03/03/06 I was just made aware that the INTEREST LINK is not working. I am sorry I don't know how to fix it. If you want more information, please contact me directly at JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com Lois * * * * * * * * * * Thank you for your inquiry. I would like to thank Gwen who created this lovely website for me in 2000. Juliette On Tour would not have been the success it was without her talent. Thanks Gwen!!! * * * * * * * * * * ==PLEASE UPDATE THE BROCHURE INFORMATION== From January 1999 to January 2002, Lois traveled throughout the 48 continental United States with programs in 44 of those states. She had hoped to have programs in AK, HI, ID, ND, UT, and WY, however, AS OF 1/17/02, there have been no out of state programs. * * * * * * * * * * DUE TO LOIS' ILLNESS AND CONCERNS FOR HER FAMILY, SHE HAD TO CANCEL BOTH THE WINTER AND SPRING 2002 TOURS. EVEN THOUGH SHE IS UNABLE TO DO THE EXTENSIVE LONG TOURS, AS OF JANUARY 2006,LOIS HOPES TO RESUME HER 'JOT' PROGRAMS, ON A LIMITED BASIS IN 2006. PLEASE E-MAIL HER AT JULIETTEONTOUR@HOTMAIL.COM TO SEE IF/WHEN SHE WILL BE IN YOUR AREA. SEE MESSAGE AT THE END OF THE ITINERARIES. ******************************************************************* ****** ****** ****** MARCH 12, 2007 IS THE '95th' ANNIVERSARY OF GSUSA ****** ****** ****** ****** OCTOBER 31, 2007 IS JULIETTE'S '147th' BIRTHDAY ****** ****** ****** ******************************************************************* ENTIRE ITINERARIES OVER THE YEARS ********************************************************************** Upon Lois' return from the Fall 2001 tour, she found that she lost all her 'JOT' files in her hotmail account. This is what she 'gleaned' from reams of paperwork. If you had a program and it is not listed, she would appreciate hearing from you so she can up-date her records. ====================================================================== SPRING 1997 ====================================================================== 1997-0421 TN Greeneville Betty snail mail 1997-0422 NC near Hendersonville LaDonna LA50338@NAVIX.NET 1997-0426 FL Ocoee Paula ILeadGirls@geocities.com ====================================================================== SPRING 1998 ====================================================================== 1998-0415 IN TerraHaute IN Lori snail mail S. 1998-0419 FL Perry Donna tuttled@taylor.k12.FL.US 1998-0426 FL Jacksonville... Sharyl GSG644@aol.com ====================================================================== JUNE/JULY 1998 ====================================================================== T. 1998-0623 travel to Wheeling, WV (*) W. 1998-0624 WV Cameron Nancy nfullerton@juno.com R. 1998-0625 Uniontown, OH (*) F. 1998-0626 Sandusky, OH S. 1998-0627 Cleveland (*) S. 1998-0628 Medina OH S. 1998-0628 Cleveland (Parents' 50th anniversary***) M. 1998-0629 Cleveland (*) T. 1998-0630 thru S. 98-0705 (Working vacation: Retirement) M. 1998-0706 PA Selinsgrove Arden Swazeyr@sunlink.net T. 1998-0708 NY Wellesly Island Mona Londravi@aldus.northnet.org W. 1998-0709 Trenton, Ontario, Canada (Mother's birthplace) R. 1998-0710 through W. 1998-0715 with family on Pelee Island W. 1998-0715 MI SouthHaven Susan Kylesgirls@Cybersol.com R. 1998-0716 TRAVEL HOME ====================================================================== AUGUST 1998 MINNESOTA/WISCONSIN ====================================================================== W. 1998-0812 MN Maplewood DJ ddahl@isd.net W. 1998-0812 WI NewBrighton Carol caroljcarlson@juno.com R. 1998-0813 MN Barnum Carlton Country Fair F. 1998-0814 MN MooseLake Gayle tarja@juno.com S. 1998-0815 MN Barnum to the cities (Sat. p.m.) S. 1998-0816 TRAVEL HOME ====================================================================== SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1998 ====================================================================== 1998-0924 PA Canonsburg Kathie Kathie_Strauch@Hotmail.com 1998-0926 MD Crofton Rae REHaynes@pipeline.com 1998-0927 VA Ellicott Jeanne dcarnot@erols.com 1998-0928 VA Manassas Terese Shootcraps@aol.com 1998-0929 VA Springfield Donna DonnaRR@jnpcs.com 1998-0930 MD Frederick Barbara BCline3155@aol.com 1998-1002 VA Norfolk Joyce Outdoorldy@aol.com 1998-1004 VA FallsChurch Marian/Marsha DASA6803@aol.com 1998-1006 CT NewFairfield. Mary MERbrtsn@aol.com 1998-1007 NY MasticBeach Liz LEDBeth@aol.com 1998-1008 NY MasticBeach Linda LC6058@aol.com 1998-1009 NY Freeport Alison Alison_Gilbert@npd.com 1998-1013 MA Springfield Donna DonnaOpal@aol.com 1998-1013 MA Westfield Andrea andiw@attbi.com 1998-1014 MA Mattapoisett Donna Bernier4@ici.net 1998-1016 ME BoothBay Bev