Welcome to my Garden Page. Here you will find pictures of our garden. Pictures of my gourd's growing. The tall arbor is covered with black plastic netting on two sides and the top for the gourd plants to grow on. Also there are some pictures of some of my flowers. Also I would like to extend a special thanks to Joni for inspiring me to make this page.....Thanks Joni.
gourd plants starting to grow up netting |
gourd plants starting to grow up netting |
gourd plants part way through summer |
gourd plants part way through summer |
gourd plants part way through summer |
one of the gourds starting to grow :-) |
garden fall 1999, the corn in the middle was taller then my 6 ft. husband |
some gourds from 1998 crop |

Below are some pictures of one of my flower beds. The turtle bird bath in the bed was made with clay flower pots. |

my lilies and a rose growing near the chimney |
These are my cactus'. They stay out all winter long even though I live where it snows. They get very pretty yellow flowers on them in spring. |
2001 photos below
This is the flower bed that is pictured above. It's been transformed. I've put all my ornamental grass' here. The hosta that is show here have been replaced by lamb's ear plants. Just below it is a picture of the transformation. I've added three new grass' also. Below that are three pictures of my colombines.

My hen and chick barrel below is about 5 yrs. old

This is a fern leaf bleeding heart

The mose rose in bloom

The rest of the hens and chicks got moved under this tree. They are multiplying fast :-)

I received the award below from Sandy,aka Furby. Please check out her site and find her secret garden like it did. It's a great site and the garden is beautiful. Thanks Sandy

email me at......CinGourd1@aol.com
My Other Pages
Gourd1's Page...
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My Talk City
Page... Cingourdspage...
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My Stewart Genealogy...
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