Welcome to my Guestbook!
bev - 03/28/00 02:21:07
My Email:bevey@sympatico.ca
Subject: happy birthday
hi jay
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. you better be taking good care of Lynda!!!!
Kaysea - 10/03/99 21:06:09
My Email:parrot_spice@yahoo.com
Subject: ;lfdaskyhed
Hello wuz up! Happy Birthday!
Erin - 10/03/99 00:28:04
My Email:pooh_acres@hotmail.com
Subject: Happy Birthday!!
Hey I know I'm late but Happy Birthday and many more...
emily - 10/02/99 14:14:35
My Email:paten0013@yahoo.com
Subject: birthday
Hey Cousin,
This is Emily, Lyndas cousin from Toronto. I don't exactly know you but have a wonderful birthday. You havn't aged a bit!!:)
john ben - 10/02/99 08:38:14
My Email:jahbes@hotmail.com
Subject: Happy birthday!
36 years. Lets see... not older than dirt, not older than the light bulb. Thats good. Older than disco. Thats gotta hurt. Older than Areosmith, but not the Rolling Stones. Boy, I bet sucking in the 70's has a totally different meaning for you. Happy Birth
ay Jay. Best wishes!
Wings - 10/01/99 23:46:41
My Email:wingsup@yahoo.com
Subject: old one
remember, only the good die young!!!!
so you should live a long long time!!!
Wings - 10/01/99 23:44:00
MADMAX - 10/01/99 22:27:31
My Email:madmax@ottawa.com
Subject: Happy B-Day J
Well Ole Guy:-)
Seems your another year older, I'm sure your used to it by now! :-)
Thanks for starting the lair, I met alot of wonderful ladies and made some friends because of it and just wanted to say thanks. Seems you got the Canadian Women While I Sampled some of the American Women all thanks to you.
Well here's hoping you are a bit wiser in your old age, and have a good one.
James Dooley - 10/01/99 16:49:51
My Email:verdune@hotmail.com
Subject: B-Day
hey there, gettin older, I see :) what are you 24 now? Anyway, I want to get you something in the gaming arena, but don't know what you have, much less what you want, so let me know :) and I'll do my best to get it for ya :)
good luck and god bless
Mahafny - 10/01/99 14:06:02
My URL:I'm At Home Signing Guest book
My Email:jbd@worldinter.net
HAPPPPPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY ya old fart, well Lyndini says its yer birthday, and the guest book is working again, at least one thing has decided to work on this special day "grin"
Hope it's a wonderful day and everything else functions well "hehehhe"
Dad and Chris - 10/01/99 13:55:11
My Email:CApple717@aol.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
A big happy birthday hug, son. Glad to hear that you're high and dry to celebrate your birth day.
Love, Dad and Chris
Lainey Call - 10/01/99 12:50:52
My Email:wnniepoooh@aol.com
Subject: 36 is for amatuers ;)
Happy Birthday honey!! Hey, when are we going bowling again so I can get your wife drunk?? :::chilling the tequila and vodka shots::::
Ray,Mom ,Sally - 10/01/99 11:33:54
My Email:yedude@accglobal.net
Subject: Jay's Birthday
Hi Jay have a great Birthday all the very best.
Ray,Mom ,Sally - 10/01/99 11:28:15
My Email:yedude@
Tygera - 10/01/99 09:34:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/2594/
My Email:tygerah@hotmail.com
Subject: Happy Birthday!!
Greetings Jay, have a most wonderful day dear Lynx , Bright Blessings
Jefff, Lenah, John, Mochael,Richard, adn Daniel - 10/01/99 09:17:05
My Email:Thjalfi@erols.com
Subject: JSteffens vers. 3.5
Looking forward to seeing this annual upgrade of
yours continue the climb to excellence , Bro. Your support network has certainly gained a
great addition.BG Love your new home site
too.BS Very easy to get to. Here's best wishes that your external site work runs smooth,
brief and secure. Tuns of warm and bubbly life for partner.exe, Prayers that those cute subsytems
hold to protocols, and exceed expectations.