squillante@clinic.net 1998-1018 VT Fairfax Cathy clarsson@zoo.uvm.edu 1998-1019 NY Delmar Deirdre DeirdreFJ@aol.com 1998-1020 NY Brockport Linda LSGAgnes@aol.com 1998-1021 MI Flint Mary Ann MWhiteside@GFN.org 1998-1021 MI GrandBlanc Brenda tholser@tir.com 1998-1026 IL BuffaloGrove Jan JCGrant@aol.com 1998-1027 WI Madison Eileen ekellor@itis.com 1998-1029 WI Spencer Jody JScidmore@tznet.com 1998-1030 MN EdenPrairie Sue Suezc1@aol.com 1998-1031 MN cities Sally tshare@pioneerplanet.infi.net 1998-1102 WI Waterloo Sharon Henes@jefnet.com ====================================================================== JANUARY 1999 CALIFORNIA/TEXAS ====================================================================== M. 1999-0104 =TRAVEL TO SAN DIEGO CA= T. 1999-0105 =PERSONAL DAY= W. 1999-0106 CA San Diego 4pm DERNST@qual.comm.com CA San Diego 7pm DERNST@qual.comm.com R. 1999-0107 CA San Diego 4pm DERNST@qual.comm.com CA San Diego 7pm DERNST@qual.comm.com F. 1999-0108 Wedding Rehearsal S. 1999-0109 Wedding S. 1999-0110 Family reunion M. 1999-0111 CA Santa Clarita PVCIOFFI@access1.net T. 1999-0112 CA Santa Clarita PVCIOFFI@access1.net W. 1999-0113 CA Castaic PVCIOFFI@access1.net R. 1999-0114 CA Bakersfield PVCIOFFI@access1.net F. 1999-0115 CA Palmdale/Lancaster PVCIOFFI@access1.net S. 1999-0116 =TRAVEL to Ventura S. 1999-0117 =TRAVEL to San Jose M. 1999-0118 CA Modesto SCOTTYGS@AOL.COM T. 1999-0119 CA Moraga/Orinda GAILSCOUT@AOL.COM W. 1999-0120 CA San Ramon KathyWayneBerner@worldnet.att.net R. 1999-0121 =TRAVEL F. 1999-0122 CA Santa Clara JC_CAMPI@PRODIGY.COM S. 1999-0123 CA Sacramento MICHELLE@PACBELL.NET S. 1999-0124 CA Sacramento =CANCELLED= M. 1999-0125 =TRAVEL to TEXAS= T. 1999-0126 =R&R= W. 1999-0127 TX Irving MARY.FERGUSON@TELOPS.GTE.COM R. 1999-0128 TX Allen 7pm CYNTHIA_LIBBY@STERLING.COM F. 1999-0129 TX Denton (c/o Mary) S. 1999-0130 TX (Leader Retreat) 9:30am (c/o Mary) S. 1999-0130 TX Rowlett 1:30pm Debbie STOWERS@ALTINET.NET S. 1999-0131 TX Richardson TX KATLESLIE@AOL.COM ====================================================================== FEBRUARY 1999 Louisiana/Texas ====================================================================== M. 1999-0201 =TRAVEL TO LOUISIANA= T. 1999-0202 HOUMA LA Entwistle@earthlink.net W. 1999-0203 ?? R. 1999-0204 ?? F. 1999-0205 =TRAVEL TO TEXAS= S. 1999-0206 2 p.m. SW Houston TX EARNES@IDT.NET S. 1999-0207 =TRAVEL TO ILLINOIS= M. 1999-0208 HOME SWEET HOME ====================================================================== check for March, April or May 1999 ====================================================================== ==LOST in CYBERSPACE== ====================================================================== AUGUST 1999 ====================================================================== JOT and 1840's PROGRAM at Carlton County Fair and Minnesota State Fair. ====================================================================== SEPTEMBER 1999 NEW ENGLAND/MID-ATLANTIC ====================================================================== R. 1999-0909 =travel to Dayton Ohio F. 1999-0910 =travel to Ohio S. 1999-0911 Uniontown OH* S. 1999-0912 =travel to NY M. 1999-0913 NY Albion Cindy CLonnen589@aol.com T. 1999-0914 PA with family W. 1999-0915 PA with family R. 1999-0916 PA-MahanoyCity Tina Nh4PWC@aol.com F. 1999-0917 =travel= S. 1999-0918 NY Binghamton Eileen eileen@stny.lrun.com S. 1999-0919 VT Georgia Suzanna C/O ronking@together.net M. 1999-0920 MA Bridgewater JoAnn swetnlow@aol.com T. 1999-0921 MA WestRoxbury Maureen ECL_Mat@Flo.org W. 1999-0922 MA Northbridge Cathy CraftyCat1@aol.com R. 1999-0923 CT Granby Carolyn camtayl@snet.net F. 1999-0924 NJ Washington Joni jsg@eclipse.net S. 1999-0925 NJ PerthAmboy Linda FlynnSchool@Home.com S. 1999-0926 MD SilverSpring Janine janinegs@hotmail.com M. 1999-0927 MD Chestertown Lisa LMB@KentCounty.com T. 1999-0928 VA Springfield Connie CPRayVA@aol.com W. 1999-0929 MD Baltimore Susan Omykidsmom@aol.com R. 1999-0930 WV Morgantown Cathi CathiBrown@aol.com ====================================================================== OCTOBER 1999 NEW ENGLAND/MID-ATLANTIC ====================================================================== F. 1999-1001 OH Cincinnati Clare cfiverson@fuse.net S. 1999-1002 KY Berea Sarah bri_rose@hotmail.com S. 1999-1003 TN Greeneville ==personal== M. 1999-1004 =travel= USAIR FLIGHT Knoxville/Washington Reagan T. 1999-1005 VA Fairfax Patti psmith1405@aol.com W. 1999-1006 VA Springfield Connie CPRayVA@aol.com R. 1999-1007 MD Greenbelt dtroesch@ncb.com F. 1999-1008 =travel= 3pm Amtrac to NEWPORT NEWS S. 1999-1009 VA Norfolk-EXPO Alice aliceb@gsccc.com =travel= DELTA FLIGHT 1653 Norfolk/Atlanta/Knoxville