Hi! My name is Jimmy
and I am 4.75 years old! My mom and I are working on this page together because I can't type (or read, or write…well, you probably get the picture).My Mom and Dad have their own pages and you can visit them if you want but they really only have grown-up stuff there. Even my brother, Jeremy, has his own page…'cept mine's better! His only has baby stuff because he is only 3 years old.
Let me tell you what I can do:
I can do a somersault in mid-air after I jump off the couch.
I can whisper ( 'cept in church).
I really love to sing…but I don't like anyone else to sing with me! I sing (and dance) the following songs: The B-I-B-L-E, Jesus Loves Me, Old McDonald had a Farm, and the Alphabet song! We are singing at Sunday School now and I really enjoy that!
Since we are at a new church and Daddy is preaching again, I am learning to sit with Mommy during the singing and sharing time. Then I go to Jr church!!
We live in a big new house - and I get to have the TV/VCR upstairs next to my room - Oh, boy cartoons first thing in the morning (if mommy doesn't hear!) I love to ride my trike around and around on the deck in the back yard. Since we live on a big hill, Daddy says I have to put my big-boy bike up until his nerves are all better (it seems my braking abilities on hills makes him nervous!). Oh, well, maybe I can get Daddy and Mommy to take me and Jeremy roller blading!
I love Jesus - and have learned that He loves me! Do you love Jesus?
I can kick a soccer ball and throw a baseball. I want to play hockey but Mom wants me to get all my teeth first.
I love to pray….especially if Mommy and Daddy say No. Then I ask Jesus if it is OK!
I can swim a mile…in the bathtub!
I am really getting handsome and I love to "wheel and deal." Daddy sometimes calls me "Wheeler."
I've learned to smile real big if I think that will get me out of trouble! This is very effective on adults!!
This is me trying out the new swingset! (9/99)
Here in the grin I use on adults! Pretty effective, huh!?! (8/99)
My brother and I were adopted...my mommy made a page about our adoption story. If you visit there, I hope you will check out the links. Also, please visit the parenting pagefor links that Mom uses to keep us busy and entertained!
My mom is always updating our homepage so I hope that you will come back to see what she has done lately. I've let her know that I don't want her to work on the 'puter 'cept when I'm not available to play with and she is really trying.
Please note that we do not endorse every link that is displayed above. "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Phil 4:8
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