The purpose of this page is to remember my cousin Brenda Kay. She was a beautiful person. She may not have been blessed with a skinny body and lots of money, but she had something special, a great personality and lots of love to give. She loved to play cards, she could probably play any game of cards know to men. We all use to go to Brenda's house and play cards for hours and hours. I still remember how she could shuffle those cards. She looked like someone from a casino shuffling those cards. She would make the best fudge while we all sat around the table talking and having so much fun. She also loved to play Bingo, and she won quite a few times. One of her daily chores was to watch her soap operas. She could barely go for too long without watching them. I remember her always buying a TV Guide so she could know ahead of time some of things that would happen on her soaps. I loved her so much. I decided to make this page so Brenda would always go on and never be forgotten.
Brenda came from a large family. She left behind her brothers Gary, Danny, Fred, and Bennie Landers, Jerry and Larry Spangler. Her sisters Dorothy Landers Fisher, Nell Landers Hull, and Glenda Spangler Fulton. She left behind numerous neices, nephews, and cousins. She married Michael Frank Dibble November 3, 1978, they had just celebrated their 20th anniversary. She has a son whom she probably loved more than her own life named Michael Ray. She was born May 30, 1960, she was only 38 when God decided to take her to heaven.
It's really hard to believe she is gone. I know she is in a much better place, but it's hard to accept that we'll never see her again on this earth. Brenda had this laugh that couldn't be forgotten. When she'd laugh she would just jiggle like jello. Brenda also had a hard life. She never had much money, but she didn't let that keep her down. She would have many garage sells, sometimes selling her own things, to make a living. She always made sure that her son Michael had a good Christmas or Birthday with presents even though they may have been behind on their bills. She always made me laugh.
The last time I saw her was two weeks before she died. She was on her way to moving to Tyler when her, her husband, and son stopped by to tell us bye. She was telling us about having to leave behind her cat that she had for like 5 years. I had told her I would go check on it, but I still haven't went to see about it yet.
She was a great person and I will never forget her. She had will power, even when she was down to having nothing she could always squeeze in a smile. She had one heart attack earlier this year, but I guess her heart wasn't as strong as we all thought. On Tuesday November 17, 1998 she was sitting in a chair when she fell over yelling for help. She was rushed to the hospital. We got a call that evening saying that Brenda had a heart attack and that they were doing open heart surgery on her. She had a 50/50 chance and it didn't look very good. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that she wasn't going to make it through this. I went into my room and prayed to God to please help Brenda, to not take her from us. About an hour after that her brother called and said she didn't make it through the surgery. I have never lost anyone close to me before, and I felt this feeling in my heart that just hurt so much. I was shaking and crying and shocked. I couldn't believe that Brenda was gone.
The next night we went to the funeral home and that was when I had to accept it. There she lay in a white casket trimmed in pink, she was wearing a pretty white dress. She had earrings on, which she hardly ever wore any, and she had a necklace and a pen that said Jesus on it. She looked like she was asleep. I don't think I'll ever forget how she looked laying there in that casket. I went back to the funeral home Thursday, and I knew that would be my real last chance to see her because the next day she would be buried. I kept looking at her and thinking "Brenda, wake up, come on, I'll take you to play bingo". But I knew she would never wake up. That next day, a Friday at 11 am was her funeral. That was the last time we got to see Brenda. I hope she can see this and I hope she knows that she will be missed, loved, and always remembered. I want her to know that we all look forward to seeing her again in heaven.
We Love You Brenda "Kay, Kay"............