S 1999-1010 =travel= Home Sweet Home ====================================================================== OCTOBER 1999 CENTRAL, PLAINS, SOUTHWEST WESTWARD HO!! ====================================================================== F. 1999-1015 =travel to Kansas S. 1999-1016 KS Olathe Tammie RDKT@earthlink.net S. 1999-1017 KS Fort Leavenworth Riddle1701@aol.com M. 1999-1018 =travel along I-29 north T. 1999-1019 SD Aberdeen Penny phrogster@midco.net W. 1999-1020 =travel along I-94 west to Bismarck ND R. 1999-1021 MT Sidney I-94 west twa@midrivers.com F. 1999-1022 MT Glascow Patti S. 1999-1023 MT Billings Angie tpprlas@aol.com S. 1999-1023 =travel along I-90/I-25s to Casper Wyoming S. 1999-1024 =travel along I-25s to Denver Colorado M. 1999-1025 =R&R T. 1999-1026 CO Denver Debbie dewittden@aol.com W. 1999-1027 CO Denver Debbie dewittden@aol.com R. 1999-1028 CO flying out/leaving car in Denver 10/29) F. 1999-1029 NM Los Alamos Mary Maryamah@aol.com S. 1999-1030 NM RioRancho- carol.a.hill@intel.com S. 1999-1031 NM (JGL birthday) R&R ===================================================================== NOVEMBER 1999 SOUTHWEST and UTAH ===================================================================== M. 1999-1101 NM LasCruces Theresa Primr0z@aol.com T. 1999-1102 TX El Paso Theresa Primr0z@aol.com W. 1999-1103 =flight to Salt Lake City R. 1999-1104 UT Salt Lake City F. 1999-1105 =flight to Seattle am ===================================================================== NOVEMBER 1999 PACIFIC NORTHWEST, CENTRAL ===================================================================== F. 1999-1105 WA Wenatchee Kay KMiles@televar.com S. 1999-1106 WA Tri-Cities Kay KMiles@televar.com S. 1999-1107 WA MapleValley Yvonne yhewett@vircom.net M. 1999-1108 WA MtVernon Debbie ddcayman@cnw.com T. 1999-1109 WA Olympia Mary TurninGrn@aol.com W. 1999-1110 WA Vancover Gail Branum@aone.com R. 1999-1111 OR Salem am Nicki glscouts@open.org R. 1999-1111 OR Portland pm Aydrea morrow@coho.net F. 1999-1112 WA Whidbey Island HAWK1013@AOL.COM S. 1999-1113 WA Whidbey Island HAWK1013@AOL.COM S. 1999-1114 =flight Seattle to Denver/car in Denver M. 1999-1115 =TRAVEL to Kansas T. 1999-1116 KS-Topeka Judy truestorys@aol.com W. 1999-1117 KS-Topeka Judy truestorys@aol.com R. 1999-1118 KS ??? F. 1999-1119 KS ??? S. 1999-1120 KS-Kansas City Tammy Pete4KIDS@aol.com S. 1999-1121 IL-Belleville Laura RubyGrace6@aol.com S. 1999-1121 =travel home ===================================================================== January 2000 NO. CALIFORNIA LORRAINE* laf@fiamengo.com ===================================================================== W. 2000-0105 =flight into Oakland Airport R. 2000-0106 CA Petaluma Lorraine laf@fiamengo.com F. 2000-0107 CA Windsor Lorraine laf@fiamengo.com S. 2000-0108 =open= S. 2000-0109 =open= M. 2000-0110 CA Modesto Dianne ScottyGS@aol.com T. 2000-0111 CA Santa Maria Donna puffins@aol.com W. 2000-0112 =open= San Diego cancelled R. 2000-0113 =open= San Diego cancelled ===================================================================== January 2000 SO. CALIFORNIA GWEN* gthontz@pacbell.net ===================================================================== F. 2000-0114 Thousand Oaks CA# Ann Anniekfran@aol.com S. 2000-0115 Yorba Linda CA# Gwen gthontz@pacbell.net S. 2000-0116 Long Beach CA# Angel MWERKS@earthlink.net M. 2000-0117 Victorville CA# Shauna SMERB5@aol.com T. 2000-0118 Palm Desert CA# Connie Rambocon@aol.com W. 2000-0119 =flight from Palm Springs CA Airport/home# ===================================================================== February 2000 Chicago area/N.Indiana JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com ===================================================================== T. 2000-0215 Shorewood IL# Gwen gigipo@hotmail.com W. 2000-0216 Hammond IN# Laura PMCGEE@prodigy.net R. 2000-0217 Erie Il# Kathy KLS@accessus.net F. 2000-0218 Woodstock IL# Carol carolanurse@yahoo.com ===================================================================== February 24-March 2 20000 Ohio/S.Indiana JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com ===================================================================== R. 2000-0224 IL Springfield Prof. Women @ NOON R. 2000-0224 IN Indianapolis Susan gshcc343@juno.com F. 2000-0225 IN Indianapolis Susan gshcc343@juno.com S. 2000-0226 OH BTGSC-Dayton Carol CWall52203@aol.com S. 2000-0227 OH Cincinnati Ellen ELLEN.DAVIS@uc.edu M. 2000-0228 =travel to Sylvania T. 2000-0229 OH Sylvania Cindy Ccarnicom@aol.com W. 2000-0301 MI Detroit MI Pamm huether@klondyke.net R. 2000-0302 IL Shorewood IL F. 2000-0303 IL Woodstock IL Carol carolanurse@yahoo.com ===================================================================== March 2000 OKLAHOMA KATHY* BusyGSmom@aol.com ===================================================================== W. 2000-0308 IL Highland IL Donna millerd@cassens.com R. 2000-0309 =travel along I-44 to Sullivan MO F. 2000-0310 OK Oklahoma City Linda lindam@nstar.net S. 2000-0311 OK Lawton soonergs@swbell.net S. 2000-0312 OK Chickasha soonergs@swbell.net M. 2000-0313 OK Stillwater Leslie ljmavc@okstate.edu T. 2000-0314 OK Muskogee OK Ginger ginger@mecgs.org W. 2000-0315 OK Tulsa Council Open House R. 2000-0316 OK Tulsa Becky c/o BusyGSmom@aol.com F. 2000-0317 OK Broken Arrow Kay kayleslie@juno.com S. 2000-0318 OK AM-Tulsa OK Pam BluBelle47@aol.com OKPM-Owasso OK Kathy BusyGSmom@aol.com S. 2000-0319 OK Bartlesville Judy judybencke@aol.com M. 2000-0320 OK Ponca City OK Donna hingtgen@poncacity.net T. 2000-0321 OK Ada OK Terry sanders@chickasaw.com W. 2000-0322 TX Austin TX barbara@techscouts.com R. 2000-0323 TX Austin TX Gail eltgroth@inetport.com F. 2000-0324 =flight to Kansas City KS S. 2000-0325 KS Topeka KS TDYKSTRA@GIRLSCOUTS.NET S. 2000-0326 =flight to Austin TX M. 2000-0327 =travel to San Antonio TX, flight to PHOENIX AZ# T. 2000-0328 AZ Casa Grande W. 2000-0329 AZ Casa Grande Sheares1@wellsfargo.com R. 2000-0330 AZ Casa Grande Susan super@kna.to F. 2000-0331 =flight back to San Antonio TX/pick up car ===================================================================== April 2000 TEXAS AND LOUISIANA ===================================================================== S. 2000-0401 =travel to Lockhart TX*** S. 2000-0402 TX Lockhart TX Cheryl cheryl.keplar@wayne.com M. 2000-0403 TX Belton TX Donna donnah30@hotmail.com T. 2000-0404 TX Duncanville Kathy KathyKatybugg@aol.com W. 2000-0405 TX Denton TX Debbie djswm@gte.net R. 2000-0406 =travel through Louisiana F. 2000-0407 =travel to Lafayette S. 2000-0408 LA LAFAYETTE LA Ann AnnDeCuir@aol.com S. 2000-0409 LA LULING LA Patti PGoens@aol.com M. 2000-0410 =travel to Horn Lake MS T. 2000-0411 =travel to Ullin IL W. 2000-0412 =travel home ===================================================================== APRIL 2000 FLORIDA Donna** gsangel@perry.gulfnet.com ===================================================================== T. 2000-0425 =travel to Columbia TN W. 2000-0426 AL Huntsville Debbie dragnz@mindspring.com R. 2000-0427 =travel to Dothan AL F. 2000-0428 =travel to Tallahassee FL S. 2000-0429 FL Tallahassee gsangel@perry.gulfnet.com =travel to Jacksonville FL S. 2000-0430 =travel to Savannah GA ===================================================================== May 2000 ===================================================================== M. 2000-0501 GA Savannah Riverfront and Library Research T. 2000-0502 GA Savannah Juliette's Birthplace W. 2000-0503 GA Savannah First National Headquarters R. 2000-0504 SC Beaufort ANNTOYS4ME@aol.com F. 2000-0505 =travel to Lake City FL S. 2000-0506 FL Niceville dykesu@eglin.af.mil S. 2000-0507 FL Clearwater klarsen@tampabay.rr.com M. 2000-0508 FL Englewood scoutdreams@webtv.net T. 2000-0509 FL Englewood W. 2000-0510 FL Punta Gorda c/o scoutdreams@webtv.net R. 2000-0511 FL Englewood F. 2000-0512 FL Cocoa Beach AbbeHoff@aol.com S. 2000-0513 FL Cocoa Beach AbbeHoff@aol.com S. 2000-0514 FL Cocoa Beach M. 2000-0515 FL Coral Springs T. 2000-0516 FL Coral Springs carmenford@aol.com W. 2000-0517 FL Davie carmenford@aol.com R. 2000-0518 =travel to Key West F. 2000-0519 =travel to Key Largo S. 2000-0520 FL Key Largo am jlargo@aol.com S. 2000-0520 FL Coral Gables pm gstroop74.geo@yahoo.com S. 2000-0521 =travel to Fort Myers M. 2000-0522 FL Fort Myers flutterby93@juno.com T. 2000-0523 =traveled hard to get home by Wednesday W. 2000-0524 =travel= ARRIVED HOME WEDNESDAY ===================================================================== July 2000 GETTYSBURG PA Kathy JARTSKYD@aol.com ===================================================================== F. 2000-0707 EAST WAGGGS-L camp# Gettysburg PA ===================================================================== August 2000 NORTH LIBERTY,IN PEACHY326@AOL.COM ===================================================================== S. 2000-0805 MIDWEST WAGGGS-L camp PEACHY326@AOL.COM Potato Creek State Park North Liberty IN (so. of South Bend) Ccarnicom@aol.com ===================================================================== August 2000 CALIFORNIA and NEVADA Lois JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com ===================================================================== S. 2000-0826 CA Sacramento colleencat@yahoo.com M. 2000-0828 NV Elko tizatt@isat.com ===================================================================== September/Mid-Atlantic 2000 Connie* cray@manpower.usmc.mil ===================================================================== F. 2000-0915 =travel to Ohio S. 2000-0916 MD Gaithersburg 7pm Mary MnWillett@aol.com S. 2000-0917 =R&R= M. 2000-0918 VA Herndon 6:30pm Nancy Nafw@aol.com T. 2000-0919 VA Alexandria 6:45pm ErickCSII@aol.com W. 2000-0920 VA Alexandria 6:45pm ErickCSII@aol.com R. 2000-0921 =R&R= F. 2000-0922 VA Fredricksburg 7pm ScoutMomSKF@aol.com S. 2000-0923 VA Annandale 10a/1:30p MASKasdorf@aol.com S. 2000-0924 MD Bowie 2pm PAWS44@aol.com M. 2000-0925 MD Beltsville 6pm Kim Kimbercare94@hotmail.com T. 2000-0926 MD Parkville 6:45pm GGleisner@starpower.net W. 2000-0927 PA Elysburg 7pm MER1960@aol.com R. 2000-0928 PA Morrisville 6pm Fitz231@aol.com F. 2000-0929 NJ Union NJ 7pm Mlb824@aol.com S. 2000-0930 NJ Rockaway 10am/1pm gsimmons@inpro.net ===================================================================== OCTOBER 2000 NJ/eastern PA Pat* pbharlow@hiserv-na.com ===================================================================== S. 2000-1001 NJ Voorhees NJ# 3:30pm Mari MariCorson@aol.com M. 2000-1002 PA Chalfont PA# 6:45pm Kathy jartskyd@aol.com T. 2000-1003 NJ Bridgewater???? goodfriendj@earthlink.net W. 2000-1004 NJ Somerset NJ# 7pm Kay GSLdrKay@aol.com R. 2000-1005 NJ Belleville, NJ# 6:30pm Deb Bville170@aol.com F. 2000-1006 NY Norwich NY# 6pm Eileen gsihc@stny.rr.com S. 2000-1007 NY Norwich NY# 1pm/7pm Eileen gsihc@stny.rr.com S. 2000-1008 =visit with family M. 2000-1009 PA Barnesville PA# 6pm phaacct@hotmail.com T. 2000-1010 =visit with family W. 2000-1011 =visit with family R. 2000-1012 =travel to Hampton Bays Long Island Olympia Motel F. 2000-1013 NY LI Girl Scout Camp Octoberfest Gcjm4@aol.com S. 2000-1014 NY LI Girl Scout Camp Octoberfest NY# 11am/8pm =travel to Rocky Point to visit college roommate S. 2000-1015 =travel by ferry to Connecticut ===================================================================== mid-October 2000 New England Susan* nutting@banet.net ===================================================================== M. 2000-1016 =travel to MA T. 2000-1017 MA Chelmsford 4pm kathleen_dipanfilo@agilent.com MA Chelmsford 6pm kathleen_dipanfilo@agilent.com W. 2000-1018 NH Deering 6:30pm m_grywalski@conknet.com R. 2000-1019 MA Acton MA 3:30p Linda linda@fpr.com F. 2000-1020 MA North Andover 6:3pm besewecme@aol.com S. 2000-1021 NH Nashua 10am Susan nutting@banet.net S. 2000-1021 NH Londonderry 2:30pm VRColonna@aol.com S. 2000-1022 MA Worcester Eileen rafferte@ummhc.org M. 2000-1023 MA Leicester 6pm Lynn LAChaput@aol.com T. 2000-1024 =R&R= W. 2000-1025 CT Canterbury 6:30pm Linda lin.die@erols.com R. 2000-1026 CT Marlborough 3:30pm lin.die@erols.com CT Hebron 7pm Linda lin.die@erols.com F. 2000-1027 MA Swansea 6pm Sue Troop1519@aol.com S. 2000-1028 MA Swansea 12n/2:30pm Sue Troop1519@aol.com S. 2000-1029 CT Wallingford Linda lin.die@erols.com M. 2000-1030 CT Bristol Linda lin.die@erols.com =travel to Frackville PA T. 2000-1031 =visit with family= ===================================================================== November 2000 ===================================================================== W. 2000-1101 PA Macungie 2:30/7pm terfinko@enter.net R. 2000-1102 NY/DE Newark/Wilmington 7pm Jagra@home.com F. 2000-1103 VALeesburg 5:30/8pm Tracy.Parlett@gte.net S. 2000-1104 WV Martinsburg 12n/6pm egarnitz_garnitz@yahoo.com S. 2000-1105 VA Winchester Penny Johnson1@shentel.net M. 2000-1106 MD Bowie 7pm Pat PAWS44@aol.com T. 2000-1107 VA Fort Defiance 6:30p Harristd@jmu.edu W. 2000-1108 VA Charlottesville 6:30p mb4q@virginia.edu R. 2000-1109 VA Palmyra 6:30p Regina rmm7e@virginia.edu ===================================================================== End of the Fall 2000 tour Lois JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com ===================================================================== F. 2000-1110 =travel to Louisville KY S. 2000-1111 KY Louisville Melissa mamorg@hotmail.com 9am/10:45am/1:15pm, then travel on to Dayton S. 2000-1112 =personal day in Dayton M. 2000-1113 OH Dayton 6pm Sarah_Kelly@BTgirlscouts.org T. 2000-1114 OH Dayton 5pm Sarah_Kelly@BTgirlscouts.org W. 2000-1115 OH Kettering 3:30p/7pm Homan09@aol.com R. 2000-1116 MI Dearborn Pam thelioness@provide.net F. 2000-1117 MI Farmington Hills Pam thelioness@provide.net S. 2000-1118 MI Walker 2pm Joanna_Hodges@amway.com S. 2000-1119 MI Walker 2pm Joanna_Hodges@amway.com M. 2000-1120 MI Farmington Hills Pam thelioness@provide.net T. 2000-1121 MI Howell W. 2000-1122 =traveled home in a snowstorm ===================================================================== December 