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Kristin - 06/09/00 14:12:03
My Email:mtc@nycap.rr.com

Baby's toes!!! Yum, yum!

Sunny Yang - 05/06/00 18:06:11
My Email:yngsu@simon.rohcester.edu

Hmmm... I think I can see Dave in Jeffrey. Or is it the other way around??? I better stat something soon if our kids are to be friends. At the rate I am going Jeffrey can prbably babysit my kids. Take care!!!

Uh - 04/11/00 18:08:42
My Email:u.song@excite.com

Hey Cathy & David & Jeffrey Great Site. It seems like your having alot of fun with this. Pretty soon Jeffrey might feel like "TRUMAN". Well happy designing and thanks for the song hints.

Kristin - 04/08/00 22:22:48

Hi, "Jejji," I can't pronounce your name yet but I have my own name for you. I love your latest pics! Love, Kristin

You gil-ho - 04/03/00 15:12:47
My Email:hidehiho@kebi.com

You have many cousin in Korea??? ¿µ¾î°¡ Á»ÀÌ»óÇؼ­ ±×³É ¾µ°Ô¿ä... ¿À·£¸¸¿¡...¿ÍºÃ³×¿ä...±Ùµ¥ Dialpad¿¡¼­´Â can't telephone[?]¾ÈµÇ¿ä....¾ÆÁ÷ service Áö¿ªÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï·¡¿ä...³ªÁß¿¡ ´Ù½Ã ¿Ã²²¿ä...

Lee Sang-Mok - 02/16/00 09:49:12
My Email:lsm1122@netian.com

hi, Sujin! I'm your cousin in Seoul, Korea. I cann"t contract you with e-mail. I see the your letter and poto. Your baby is very pretty. I am making my homepage, your father's too. Have a nice day! See you later.

Dwight Patel - 02/10/00 21:19:12
My URL:http://www.pswebwizards.com
My Email:dpatel@pswebwizards.com

Hey Cathy Remeber me? Archiutecture Club with Pat Baker, Keviun V. Sameana and company? Dwight

Caitlin & Kristin - 01/28/00 20:40:25
My Email:mtc@nycap.rr.com

Jeffrey is soooo cute! Look at that cute baby! Hey, can I have some cheerios, too, Mommy? We love the snow too!

Ji yeon, LEE - 01/23/00 12:59:11
My Email:ljy1204@hanmail.net

Hi, Sujin ! I'm your cosin, in Korea. Your dad sent me your website URL. The baby is very cute and your husband look like very kind man! I see you, yor are so happy! I wish your family every happiness!! *^.^*

caitlin - 10/28/99 00:03:17
My Email:mtc@nycap.rr.com

look at that cute baby! Month 5 favorites are eating and laying on tummy; month 6 - pulling his grandfather's hair! Love, cousin caitlin

Kathy Krepps - 10/26/99 18:42:32
My Email:bionic@blazenet.net

Hi David and family, Your dad sent me the family website URL. I had fun looking at everyone's pages and yours is especially well done. Jeffrey is a cutie and I like the week by week, month by month progress reports. Congratulations! Your cousin, Kathy

Brooke Fowler - 10/21/99 14:22:17
My Email:bfowler@bbn.com

I am so happy for you! I can't wait to get togther. Always, Brooke

Byungho Han - 09/30/99 14:47:12
My Email:byhan@nortelnetworks.com

David, Cathy, How are you? The baby is extremely cute & adorable. This is a really neat website. It must have taken a lot of time! Hope to get together with you guys sometime soon! - Byungho

Brian Wong - 08/08/99 23:40:12
My Email:bcw712@yahoo.com

Great web page! I love the Canon in D. David and Cathy look beautiful in their wedding pictures. Jeffrey and that Tina person are extremely cute as well.

Caroline Cho - 07/27/99 14:21:44
My Email:caroline@mediacy.com

The web sit is great! I love the pictures you have of Jeffrey and your families. It's nice since I can't see you guys in person. Take care.

Sunny Yang - 06/30/99 05:58:40
My Email:yangsunny@hotmail.com

DAve and Cathy! Congrats!!! I finally get see the photos of Jefferey. Take care and be cool! Sunny

Patricia A. Taylor - 06/28/99 14:50:36
My Email:ptaylor@llgm.com

My new e-mail (effective 7/1/99)

Steve Regitz - 06/16/99 23:56:56

Glad to see everyone smiling.

Cathy - 06/16/99 21:25:40
My URL:/Heartland/Lane/8963
My Email:cathy@gtemail.net

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