Welcome to Jack's Home Page
(honeymoon picture)
At this site, you can explore and learn more about our family. Keep track of the babies and parents.
**** Holiday Blues?? See below.***

- Click here to see details of the first day. (12/2/97). DECEMBER 2nd BABIES (BOY and GIRL).
- More photos of the twins (updated 12/4/97).
- See how daddy and mommy are handling the babies. (updated 12/5/97)
- Twins are home. (updated 12/8/97)
- Photo Album (updated 1/17/98)
- Jack's Office gives the Romano's a gift certificate. See what we bought. (updated 2/17/98)
- Babies visit Grandpa and Grandma in Burtonsville, MD. See how much fun they had. (updated 3/15/98)
- BABY SOUNDS! This month the twins start talking. HEAR them talk, laugh and cry. Click here (updated 4/19/98)
- Movie clips of the babies. Download AVI movies or look at still photos of twins doing tricks. (updated 5/17/1998)
- Rachel can CRAWL and STAND. Robert can SIT. (updated 6/10/98)
- Babies are growing. See new pictures and find out interesting facts about the twins. (updated 7/17/98)
- What's it like to live with the twins? Click here to see a typical day. (updated 8/15/1998).
- The Twins try to out do each other. Click here to see who did what first. (updated 9/20/98)
- This past month was not a happy one for the twins. Their grandfather, my father, passed away on 10/6/98. In memory of Victor Romano, Click here to see one memory that will stay with us forever. (updated 10/24/98).
- As the twins approach their first birth day, they show Mom and Dad what lies ahead. This month follow the babies as they explore every room of the house. (updated: 11/10/98)
- It's here. Babies birthday. One year has passed. See how things have changed. (updated: 12/15/98)
- Christmas day has arrived. The twins are more aware of this Christmas than last year. See family photos from Bloomsburg (updated: 12/25/1998)
- The new year started out on the wrong foot. Both Rachel and Robert got sick. (updated 1/18/1999)
- February was better. The twins recovered from their battle with ear infections. Check out their adventure this month. (updated: 2/21/1999)
- The twins got to see more of their cousins plus more.. (updated: 3/14/1999)
- This past month, the twins got to celebrate Passover and Easter. Come and see. (updated: 4/24/1999)
- See if you can guess what the Twins are saying. Words and Language are forming. Come and listen (updated: 5/29/1999) AND here are pictures from our trip to Atlantic City, NJ for our 10 year anniversary.
- Dad is back from traveling and things have settled down again. I was hoping to introduce a new and improved web site but I haven't quite settled on the new look yet. Stay tuned. Here are the latest photos of the twins. (7/22/1999)
- This past summer, we took the twins to several different places. Click here to see. (8/28/1999)
- The month of September was full of holidays and family time. See this month's photo album. (9/23/1999)
(Home Page updated: 9/23/1999)
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