Melody's Adventures

...Or is that MISadventures? Well anyway, there are finally things here for you to read...they are organized by the date I originally sent them out as email so read on my friends and gain a glimpse into my life...but only if you dare, it can be so chaotic at times. You've been warned :)

Sunday, February 13, 2000: Hi, Crossroads and Life Changes!
Friday, April 20, 2001: Latest Adventures!
Thursday, August 2, 2001: Endings and Beginnings
Sunday, August 19, 2001: I Made it Home...
Tuesday, August 28, 2001: The Long Trek Home Part II
Tuesday, August 28, 2001: Trouble in Paradise and Back to School Again
Tuesday, September 11, 2001: Life is so Precious and Vulnerable
Thursday, September 13, 2001: Hope Everyone is Okay...I am Reminded of "Faith
Friday, September 14, 2001: Sometimes People are Cool
Monday, September 17, 2001: The River Continues to FLow (No Matter What)
Monday, September 17, 2001: And Then There's Faith
Friday, September 21, 2001: Children's Books
Friday, September 21, 2001: Another Friday Night in "Porterville"
Sunday, September 23, 2001: Book Adventures, Injury and Movies
Monday, October 1, 2001: Megan Turns 9 Years Old
Monday, October 1, 2001: Another Weekend in Porterville, CA
Thursday, October 4, 2001: John Lennon, Stevie Nicks, Melissa and LA
Monday, October 8, 2001: New email info -- and I Know Who I am!
Friday, October 12, 2001: Re: Getting to Know You
Friday, October 12, 2001: Long and OT: Latest Adventures to the SF Bay Area
Saturday, October 13, 2001: OT and Long: I Almost Got Arrested At the Grocery Store!
Tuesday, October 16, 2001: Flat Tires and Social Workers
Sunday, October 21, 2001: Long Live Rock!
Saturday, October 27, 2001: Happy Birthday, Mom!

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