~Tiffany Lane's Mommy's Page.....~
~Some special words for My Angel Girl Tiffany Lane....~
Tuesday, April 20, 1982 at 11:51 p.m. ~ ^i^ Thursday, December 5, 1996 at 7:34 p.m. ^i^
My Dearest Tiffany ~T~
I never ever gave up on you....
Hoping and praying that you
would find happiness and peace
of mind....I loved you 'til the day
You left us....and I will love you
'til the day I come to meet you

There are so many things I remember
about how special you were to me......
the times I was sick at home and you
would call me from school to see if I
was "OK".....

The time we took blankets out into the
backyard and laid on them, side by side,
and looked up at the stars for such a long,
long, time...it was a very special moment
for us to share.....

Remember when we would look at the clouds
at sunset and I would ask you, "what do they look
like?"....and you would always answer "cotton candy!"

I remember when we would be doing something, maybe
nothing that seemed all too special at the time, and I would
always say to you, "Remember honey, we are Making Memories!"

Tiffany, you are such a beautiful young lady, so very talented and
so very kind, yet so very insecure, .... I wish I could have helped you
more with your insecurities, because they were unfounded.....
everyone really did love you and they still do....even the ones who you
thought didn' t like you, well, honey they DID and they still grieve
over your passing........

We all just want you back,....which I know at this point in time is
impossible.....I pray that you are at peace and finding the fulfillment
in Heaven that you sought after, yet could not attain to your satisfaction
here with us...............

"T"....there was never anything that we could not have worked out...
No matter what happend or what you did or said.......Mommy still loved
you......and I still do.......

I will probably write more here at a later date, as it may help...I know you
are watching over us all....you are our very own Guardian Angel......

I have created this site for you in honor of your 17th birthday.............
I hope you like it....I wish you could be here for ice cream and cake....

With All My Love and Eternal Sadness at Losing You................
Honey, you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN..............
and YOU ARE FORGIVEN for every little thing that ever happened....

So for now, ~ ^i^ HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TIFFANY LANE ^i^ ~
Your Mommy Forever.......................~~~~~
~click on the halo to go to "1000 deaths"
~Survivors of Suicides web site~
~click here to read Tiffany's poem "Tears"~
~For Tiffany...
Here is your
very own flying horse....
in Memory of Your
17th Birthday~
~Love, Mommy....~
~coming soon.......Tiffany's Story Page.....~
~All of Tiffany's Memory Pages are created and maintained by Tiffany's Mommy~
~all rights reserved~ 1999

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