May your surge protectors be more than sufficent
for any demands, your battery back up languish
in neglect, and all safe from an embarassing
glitches on that fusion generator you're
fine tuning. Happy Birthday from all of us !
Erin Goldsby - 10/01/99 05:54:41
My Email:egoldsby@direct.ca
Subject: Happy Birthday!
Hi Jay! Happy Birthday from Canada, eh! Hope you have a fabulous day!!
From Erin & Patrick
Judith aka CravenA - 10/01/99 05:54:00
My Email:rolls@efni.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Lynx!!! Have a great 2nd 18th!!! CravenA also known as Judith!! We haven't met but we have talked, not for sometime, on ICQ. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!
Lynda - testing again! - 10/01/99 05:19:01
My Email:lyndini@erols.com
Subject: Just testing
Oh boy -- here we go again! LOL
Hope this link works now =)
Bobby - 10/01/99 04:31:55
My URL:http://www.hotbootysex.com
My Email:jo@hotbootysex.com
Subject: Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
dianamal - 10/01/99 04:02:12
My Email:hmschmom@paonline.com
Subject: Happy Birthday lynx1063
I am so glad to get the opportunity to wish you a happy birthday this year. It has been wonderful communicating with you throughout the last 2 years, meeting you and the girls,and meeting Lynda in Canada. Then again seeing you all together at my home was
eartwarming. I hold a special place in my heart for all of you. The best of life and love is my wish and prayer for all of you. I hope to see you all again. Spend time with you. Grow with you and your new family.And how can I ever forget your wedding day.
It still amazes me you married on my birthday. The picture on this url/site of the two of you is wonderful. You look so happy. Keep in touch.Don't forget about me please. I know life can get so hectic sometimes. I miss the lair and chatting. Are we going
o try and get a reunion of some sorts together sometime? I hope so. I luv you all. Health & Happiness........Dianamal
Skip & Irene - 10/01/99 03:59:02
My Email:niteman@home.com
Subject: Happy Happy Bro
You bored with birthdays yet? LOL Enjoy yourself and have a great birthday!
Steven - 10/01/99 00:05:39
My Email:ssteffen@columbus.rr.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
Well Jay in about 4 hour the bell tolls for your 36 times. Ever growing in a upward spiral, each year better than the last. Happy birthday my brother. Remember to keep the wish to yourself.
Love Steve
Steve - 10/01/99 00:01:22
My Email:ssteffen@columbus.rr.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
Panthera - 09/30/99 22:46:03
My Email:panthera@full-moon.com
Subject: Happy Birthday Lynx!
Happy Birthday Lynx.
Wishing you all the best the whole year through.
Robert L. Vaessen - 09/30/99 20:52:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~rvaessen/
My Email:rvaessen@myself.com
Subject: Get old!
Hey Jay -
How's it going? I haven't heard from you in some time. The Navy (You're still in aren't you?) must be riding you like a dog. Too bad you had to drop out of mt PBeM. You didn't miss much though. It came to a screeching halt after you left. I'm working stra
ght days now. How about you? What have you been doing? O.k. You're married now.. That's different, any promotions?
In either case I thought I'd say hi, and Happy Birthday!
- Robert
Timy Simon - 09/30/99 20:41:35
My Email:gisuho@gte.net
Subject: Happy Birthday buddy
Hey Jay, how the hell are ya. Well have a great birthday and if you ever get down St. Pete way, come and see us. Merv and Sue are here along with Chris Horsman. I don't know if John told you but I'm now related to Merv. I married Sue's cousin. If any
ne would have told me at Tong that 3 years later I would be Merv's cousin-in-law-in-law, I would of fallen over laughing. Well have a great time on your birthday. Tell the girls I said hello.
Becky - 09/30/99 19:52:56
My Email:bswayze@lsumc.edu
Subject: Happy Birthday
Jay - Hope you can make it through another year!! Good luck with those candles!!!
Eric Once More! - 09/30/99 17:57:50
Subject: A webgeeks work is never done...
You're gonna get it from all of us come the night man... hope yer ready for the birthday song... :-P
Debbie AKA splshfn - 09/30/99 17:10:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Outlet/2513
My Email:splshfn@yahoo.com
Hope you have a day as special as you are, Jay.