2000 S. 12/02 Fenton MO ???Host ???Addy ===================================================================== ===================================================================== JANUARY 2001 =SOUTH CENTRAL= Lois JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com ===================================================================== M. 2001-0122 KY Owensboro Tina Tina.H.Baker@williams.com T. 2001-0123 KY Owensboro Dianne BowersTD@aol.com W. 2001-0124 KY Owensboro Tammy shylton@bellsouth.net R. 2001-0125 TN Nashville tobishouse@prodigy.net,donelson031@Hotmail F. 2001-0126 travel to Huntsville AL S. 2001-0127 AL Huntsville Debbie dragnz@mindspring.com S. 2001-0128 AL Geraldine Candy ctrichey@farmerstel.com M. 2001-0129 AL Fort Payne T. 2001-0130 AL Fort Payne Chrissy krystyne@tds.net W. 2001-0131 travel to W. Memphis AR R. 2001-0201 travel to Springdale AR F. 2001-0202 AR Springdale S. 2001-0203 AR Springdale SquirlyGirl@cox-internet.com S. 2001-0204 =traveled home, via I-44e and I-55 ===================================================================== MARCH 2001 =CHICAGO AREA= Lois JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com ===================================================================== W. 2001-0228 IL Oak Park Patt pcheney@oprfhs.org R. 2001-0301 IL Chicago =cancelled, icestorm= F. 2001-0302 IL Des Plaines Mary MAYBETH51@aol.com S. 2001-0303 IL Chicago =cancelled, 11" snowstorm= ===================================================================== MARCH 2001 =CALIFORNIA= Judy BZMOMX2@aol.com ===================================================================== S. 2001-0304 =flight from Chicago/Sacramento (car rental) M. 2001-0305 CA Sacramento Patty =cancelled= T. 2001-0306 CA Sacramento Patty Trisha1018@aol.com W. 2001-0307 =travel to San Francisco= R. 2001-0308 CA Santa Clara Jerie campi@prodigy.net F. 2001-0309 CA San Francisco Theresa chrisn@oceanvista.com S. 2001-0310 CA San Jose Fran miz_fran@earthlink.net S. 2001-0311 CA Big Sur Cindy Sealeeclan@aol.com M. 2001-0312 CA Santa Maria gstweetybird@aol.c/Donna Puffins@aol.c T. 2001-0313 CA Arroyo Granda gstweetybird@aol.c/Donna Puffins@aol.c W. 2001-0314 CA Santa Barbara gstweetybird@aol.c/Donna Puffins@aol.c R. 2001-0315 CA Simi Valley gstweetybird@aol.c/Donna Puffins@aol.c F. 2001-0316 CA Vent./Cam. gstweetybird@aol.c/Donna Puffins@aol.c S. 2001-0317 CA Victorville Shawna SMERB5@aol.com CA Apple Valley Erin RoxyChic12087@aol.com S. 2001-0318 CA Lancaster Michelle weluvnick@aol.com M. 2001-0319 CA Redlands =cancelled= T. 2001-0320 CA Pomona Valley Andrea andreagibbs@hotmail.com W. 2001-0321 CA Corona CReising@JPS.net R. 2001-0322 CA Laguna Hills =cancelled= F. 2001-0323 CA Long Beach Debbie oldtigger3@hotmail.com S. 2001-0324 CA Burbank/Tujunga Deb Kinnia@aol.com S. 2001-0325 CA North Hollywood Judy bzmomx2@aol.com M. 2001-0326 CA Valencia teamwerts@earthlink.net T. 2001-0327 =R&R= W. 2001-0328 =flight from Ontario to Phoenix AZ R. 2001-0329 AZ Phoenix JLDKMT@aol.com F. 2001-0330 =flight from Phoenix, St. Louis, to Lafayette LA S. 2001-0331 LA Lafayette Ann c/o AnnDeCuir@aol.com S. 2001-0401 =flight from Lafayette/St. Louis = Shuttle Home = ===================================================================== APRIL/MAY 2001 AL, then GA/SC/NC Mary mmoutray@bellsouth.net ===================================================================== M. 2001-0416 TRAVEL I-55, SOUTHWARD towards Memphis TN T. 2001-0417 Tupelo MS Kristy kmcguire@girlscoutsnems.org W. 2001-0418 SR 78 towards Birmingham AL?? R. 2001-0419 I-20 AL, to Helen Keller's home, then on to Atlanta GA F. 2001-0420 Atlanta GA Mary c/o mmoutray@bellsouth.net S. 2001-0421 Winder GA Mary c/o mmoutray@bellsouth.net S. 2001-0422 Lawrenceville GA Mary mmoutray@bellsouth.net M. 2001-0423 Cumming GA Beth ERanado@aol.com T. 2001-0424 Rome GA Debbie dchildress@girlscoutsnwga.org W. 2001-0425 Alpharetta GA Karen mmoutray@bellsouth.net R. 2001-0426 Decatur GA F. 2001-0427 TRAVEL to Greensboro NC S. 2001-0428 Greensboro NC kpearre@tarheeltriad.org S. 2001-0429 TarheelGSC Sharon swisell@tarheeltriad.org M. 2001-0430 travel T. 2001-0501 Barnwell SC Jane jmmoody@sc.tds.net W. 2001-0502 SAVANNAH GA [RESEARCH] R. 2001-0503 SAVANNAH GA [RESEARCH] F. 2001-0504 SAVANNAH GA [RESEARCH] S. 2001-0505 1st Nat.Hdqrtrs Savannah GA# (3) Jan McKinneyZoo@worldnet.att.net S. 2001-0506 Beaufort SC Cynthia jcjdd@islc.net M. 2001-0507 Charleston SC Gwen eduenas@home.com T. 2001-0508 Spartanburg SC Kathy pgsc@bellsouth.net W. 2001-0509 Lincolnton NC Blenda scout@vnet.net R. 2001-0510 Charlotte NC Barbara blaam@bellsouth.net F. 2001-0511 Mooreville NC Terri tlynpruett@aol.com