James Waters III




James Waters III

Born 8 Dec 1737 Charles Co., Md.

Died 11 Oct. 1808

Married to (1)

Anne Dement

29 Dec 1754 Trinity Parish

Charles Co., Md.

She was born 13 Nov 1735

Trinity parish Charles Co., Md.

Died 22 April 1780

Married (2)

Draden King

17 Sept 1780 Trinity Parish

She was born 1757




Millicent Waters

Born 14 Nov 1755 Charles Co., Md

Died Feb 1753 Edgar Co., Il.

Buried Sims cem., Edgar Co., Il.

Married to

Abednego Downing


Asenath (Acena) Waters

Born 22 July 1757 Charles co., Md.

Died 1830-35 Harpers Ferry, Va.


Ann Waters

Born 24 July 1763 Charles Co., Md.


Oprah Waters

Born 26 Nov 1766 Charles Co., Md.


Helen Waters

Born 26 Nov 1766 Charles Co., Md.


Shelah Waters

Born 8 July 1769 Charles Co., Md.

Died 29 March 1860 Wilson co., Tn.

Married to

Nancy Turner

1 Nov 1789


Enos Waters

Born 26 Nov 1772 Charles Co., Md.


Rezin Waters

31 Dec 1775 Charles Co., Md.

Died 11 Oct 1781 or 84


George Dement Waters

Born 16 Oct 1778 Charles Co., Md.


Children with draden king


Kitty Waters

Born 31 July 1781 Charles Co., Md.


Drucilla Waters

Born 1 Feb 1783 Charles Co., Md.


Deborah Waters

Married to

Basil King




Revolution Patriots of Charles Bo., Md. 1775-1783 by Henry C. Peden, Jr. lists James Waters as follows: "James Waters. Born on Dec 8, 1737, a son of James and Susanna Waters, he married first to Anne Dement, married second to Draden King on Sept. 12, 1780 in Trinity Parish, and died in 1808. Rendered patriotic service by providing wheat for the use of the military in November 1781. Aged about 41 as noted in a 1770 deposition. Resident of Bryan Town Hundred in 1778."

29 Sept 1767, James Waters patented "Waters' Hard Adventure," containing 102 acres.

10 June 1775 patented "Waters' Meadows", 10 acres.

4 April 1770 Surety for Rebecca Waters

21 December 1774 Proved will of John Farrand.

1775 Signed petition to request clemency for Patric Graham, a political prisoner of Charles Co.

15 Mar 1781 Purchased from Samuel Mummy, "Dement's Enlargement" containing 114 acres.

1 April 1788 James Waters, Sr. and James Waters, Jr. conveyed a portion of "Dement's enlargement"

4 Dec 1795 Purchased a portion of "Wilful Destruction"

7 August 1799 Conveyed to Hatch dent, Jr. "Povery"

18 Dec 1800 Deeded a portion of "Dement's Enlargement" to William turner, Jr. was to allow James Waters and his wife, during their natural lives, full and free liberty in the use of timber for their support and use of their dwelling plantation.



In the name of God Amen. I James Waters Senior of Charles County commonly called James Waters the fuller do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following…

Imprimis, I recommend my soul into the hands God who gave it me hoping this the merits and mediation of my Blessed Savior and redemer to obtain the same again the general resurrection and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian form according to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named…

My will and desire is that all the just debts I owe may be justly paid as soon as circumstances will permit after a settlement or my estate can possibly be had as have reason to believe they are neither many nor of magnitude. As also such legacies as I hereafter bequeath my be paid by my Executors as soon as convenient provided the legatees applies for the same.

Item…I give and bequeath unto my daughter Kitty one negro girl named Rachel which she is to have possession of whenever it may please or suit my wife Draden to deliver her after and appraisment had on my estate to her and her heirs forever.


Item…I give and bequeath unto my daughter Drucilla one negro girl named Moll which she is to have possession of at the will and discretion of my wife Draden to her and her heirs forever.

Item…I give and bequeath unto my grand daughter Orpha King the daughter of Basil King and Deborah his wife (which was my daughter) one feather bed and furniture of not less than twenty dollars value to be paid to her on application as soon as may be after the apraisment and settlement of my personal estate aforesaid to her her heir forever.

