To give you an idea what it's like to live with the twins. We created this page to show you what a typical day is like. It all starts with ……


The wakeup is early. Sometimes they cry and other times they just make noises in the crib but its almost always happens at approximately…

 … 5:30 AM!!!

Here's Robby waking up from a good night sleep (that used to be rare because Rachel used to wake him up in the middle of the night. Lately, she has been sleeping through the night consistently without a single peep.)

¨ 5:45 AM - The twins get their bottles (around 4-6 ounces each)


¨ 6:00 to 7:00 AM - They have an early morning play time. Usually it is in the family room. We set up a barrier (the futon, beanbag, exersaucer, baskets, etc.) to keep them contained but it doesn't always hold.

¨ 7:00 to 7:15 AM - It's breakfast time. Breakfast usually consists of cereal (mush food) and some kind of fruit mush like banana. Robby seems to have mastered the art of drink from a sippy cup.

¨ 7:15 to 7:45 AM - It's time for a walk. On weekends, it is dad's privilege. Here's how they look.


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