So many Christians get hurt and deceived, because they lack a solid foundation of the Word of God. I cannot possibly cover every Biblical issue, but will do my best  to cover the basic's of our faith as believers in the one true God.

Some of the topics that we will touch on, are issue's that we all need in order to begin building a relationship with Christ. For some of you who are more seasoned you may find this boring, or feel you have already covered that area. However I find that just when I think I "know" all there is to know in an area I myself coming short.

As believers we will NEVER come to the point where we "know" enough about God. And in all honesty if we do come to that point it is time to have a "Spiritual check up" with God.

These studies are broken down into different categories, We will begin with learning what a Christian is, What the Bible is, moving on to finding out Who God is, i.e. Jesus, God, Holy Spirit and the Trinity. From there we will take a look at what various area's of the Christian's life are i.e. sin, prayer, baptism, fellowship, etc. There will be A LOT of repeated information. The more we read and study the more we will find ourselves rooted and grounded.

Some things you might want to keep handy are: Your Bible, Notebook, Pen, Highlighter, and Index cards. {NOTE} A 3 ring notebook is recommended so that you can print the studies and place them in it. As well a 3 ring binder will hold regular paper for your personal notes.



MSN: nann_leeper@hotmail.com



What Exactly is a Christian

Why is a Solid Foundation Necessary

What is New Life? Study and Review

What is the Bible?

The Word of God

Who is God?

Who is Jesus?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is the Trinity?

What is Prayer

Prayer Summary and Study

Sin: What is It?
Where did it Come From

Sin: Review and Study

Doctrine of Baptism's


The table below is question and answer studies only. For futher reading mean's the link will provide more information on a particular subject.


  Repentance and Faith

  Sin, Salvation, Forgiveness

The Existance, Charactor, Attributes and Love of God


  The Word of God Part I

  The Word of God Part II

For further Reading  What is the Bible?   

   The Word of God



For further Reading What is prayer

  Satan and Spiritual Warfare

  Putting Christ First


For further Reading Fellowship Who Needs It?

The Holy Spirit & Trinity

The Spirit Filled Life, Part I

The Spirit Filled Life, Part II

  What is the Trinity?


The information and materials provided in this study are from various source's. Some I have written myself and others compiled from the following Net Bible Institute, Harvest Ministries, Somebody Loves You Crusades, Chuck Smith, and Warren Weirsbe.