Item…I give and bequeath unto my wife Draden full and free use of all my estate both real and personal (except the legacy of a bed to Orpha King abovesaid) during her natural life. Also the sum of 220$ or the value thereof in any property in my personal estate and to be at her disposal to her and her heirs forever.

Item…I give and bequeath unto my wife aforesaid full power and lawful authority to sell and dispose of my part of a tract or parcel of land called Bristol containing 10 acres or thereabouts it being the land whereon my grist mill and fulling mill is built with all the implements and material thereunto belonging whose deed to the purchase shall and my be good as in law. The money arising from the sale of the aforesaid property to be paid in equal portion to the persons when at age to receive estate agreeable to the laws of Maryland to be paid by my Executors or their representatives in the interest thereon from the time the money arising from the sale of said property is received by my executor aforesaid.

Item…I give and bequeath unto the oldest son of each and every of my children and equal part of the money aforesaid to be raised by sale of the aforesaid property provided they apply for the money within three years after they have a right to receive the same and not otherwise.


Item…After the decease of my wife Draken aforesaid, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Drucilla my dwelling plantation containing the following tracts or parts of tracts of land viz..Waters Hard Venture 109 acres, part of Dements enlargement 8 acres, the whole containing 240 more or less as held by the patents and deeds. The land with the improvements thereon supposed to be worth not less than 1600$ also all the personal property not already bequeathed provided my daughter Drucilla aforesaid or her representative do pay unto each of my surviving children the sum of 30$ each within the term of eighteen months after she becomes in full possession of the aforesaid land and other property to her and her heirs forever …as circumstances were with me when all my children (Drucilla excepted) married and went from me, they received as much property and assistance as then in my power to give them..I therefore propose no other part to either of them than whatever legacy I may have given them in this my last will and testament.

But as most of my children were daughters I propose to give each and every of my daughters and my grand daughter Orpha King aforesaid a mourning ring of such or not inferior quality to the mourning ring I have heretofore given to my two youngest daughters viz..Kitty and Drucilla these rings to be paid or given to the legatees by my daughter Drucilla when applied for after her full possession of her part of the estate or as soon as she may think proper.

I James Waters aforesaid have wrote the above with my own hand at some leisure hours when I was very weak but thank God in perfect senses the most of what is wrote down being the substance of what I have long reflected on and determined to reduce to writing but my not being a grammarian nor consulting any lawyer or person who might have made use of technical terms yet hope I have made the expressions plain and also hope the intent and meaning of this my will may be duly attended to without any controversy among them concerned or who my concern themselves on the terms of this my will.

Lastly…I hereby nominate, constitute, appoint and ordain my wife Draden, my daughter Drucilla executrixs and my son in law William Turner Executor of this my last will and testament hereby utterly revoking and disallowing every former and other will or wills by me made or done and acknowledging this and only this to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eleventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and three.

Signed and sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of James Waters Sen in the presence of us as witnesses called on by the testator James Waters, Jun., Charles Smoot and Joseph Waters.

Codicil to the above will

Whereas I have in the foregoing part of this my last will and testament authorized my wife Draden to sell and convey a parcel of land called Bristol whereon my mills now stands with all the implements and materials there unto belonging my meaning and will is that she my wife aforesaid may have full authority to sell and convey the same, but if she should choose to keep possession of the same during her natural life she may do it.

Also, I am possessed with seven acres of land part of Dements Enlargement lying in Gilberts Swamp between the land belonging to the heirs of Thomas Matthews, James Waters, Jun and I. B. Dent call Arabia. I hereby authorize my wife aforesaid to sell the said land if she my wife may incline to make sale thereof. If my wife aforesaid chooses to keep possession during her natural life she may do it. And as the last mentioned land is not mentioned in the foregoing part of this my will, if the land aforesaid is not conveyed by my wife aforesaid during her natural life I hereby authorize and empower my daughter Drucilla to make the lawful conveyance to both parcels of the aforesaid land and apply the money as before directed.

Hereby ratifying and confirming the conveyance in as simple a manner as if I have made them myself if it is consonant to the laws of Mayland.

In testimony as above said I hereby acknowledge this codicil the eleventh day of January.

After the death of her husband, Draden King Waters married another James Waters. He is thought to have been related to her first husband. They moved to Fairfield Co., Ohio. He applied for a Revolutionary War pension in 1818 . He died in Fairfield Co., Ohio 10 May 1838.