BelovedLamb's Page First, Why did I change my page name? Well, my full name is Amy Rae...but I've not always liked my middle name. Until my dear husband found out that it means 'Little Lamb' he has started calling me his BelovedLamb ... and now I love it. It also reminds me of the FIRST BelovedLamb, Jesus, who became the sacrificial lamb for our sins so that we might not have to live in eternity separated from Him! Who is Amy? Well, I'm wife to
Do you feel that being a Mommy is the most important thing you do? Do you have a website? I've created an
award for Christian Mommys on the Web....if you are a Christian Mommy and you have a website…or if you would like to visit the sites that have already received this award, please click here.
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You are visitor since August 2, 1999
Besides my family, there is one other group of people that are near and dear to my heart: Pastor's Wives. After Eric and I had been married for about 16mos we moved from Woodland, CA to Portland, OR to attend Seminary at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. Eric wasn't sure what direction he would go upon graduation but that this was where he needed to be right then. I had a great time while he was attending school....I had a great job that allowed me a lot of flexibility to learn new things, took classes in the Wives program at the Seminary and got involved in Women's Ministries on campus, and grew closer and closer to my husband. During this time we were trying to start a family which was frustrating and painful...but the adoption of our sons was one of the best things we ever did. You can read that
story here. But while we were at Seminary, I realized that I did not feel a personal call to ministry. I was pretty worried about this until just before Graduation when I realized that I was called to be Eric's wife and my calling was to support him any way I could.Within two months of graduation we had a ministry position just 80 miles from Portland. The long and short of it was that we felt lead to move on after 2 years. We had hoped that we could remain there longer but it became apparent that Eric's vision from the Lord for the church and the member's vision were not compatible. It was a very painful, discouraging time. We needed to stay in the area in order to complete our youngest son's adoption and the Lord blessed us by allowing Eric to be hired as the Administrator and a teacher at Sonrise Academy. UPDATE: The Lord allowed us to return to pastoral ministry! PTL!! We now are living on the Oregon coast and ministering at
Harbor Baptist Church (CBA) in Winchester Bay, Oregon. God is Faithful!All that to explain why I started the
PastorsWives Email List. One of the hardest things about our time at our first pastorate was the isolation. There were no women my age and I didn't have any friends in the church or community with who I could share my thoughts and fears. When I looked at the future pastoral positions, I grew discouraged and anxious. I feel that the Lord placed this ministry on my heart to meet the needs of PastorsWives like me who are feeling alone, discouraged or simply need a friend. It is a great group of women who I am blessed to called friends and sisters!In June of 1999 we had our
first anniversary and the ladies surprised me with an anniversary page. They shared what the list has meant to them. What an encouragement it was to me!
PastorsWives Ring This site is owned by Amy |
Look what I did! You can too! Just click on my diploma for more information!
My teacher, Lady T, gave me a special award but she is the one who deserves the award…she made the class soooo fun! Thanks Lady T!!!
Low Carb recipe links | Hannah's Prayer |
Scrapbooking Idea Network | Jangle |
Organize Wize | The Dollar Stretcher |
Please note that we do not endorse every link that is displayed above. "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Phil 4:8 | |
More coming soon... |
One of my favorite pastimes is reading!
My favorite author is Charlaine Harris, the author of the Aurora Teagarden series. The only link I have for her is for the Newsletter Femmes Fatales to which she contributes, so I created my own site. At Aurora's Teagarden you will find a list of Charlaine Harris' books and my reviews. I also enjoy L.M. Montgomery, Sue Grafton, Lori Wick, Patricia Cornwell and Janet Evanovich.
Crossings is a great place to find your favorite Christian authors!
I am also always on the prowl for more great authors. If you have a suggestion, drop me a note at
Thank you for visiting our homepage! I have really enjoyed creating it!
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Thriving in the Fishbowl | Aurora's Teagarden | What are you Seeking?
Updated 9/8/1999