Mother's Day Wishes

The only love as great as a mother's love for her child, is that of a child for it's mother...

The flowers pictured below, are those of a plant from Madagascar. It's estimated age is 70 years... I bought this plant for my mother, approximately 7 days after my daughter was born (June,1987). Though Mama was always very good with plants, and seemed able to grow anything, anywhere, this plant never bloomed for her. Mama died a few years ago & I took this & several of her other plants... Except for the first year, it has bloomed every year since her death, on the day of her death. This is made even more miraculous, by the fact that my oldest brother, Jeff died on the same day (March 24th) several years before.

My Mother's death was very difficult for me, still is... Because my grief was so great, and due to my faith, after the first year, shortly before the second anniversary of Mama's death, I prayed for a sign of God's hand in the order of things, for a sign that would strengthen & guide my faith. This, and the knowledge of it's meaning, is what he gave me.

My all who visit here be blessed with God's touch, and may you know it when you feel it...

If it is worth thinking of for more than a moment, it is worth saying... Never let the moment pass, for it may never come to you again.


I'm revamping things, again!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

"A Closer Walk With Thee"
(Jazz Version)

Come back again real soon & see what's new!
Until then, may God bless you & yours.