James Waters ii




James Waters ii

Died 11 Oct 1771

Charles Co., Md.

Married to

Susannah Unknown

She died 6 June 1784




James Waters iii

Born Charles Co., Md.

Died Oct 1808 Charles Co., Md.

Married (1)

Anne Dement

29 Dec 1754

Trinity parish charles co., md.

Married (2)

Draden King

17 Sept 1780

Trinity parish Charles Co., Md.

Ann Waters

Born 1 Nov 1741

Married to

William or Edward Poston


William Waters

Born 15 Aug 1745

Joseph Waters

Married to (1)

Katherine Carrico

6 Aug 1764

Married to (2)

Chloe Dent

17 Feb 1767



James Waters II married Susannah. Even though the records for Trinity parish are very complete, there does not seem to be any record as to who her parents were or the date they married.

This James did not seem to be as active as his father had been, but he paid quit rent on several properties from 1753 to 1774 as follows:

Waters' Range 28 acres

Mile End 150 acres

Water's Addition 26 acres

Bristol 50 acres


17 August 1756 228 acres were surveyed for James Waters, called Wilful destruction, lying on Gilbert's swamp. This was originally a portion of Mile end.

6 August 1768 James Waters ii conveyed 80 acres of this land to James Waters, Jr., 80 acres to Joseph Waters of James and 68 acres to William Waters, Sr.




James waters made his will 2 july 1767. The following is a complete copy.


In the name of God Amen. I James Waters, Sr. of Charles County being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God for the same) and calling to mind the uncertainity of this transitory life, and knowning that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in nammer and form following------Imprimis--I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it me, hoping through the merits and mediation of my Beloved Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ to obtain the same again at the general resurrection and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian form according to the discretion of my executrix hereafter named.

Item--I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Waters fifty acres of a tract of land called Bristol I likewise give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Waters eighty acres of a tract of land called Wilful Destruction to lie where his dwelling now is and to begin at the beginning tree of said tract and to run the first line of said tract to the end to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item--I give and bequeath unto my son James Waters, eighty acres of the aforesaid tract of land called Wilful Destruction and to lie where his dwelling now is to him and his heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item--I give and bequeath unto my son William Waters all the remaining part of the tract of land called Wilful Destruction with a tract of land called Waters Addition and a tract of land called Waters Range to him and his heirs of his body lawfully begotten forever.

Item--I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Susannah Waters all my personal estate during her natural life and after her death to be equally divided between my four children Viz: my three sons Joseph Waters, James Waters and William Waters and my daughter Anne Poston to them and their heirs forever.

Lastly I hereby nominate constitute appoint and ordain my dear wife Susannah Waters Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking disannuling and disallowing any former and other will or wills by me formerly made and done and acknowledging this and only this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afix my seal this twenty first day of July one thousand seven hundred and sixyy seven.

Signed, sealed published declared to be the last will and testament of James Waters, Senior in the presence of



This will was presented 2 March 1772.

Wife, Susannah, lived 12 more years. Her death is recorded in Trinity parish records. "Susannah, relict of James Waters, departed this life on the sixth day of June in the year of our lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four."