Leslie - 09/30/99 13:27:01
My Email:evantia@hotmail.com
Subject: Your Birthday
hippo birdy, two ewes
hippo birdy, two ewes
hippo birdy, dear ewe
hippo birdy, two ewes
Ray,Marie&Sally - 09/30/99 11:50:26
My Email:yedude@accglobal.net
Subject: Happy Birthday
Dear Jay ;You Know You're Getting Older when you attend Parties and no one throws up,Everybody leaves early and they all leave with the SAME PERSON THEY CAME WITH. All the very best.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ; Ray, Marie, & Sally.
Eric J. Carter - 09/30/99 05:42:45
Subject: One more time!
One more test. E'gads!
Lynda - 09/30/99 02:08:38
My Email:lyndini@erols.com
Subject: Testing
Happy Birthday again, sweetie!! Helping Eric test this page again! Love you =)
Love, Mom & Ray McCann & Sally Adamo - 09/29/99 21:50:29
My Email:yedude@accglobal.net
Subject: Happy Birthday, Son-In-Law
Happy B'day Jay ---- You know you are getting older when you attend parties.....and no one throws up. Everybody leaves early and they all leave with the SAME PERSON THEY CAME WITH! Have a great day! Love Mom, Ray and Sally xxxxoooo
Eric James Carter - 09/29/99 05:37:22
My URL:http://members.home.net/odysseus
My Email:odysseus@home.com
Subject: Happy Birthday Again!
Hey man! Gotta leave another message to test it, so I'm saying happy birthday TWICE! Go fig... :-)
OJ - 09/29/99 03:02:43
Happy Birthday Jay.
John and Mo Gray - 09/29/99 01:57:19
My Email:mojogray@bellatlantic.net
Subject: Happy Birthday!
Wanted to wish yo a happy birthday and remind you of the fire code that states you need to alert the FD before lighting any bonfire size blazes (your candles). Have a great day!!!
§Å§§¥-1 - 09/29/99 00:12:22
My Email:louminous@hotmail.com
Subject: Happy Birthday!!!!!
JAY!!!! Happy Birthday Hun. So glad that I am not the only one getting older...lol Hope you have a great Birthday...and have many more to come.....XOXOX
SASSY-1 aka Tracey
Robb Steffens (the Brother) - 09/28/99 23:20:11
Subject: Birth day wishes
Well Big Brother. Another year has passed.And more years to come. wish you all the love and best that This Brotherly soul can muster.
Love Robb
Amanda - 09/28/99 19:54:42
My Email:lyndini@erols.com
Subject: Happy Birthday, Dad
Hey Dad! Hope you like your Angel Food Cake!!! By the age of 36, I bet you'll only have 36 hairs on your head! ROFLOLWTIMEAICGU!!!!! Sorry, sorry, just "had" to do that! Hahahahaha.
Audrey - 09/28/99 14:47:41
My Email:lyndini@erols.com
Subject: ~*~*~HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD~*~*~
Hi Dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a ***GREAT*** ***BIRTHDAY***
What kind of cake do you like? Lynda, Amanda and I will put (36) candles on your birthday cake.(I HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN YOU BLOW OUT ALL OF THE CANDLES!!!) hahahahahahahahaha
whitefeather - 09/28/99 07:51:15
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/marimba/258/DRACONANDWHITEFETHERSHOMEPAGE.html
My Email:whitefeather5@yahoo.com
Subject: hi lynx happy birthday..
i am wishing you the best birthday ever...hehe and are you getting younger...from the pic i see that you are ...i wish the best for your special day...and the family to... all my best ...peace love and light your special day and always for you and the fam
ly... whitefeather
Chuck//The Father-in-law - 09/28/99 01:44:23
My Email:cdmatsdi@idirect.com
Subject: All knowing-All seeing
A very happy birthday kid and may you enjoy many more. I noticed Lynda signed the e-mail from the kids and Sammy and Andy....Haven't you made sweet and sour chicken balls out of them yet? Slow boy, really slow. You spend any time in West Virginia??
How many refrigerators you got on the front porch?
Any way all the best
Karen Houston - 09/27/99 23:04:23
My Email:houstonk@home.com
Subject: Happy 36th Birthday Jay!
