James downing

There is not much to say about James . Downing. It is thought he may have been the immigrant ancestor, but there is no documentation at this time.

There were several men with the name James Downing (Dunning) in Maryland, so it maybe a difficult job to identify the right one.

Most researchers agree that the Downings came from Scotland. There was a James and Robert Downing in Frederick Co., Md. Robert left a will and so did James. Both men were married to Blair sisters. These people are from Scotland according to the information available.

Another researcher supplies: "we do know that the Downings in Scotland England originally came from Ireland. Downing is the anglicized variant from the Irish names of O'Duinnin and o'Duinin (o'Dinneon and o'downey. The sept came from old Lauchair, now Counties Kerry, Cork and Limerick, with the greatest number in County Kerry."

Some early records list:

William Downing transported 1666

Robert Downing transported 1670

William downing immigrated 1670 with Mary, his wife, Of Somerset Co.

Mary Downing transported 1680

The immigrant needs more research!!