I need a hobby...

Since I was little, I have always taken care of aquarium fish, there are a lot of fond memories. Growing up in Thailand, I never had an aquarium equipped with light or an air pump, all I had were a few round gold fish bowls. Most of the fish were gold fish, but there were some guppies, bettas (Siamese fighting fish), and sword tails.

At the old house, there were 3-4 large water containers. The Thai use them to collect rain water for household uses, but that was before my time. The containers remained in back of the house collecting rainwater, but used for little else than providing an adequate place for the mosquitoes to spawn. I remembered putting a few guppies in, and a few months later there were hundreds of guppies.

At the time, a family aquantance kept a few tanks set up beside the house outside.  I was too small to remember why the tanks were there, but I remember enjoying the fish and experimenting feeding them.   Beside the racks of tanks, was a bathtub - the old fashioned kind with feet - and in the tub were kept a few Oscar.  The Oscar were huge!  I remember throwing crickets and cockroaches into the tub and watching the feast.......

It wasn't until years later when I had been working many long hours at my job, that I realized I needed a hobby.  It was natural to think of an aquarium.  I wanted a tank and my initial thoughts were to marine and saltwater.  I began my research.  Not until one day about a year ago when I saw an Amano book by chance, did I realize that it was a natural aquarium that I wanted......

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