Happy 36th Birthday Jay! Enjoy your day! I hope we'll get to meet you and the girls some time soon.
Best Wishes,
Karen & family
Cambridge, Ontario
John - 09/27/99 18:52:40
My URL:http://geocities.com/thetropics/3466
My Email:J_L@iname.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Jay on this second anniversary of your 18th year... Doesn't that sound better than 36... I hope your day is filled with all that is good..
Sandy Kirby Fuscaldo - 09/27/99 13:04:03
My Email:printing@metroland.com
Subject: The Big Birthday
Birthday wishes from a friend of Lynda's back home. She made me do this you know. Never sent
birthday wishes to someone I didn't know. But
what the hell. Any husband of Lynda's is a friend
of mine. HAVE A GOOD ONE!
Kelly (Tayalli, Kellybelly, what ever my name is!) - 09/27/99 08:38:23
My Email:Ksassy@usa.net
Subject: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the times you made me smile. I hope your day is wonderful and full of happpiness!
We love ya!!! Happy B-day to my favorite Lynx!!!
Jo-Ann and John - 09/27/99 04:22:23
My Email:jjtechs@sympatico.ca
Subject: Happy Birthday!
Hope you enjoy your day. Perhaps we will get to meet you soon. Bye now. Jo-Ann. (Lyndini's friend since we were both 2 years old.)
Gil and Maria - 09/27/99 02:03:23
My Email:kikiriki@mindspring.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
Jay, what can we say, except Happy Birthday! May your special day be filled with joy and happiness and love.
Denise - 09/27/99 01:36:37
My Email:hunwiista@oceanfree.net
Subject: Lynx's turning one more year older :)
Dear Jay :) Just a note to say Happy Birthday. I know we haven't met, but you met my counterpart, SheDragon1 (aka Michelle). So, here it is, a little birthday wish from me to you. Have a good one and don't worry about another year...gray makes a man d
stinguished. Love ya!!! :) Denise
Kelly Ezneker - 09/27/99 01:08:21
My URL:http://fly.to/Keeber
My Email:Keeber@earthlink.net
Best Blessings on celebrating the day the world began to have you in it! Have a wonderful special day, old friend! - Kelly
SheDragon1 - 09/27/99 01:05:34
My URL:http://home.ptd.net/~dragon9/
My Email:dragon9@ptdprolog.net
Subject: Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday to a great guy!!! I hope it's a good one, hon!!!!
Skitle - 09/26/99 23:39:15
My Email:anteup@dmv.com
Subject: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Happy Birthday Guy!!!!! Well lynda told me bout his thing of you getting older. Well bud let me tell ya what i told her, I said lynda i thought he was already old and that the chin tuck and the liposuction did wonders for Jay. Ya know what she to
d me?????? She said that the Beer does " MIRACLES FOR A MAN " hehhehe. Jay HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND HOPE YOU HAVE MANY MORE!!!!!!!!
Paul AKA Yirrdigwen - 09/26/99 23:21:50
My Email:suggs@dove.net.au
Subject: B/Day
Happy, Hippy, Drunk day m8 :-)
Paula - 09/26/99 23:17:27
My Email:AzulLuna@aol.com
Subject: Happy Happy Birthday!!
Hi Jay!! Have a wonderful day...I know all those women in your house will take great care of you...as always.....i want you to know you are a special guy...and many thinks for all the nice people i have met in the Lair......love anf kisses to you and al
of the family
Lynda - 09/26/99 21:25:59
My Email:lyndini@erols.com
Subject: Happy Birthday, Sweetie!!
How can I say how much you've done for me? How much I have just knowing I have you. You touch my world, and I've never been the same. You touch my heart and you know everything has changed. You are the one in this life I'll always remember! Wherever you g
, whatever you do, Wherever you are, my heart is with you. No matter how far, I'll always be near. Whenever you need me, I'll be right here!! Eternally Yours, Lynda xoxoxoxox
Eric Carter - 09/26/99 18:12:34
My URL:http://members.home.net/odysseus
My Email:odysseus@home.com
Subject: Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Jay!
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