Nathaniel downing
Nathaniel Downing
Born about 1708
Prince Georges Co., Md.
Married to
Elizabeth Marlow
Known children
Abednego Downing
Born about 1753
Charles Co., Md.
Died About 1833
Overton Co., Tn.
Married to
Milicent Waters
30 June 1776
Charles Co., Md.
Butler Marlow Downing
Born about 1755
Charles Co., Md.
Died about 1832
Married to
Elizabeth Webster
They had at least two children:
Ann Marlow Downing
Married Thomas Tomlison
Butler Downing, Jr.
Died 1829
Married Elizabeth Unknown
Nathaniel Downing, Jr.
Born 1756
Charles Co., Md.
Died 1766
Charles Co., Md.
Since Nathaniel was 45 when Abednego was born it maybe safe to think there were more children before 1753.
The name Marlow is found in "Maryland Deponents 1634-1799' by Henry C. Peden, Jr.
Anthony Marlow, (Charles Co.), servant to Samuel Fendall, in 1671/2 judged to be about 17 years old.
Edward Marlow gave a deposition in 1721. No age given.