William Dement



William Dement

Born about 1702

Died late 1764 or early 1765

Charles co., md.

Married to

Mary turner



Elizabeth dement

Born 20 may 1731

Mary dement

7 may 1733

anne dement

born 15 nov 1735

married to

james waters iii

benajah dement

born 17 aug 1738

jessee dement

born 10 oct 1740

george dement

born 10 jan 1742

suzanna dement

born 29 march 1745

married to

william robey

12 dec 1762

dorcas dement

born 1 april 1747

lydia dement

born 26 may 1749

william dement

born 3 april 1753

walter dement

born 1 may 1755

William dement was a member of trinity parish church and records of all his children are recorded there.






Trinity parish recorded the following:

"One fourth part of the pew No 8 be recorded to william dement to him his heirs and assigns forever he having paid this day the sum of

10 - 10- 0 and it is hereby recorded."

Will of William Dement

In the name of God amen. I William Dement of Charles County being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life knowing that is it appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

Item I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it me hoping through the merits and mediation of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to obtain the same again at the General Reserrection(sic) and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian form according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Benajah Dement one shilling and no more.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Jessee Dement one shilling one more.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son George Dement a young black mare branded on the near shoulder and buttock with the letters

And one shilling no more.

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann Waters one shilling and no more.

Item I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Martha Somerset one feather bed and rug and blanket a pair of sheets and bolster and one shilling and no more to be delivered to the said Martha Somerset when she arrive to the age of eighteen years or at her day of marriage whichever shall first happen and not before.

Item I give and bequeath unto my two sons William Dement and Walter Dement a tract or parcel of land called "Dement's Enlargement" to be equally divided between the said William Dement and Walter Dement and if either of them die without lawful issue the other to enjoy the whole to him and his heirs but if they both have issue then both to enjoy each their equal parts to them and their heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath unto my two sons William Dement and Walter Dement a tract or parcel of land called "Star Cross" to be equally divided between the said William Dement and Walter Dement to them and their heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath the remaining part of my personal estate not already disposed of to be equally divided between my two sons William Dement and Walter Dement and my two daughters Dorcas Dement and Lydia Dement to them and their heirs.

Lastly I hereby nominate constitute appoint and ordain my son-in-law William Roby executor of this my last will and testament hereby utterly revoking disannulling and disallowing every former will or wills by me formerly made and acknowledging this and only this to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afixed my seal this ninth day of February anno domini 1764.

Signed William Dement

Signed sealed published and declared to be the

last will and testament of William Dement in the presence of

Sam Amery, William Turner, Randol Turner