Melody's New Life    

Welcome to my reality, my universe. I’m so happy that you dropped in. It’s great to have you here. I’ve got to admit my life is a bit crazy and chaotic around here, but you know, our lives are truly a set of adventures. You never know what’s around the next bend. That’s what makes things exciting...we're having a little construction around here, adding things, so don't mind the mess and the noise and don't trip over that construction worker over there. Things will be a little more ship shape soon enough and then you will see lots more here. Check out Learn all about Melody and My Favorite Links, there are some new things there, watch the paint though, it's still fresh and my Adventures are up to date now so check those out too and remember to sign the guestbook so I know you were here, and enjoy!

You too can worship me...remember to sign the Guesbook

Learn all about Melody
Read Melody's Adventures
My Favorite Links
Melody's Friends
Meet the Family
Visit My Memorial to the September 11th attacks
Read my Journal for daily happenings in my life.

I know you love me so I know you'll remember to sign the Guesbook

As a parent I am very aware that children are precious and I ask that you take a moment out to look at this, it's very important. There is also a page for the State of California's missing children.

State Missing Children Page for California

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Since May 16, 2001

Last updated on October 28, 2001

Please E-Mail me at melodywrites@sosinet.netwith any thoughts or suggestions

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