Yes I am a Probation Officer and have been one for 15 years.  I specialize in drug offenses and drug testing.  I have seen what drugs can do to people and am certainly not in favor of any drug legalization.  Yes there are a minority of people who have use drugs recreationally over the years and though illegal have handled them responsibly.  But this is such a minority.  To put youself at risk to become addicted is a very foolish thing because 1.You will not recognize your addiction till its too late and  2. You will end up doing things you said you would never do and rationalizing them (stealing, selling your body, and destroying your health).  Those of you who read this and use drugs will not agree because you will tend to cling to the few and far between stories of those who use and are able to stay out of trouble.  If you dont use stay that way.  If you are a parent learn about drugs and pass it on to your children because ultimatly drug use is a choice to start but a challange to give up.  To the informed individual it will be a poor choice, to the uninformed it will be a temptation and a game of russian roulette.
If you need any information from the Illinois Department     of Corrections this is the place.  Look up any Inmate by      name, DOB, Inmate # or others.  Get DOC commitment     records length of stay parole dates.....ect.
  Also links to sex offender information.
  Statistics and other information available.  A nice sight to     get info or just browse.
I do provide training in drug testing.  This includes methodologies available and what best fits your program.  How to collect the urine sample.  How the clients try to defeat the test.  Including what works and what does not.  Please contact me if you would like further information in this area.  I have a 4 hour and 8 hour training program.
Links to information on drug use, treatment, recovery programs and education.
Angelfire - Help and information on Cocaine addiction.
Erowid - Information on most all drugs.  Their effects and chemestry
National Clearinghous For Alcohol and Drug Information.
NIDA - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Freevibe - Excellent sight for comments, stories, and interaction on drug issues.
Cocaine Anonymous - Worldwide information and help.
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