerto Rico many years ago.

Mike, remember the VW bug?? You used to sell them for awhile.


We lived with our parents in our paternal grandparents' farm home until

the day we flew to "Da Bronx" NY.

We never saw our paternal grandfather again and saw

our paternal grandmother only one more time, in NY,

before she died.

Pop was born in Puerto Rico;

Mom was born in Puerto Rico.

The three of us were born in Puerto Rico.

with daffy....

Frank was born in "Da Bronx" NY to Elba &

her then husband, Efrain.

Jennifer was born in Maryland; Jennifer and her husband, Paul, are the proud parents of Isabelle, born 11-22-03

Michael was born in Maryland.

Mike had been stationed at Andrews Air Force base there

(he is a Vietnam vet) and he & his then wife, Christine,

stayed on for awhile before returning to live in Medford, NY.

Melanie was born in Wisconsin.

Rosie went to school in LaCrosse, Wisconsin

(she got her degree in education) and she and her

then husband, Stanley, lived there for a short time after Melanie

was born and then moved to Georgia so Stanley could go

to Chiropractor school.

Jasmine was born in "Da Bronx" NY

to Frank & his then girlfriend, Aphrodite. Jasmine and her husband, Jared, are now the proud parents to Madison Marie, born 11-22-03 and to Rihanna Jade, born 07-06-07.

Destiny was born in Georgia to Melanie

and her then boyfriend, Jamie.

& with Sylvester & Tweety

This background information will remain permanently on this newsletter

so that all family members, especially the younger generations,

know their roots.

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