S. 2001-0512 Roanoke VA HAWKEYECAMPS@aol.com S. 2001-0513 == M-O-T-H-E-R-S D-A-Y === M. 2001-0514 personal day T. 2001-0515 personal day W. 2001-0516 Pittsburgh area?? R. 2001-0517 Cleveland area?? F. 2001-0518 Sandusky/Toledo area?? ====================================================================== MAY 2001 MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net ====================================================================== S. 2001-0519=MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net S. 2001-0520=MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net M. 2001-0521=MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net T. 2001-0522=MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net W. 2001-0523=MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net R. 2001-0524=MICHIGAN Pam thelioness@provide.net I need the names of the cities [up-dated 01/15/01] ====================================================================== JUNE/JULY 2001 or 2002 DREAMER THAT I AM, MAYBE ALASKA ====================================================================== I WOULD LIKE TO DO THIS TOUR BY WAY OF A NORTHERN ROUTE THROUGH THE STATES WHERE THE WINTER WEATHER IS A CONCERN (the DAKOTAS, IDAHO, WYOMING, WASHINGTON and/or OREGON). ======================================================================= FALL TOUR 2001 CONNIE RayC@Manpower.usmc.mil ======================================================================= T. 2001-0911 Hammond IN PMCGEE@prodigy.net =CANCELLED,TERRORIST ATTACK= W. 2001-0912 Valparaiso IN Jamie SAMSON-@prodigy.net R. 2001-0913 South Bend IN Laura LewenRay@juno.com F. 2001-0914 Coldwater MI Cynthia cynthia_m_bailey@hotmail.com S. 2001-0915 Bowling Green OH Kim Kimstom@wcnet.org S. 2001-0916 personal day M. 2001-0917 Green Tree/Pittsburgh PA Lynn GSLynn@cs.com T. 2001-0918 =TRAVEL= W. 2001-0919 Erie PA Debbie hirtzel4@velocity.net R. 2001-0920 Niagara Falls NY Barbara wordsupply@yahoo.com F. 2001-0921 Niagara Falls NY Barbara wordsupply@yahoo.com S. 2001-0922 Niagara Falls NY Barbara wordsupply@yahoo.com S. 2001-0923 Albion NY Cindy Clonnen589@aol.com M. 2001-0924 =TRAVEL= Mexico NY =CANCELLED, terrorists attacks= T. 2001-0925 =TRAVEL= NY =CANCELLED, terrorists attacks= W. 2001-0926 Binghamton NY Eileen gsihc@stny.rr.com R. 2001-0927 Binghamton NY Eileen gsihc@stny.rr.com F. 2001-0928 Poughkeepsie NY Judy AKSJMom@aol.com S. 2001-0929 Rockaway N J Lesley granerjl@Hotmail.com S. 2001-0930 Mt. Tabor NJ Jane smith@brintoneaton.com M. 2001-1001 Raritan NJ Pat Pat.Harlow@triaton-na.com T. 2001-1002 Readington NJ Karen sweber@blast.net W. 2001-1003 Flemington NJ Evie Epipas@aol.com R. 2001-1004 Basking Ridge NJ Karen LindaTinnie@aol.com F. 2001-1005 Basking Ridge NJ Sonia sonialh@aol.com S. 2001-1006 Newtown PA Maria maria@supercharger.net S. 2001-1007 Visit with my family M. 2001-1008 Visit with my family T. 2001-1009 Visit with my family W. 2001-1010 Visit with my family R. 2001-1011 Macungie PA Beth Bethgolds@aol.com F. 2001-1012 Wilmington DE Jean jagra@home.com S. 2001-1013 Earleville MD Brenda Bren2Bear@aol.com S. 2001-1014 Elkton MD Brenda Bren2Bear@aol.com M. 2001-1015 Gambrills MD Patty plthomps@worldnet.att.net T. 2001-1016 Bowie MD Pat PAWS44@aol.com W. 2001-1017 Waldorf MD Terie Thynish@aol.com R. 2001-1018 Gaithersburg MD Mary mnwillett@aol.com F. 2001-1019 Herndon VA Nancy Nafw@aol.com S. 2001-1020 2pm Washington DC Patricia patjayne@yahoo.com S. 2001-1020 7pm Columbia MD Clarissa Clarissafe@aol.com S. 2001-1021 10am Triangle VA Becky IMLOUDMOM@aol.com S. 2001-1021 2pm Springfield VA =CANCELLED, terrorist attacks= M. 2001-1022 Richmond VA =CANCELLED, terrorist attacks= T. 2001-1023 Charlottesville VA MaryBeth mb4q@virginia.edu W. 2001-1024 Lynchburg VA Jan graymalkin@lynchburg.net R. 2001-1025 Dublin VA Sindi sindilambert@juno.com F. 2001-1026 Middletown VA Penny johnson1@shentel.net S. 2001-1027 Martinsburg WV Earlene egarnitz_garnitz@yahoo.com S. 2001-1028 Martinsburg WV Earlene egarnitz_garnitz@yahoo.com M. 2001-1029 Morgantown WV Cathi CathiBrown@aol.com T. 2001-1030 Parkersburg WV Sarah Sarah.Turner@bdgsc.org ======================================================================= CT COUNCIL 2001 Linda lin.die@erols.com ======================================================================= W. 2001-1031 [AM FLIGHT CHARLESTON WV/HARTFORD CT]** R. 2001-1101 NEW LONDON CT Linda lin.die@erols.com F. 2001-1102 MIDDLETOWN CT Linda lin.die@erols.com S. 2001-1103 TOLLAND CT Linda lin.die@erols.com S. 2001-1104 GRANBY CT Linda lin.die@erols.com [car rental] M. 2001-1105 Presque Isle ME Kathy KWILTR2@yahoo.com T. 2001-1106 Lincoln ME Susan custisgs@onperfect.com W. 2001-1107 Kingfield ME Tracy bessey@tdstelme.net R. 2001-1108 Hampton NH Robin rreid@plumriver.com F. 2001-1109 [AM FLIGHT HARTFORD CT/CHARLESTON WV]** F. 2001-1109 Dunbar WV Sarah Sarah.Turner@bdgsc.org S. 2001-1110 Westerville OH magddis@scoutinglinks.com S. 2001-1111 Celina OH Tammy heibyt@bright.net M. 2001-1112 Daleville IN Christy 219cmbrooks4222@cs.com (On I-65, a deer hit the back rear door of Lois' car.) T. 2001-1113 Indianapolis IN Susan gshcc343@juno.com W. 2001-1114 Indianapolis IN Susan gshcc343@juno.com R. 2001-1115 Beach Grove IN Susan gshcc343@juno.com F. 2001-1116 Beach Grove IN Susan gshcc343@juno.com =CANCELLED, ill= S. 2001-1117 Beach Grove IN Susan gshcc343@juno.com S. 2001-1118 Beach Grove IN Susan gshcc343@juno.com My sincere thanks to Susan for helping me to get ready for these programs, driving me to/from the programs, and bringing my meals to me at the motel and so much more. Thanks, Susan!! I really mean it...I could not have finished all your programs without your help. You went above and beyond the all of duty and I will never forget your many kindnesses. M. 2001-1119 Bloomington IN [terri@tuliptrace.org] =CANCELLED, ill= T. 2001-1120 Decatur IL [aabmom3@aol.com] =CANCELLED, ill= I am so sorry that I had to cancel these programs but I could not physically take care of myself. I needed to get home for medical attention. Please accept my apologies. In Scouting Love, Lois ======================================================================= AFTER A SHORT SPRING TOUR 2002.....NO MORE TOURS ======================================================================= M. 2002-0408 KANKAKEE IL Debbie bddodt@keynet.net F. 2002-0412 Belvidere IL Gloria GlrJones@aol.com S. 2002-0413 Hartford WI Kathy buchanan@nconnect.net S. 2002-0414 Green Bay WI Mary mary3050@go.com M. 2002-0415 Monmouth IL Kris breckon@gallatinriver.net T. 2002-0416 Moline IL Cynthia BowenCynthiaJ@JohnDeere.com W. 2002-0417 Moline IL Cynthia BowenCynthiaJ@JohnDeere.com T. 2002-0418 westward on I-80, towards Fort Dodge IA F. 2002-0419 Fort Dodge IA Dianna DBoleyn@frontiernet.net S. 2002-0420 Fort Dodge IA Dianna DBoleyn@frontiernet.net If you have read up to this point...Thank You!! Thank you for your interest in and support of Juliette On Tour. My sincere appreciation to all those who made these programs possible. Special appreciation to all of the co-ordinators within their regions. Together, we made some beautiful memories. Each memory has brought a smile to my face and much joy to my heart. Please pray for a swift recovery so I can once again bring the life and times of Juliette to the Girl Scouts. Thank you for your interest in Juliette On Tour and for supporting me during the BEST of days and now through my recovery. * * * * * * From 2000 to 2001, Lois often told her doctor, "I don't feel sick. I just don't feel right." While on her tours, she frequently went to medical facilities along the way and was treated for a series of complaints. In November 2001, she began taking Vioxx (and later) Celebrex to control pain/swelling/weakness. Upon her return home, she was hospitalized and she was diagnosed with TIA, an enlarged liver with high emzymes, and "an unknown auto-immune disorder". (We now know that she was suffering from the 'side-effects' of Baycol which was taken off the market in August 2001 and her condition was further compromised with the use of the Vioxx and the Celebrex.) Now you might be asking yourself, why in the world would she put something like this on this website....BECAUSE she wants you to be aware and careful when taking drugs, especially prescribed drugs, because they can be harmful and they can even kill you. Let her experience be your guide. If you know of someone who is taking statins for high cholesterol, be watchful. If that person experiences joint pain, muscle weakness, swelling and pain, tell them to get a blood test that will test the liver and its enzymes levels. You will save them from the heartache of pain and possibly permanent damage. She believes in guardian angels! Her guardian angel was watching over her. Maybe, just maybe it was = = J U L I E T T E = = Currently, Lois is planning some individual programs for the Spring 2006. She will be in New Bern NC area in May, after Mother's Day. If all goes well, if she has the strength and the stamina to get through the program, then she hopes to schedule week long tours in the Fall 2006 in celebration of the 95th anniversary of the Girl Scouts USA. Wish me luck!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!! Lois 'aka' Juliette contact me at: JulietteOnTour@Hotmail.com Remember, the Interest Link is not working.